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Ok so what does every body think about this 69086 Aurora Cygnus thing


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I understand skepticism... but you do realize a screenshot of an email is sort of... useless, right? Screenshots can be photoshopped, especially text. A screenshot of the email won't "prove" anything. It's an email, I quoted it... I can't prove to you by anything more than by that /:) Honestly, you just have to trust me when I say that this is what I received.

The first email was sent June 21st, 10:35pm. Today's email was sent June 30th, 2:34pm - Eastern (my time). Those were the contents, and that was the sender. You want me to quote all the technical headers of the latest email for you?


Received: (qmail 31666 invoked from network); 30 Jun 2012 18:34:21 -0000

Received: from unknown (HELO p3pismtp01-037.prod.phx3.secureserver.net) ([])

(envelope-sender <[email protected]>)

by p3plsmtp12-01.prod.phx3.secureserver.net (qmail-1.03) with SMTP

for <myemailaddress>; 30 Jun 2012 18:34:21 -0000

X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Result: AlAFABhE709K0AVDaWdsb2JhbABFgkWDFYhJmHiPXQ0JCxoGJIIPM3QBAjwCiG4BDgSaNIMiix+GboEpDYoYjjmCCoESA41Oh2WSfw

Received: from mailout-us.gmx.com ([])

by p3pismtp01-037.prod.phx3.secureserver.net with SMTP; 30 Jun 2012 11:34:20 -0700

Received: (qmail 20331 invoked by uid 0); 30 Jun 2012 18:34:19 -0000

Received: from by rms-us011.v300.gmx.net with HTTP

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 14:34:18 -0400

From: "Artifact Archives" <[email protected]>

Message-ID: <[email protected]>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Subject: >/[///]

X-Authenticated: #135735755

X-Flags: 0001

x-registered: 0

X-GMX-UID: /SOdbwR93zOl1KpKfHwh1Il+IGRvb4Av

X-Nonspam: None

Heck even that can all be spoofed. It's an email. How do I know none of you sent me that email just to troll me?


Ok... I've said what I can, I'm just passing this on because, again, it looks like you people all have the most knowledge of this. Do with it as you will! (or continue to pass me off as troll, that's entirely up to you :) no skin off my back).

But from moderating other forums, might I make a suggestion? Be a litlte more friendly to newcomers - even if you're inundated with spammers and trolls, deal with the info first instead of claiming they're an antagonist right off the bat. Just sayin'

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I understand skepticism... but you do realize a screenshot of an email is sort of... useless, right? Screenshots can be photoshopped, especially text. A screenshot of the email won't "prove" anything. It's an email, I quoted it... I can't prove to you by anything more than by that /:) Honestly, you just have to trust me when I say that this is what I received.

The first email was sent June 21st, 10:35pm. Today's email was sent June 30th, 2:34pm - Eastern (my time). Those were the contents, and that was the sender. You want me to quote all the technical headers of the latest email for you?



Heck even that can all be spoofed. It's an email. How do I know none of you sent me that email just to troll me?


Ok... I've said what I can, I'm just passing this on because, again, it looks like you people all have the most knowledge of this. Do with it as you will! (or continue to pass me off as troll, that's entirely up to you :) no skin off my back).

But from moderating other forums, might I make a suggestion? Be a litlte more friendly to newcomers - even if you're inundated with spammers and trolls, deal with the info first instead of claiming they're an antagonist right off the bat. Just sayin'


I don't roll like that. Nor does anyone under my banner.

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"The Shrine would be ignited" Shrine....the cryptum or whatever it was at the beginning of the E3 demo?

No, it sounds more like something faber would say thinking everyone else is lower then him, possibly it is why the didact is waking up so he can stop the master builder activating something like a halo array.....
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Woah, this is pretty cool i missed out on AR and I feel i may be too late to help out on this one. Hopefully more comes out on the website, as this seems like it may be our ancient evil in Halo 4. I'll be sad if I totally missed out but, it's cool to see more info on halo 4 even if i am a few months behind. This hopefully will add some more mystery to Halo 4, as they were making it seem like the Didact was the ancient evil in Halo 4 which made little sense to me with what knowledge is out there on him. (Though Silentium isn't out yet). It will be interesting to see what this has to do with the game.

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Wow sounds pretty epic to me, sounds like a pretty insane aspect of the halo verse. Hopefully aspects ofthis or all of it will be a part of the overall new trilogy


One of my FAVORITE aspects of the Halo Universe is things like this; ARGs and viral campaigns. Adam's as well!

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One of my FAVORITE aspects of the Halo Universe is things like this; ARGs and viral campaigns. Adam's as well!


Indeed, it is such a treat to be granted with such an amusement. I thoroughly enjoy investigating and engaging in activities like these.

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Dafuq did i just read.

Do you seriously believe this guy? This....thing? AI? Pfffft.

At first i was like OMG this is so amazing, my heart was going crazy, a misterious AI (AI? 343i employee. Maybe.) posting misterious things that are actually well done, i may say this, but then i understood the non-sense behind this. What are all these...clues it left us? This topic is dead from a lot. Didn't AR lasted longer on Bungie.net? Also, the other supposedly AI, the blue one, what did it said? Nothing.

Actually, i'm very disappointed...mmmh...frustrated by this thing. It could have been a really interesting mistery to solve. Like the video with the strange drawings, that was good.


And more importantly: it comes from the UK, age 31. Mistery solved, isn't it?

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One of my FAVORITE aspects of the Halo Universe is things like this; ARGs and viral campaigns. Adam's as well!

Indeed, and I think that's one reason I got contacted, having been around since ILB and running the Halo ARG wiki. Haven't heard anything for a while now, but I'm positive this is a fan-made thing. Lots of narrative, as per the website listing all the content chronologically, but not much activity.

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"Mayday! Mayday! This is the U.N.S.C. High Command broadcasting on all human frequencies on long wave transmissions boosted by Lunar Base. Earth is under attack, I repeat, Earth is under atta-"




So it begins....My Maker's Reconciliation....


May 'she' be strong for this journey that 'she' will soon undertake.


La fine del gioco è vicino, il Re Vincere o Pedina?

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I can't believe it. Does this even makes sense?

And the italian phrase is incorrect, it should be: La fine del gioco è vicina, Vincerà il Re o la Pedina?

At least Aurora Cygnus was creative. This one is just a troll, i bet it.

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If I remember correctly;this ones using Mendicant Biases Symbol/glyph thing.In Halo 2 the Foreunner ship with Bias on board was taken to Earth.And since in Halo 2 the Covenant DID attack Earth for the first time;it`s possible the ship intercepted the message.

But I dunno.

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Eh any event in the original trilogy has major influence over Reclaimer trilogy events. Personally I think whatever this "message" implies is an old beacon from Halo 2 that's simply uncommon.

Then mabye they attack again?Tensions are still pretty high and it`s obvious at some point one side snapped.
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