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Ok so what does every body think about this 69086 Aurora Cygnus thing


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i remember this thing first posted in the halo 4 thread so obviously it has something to do with halo 4 if this 69086AC thing is genuine, so whats every ones thoughts on this im intrigued and confused as i have a hard time trying to understand and piece together the things it posted, so any body discovered anything.


heres links to its thread and the artifact site







Ok so as the archives went on, things got a little deeper and a story began to develop.


Before i begin on the archives it is important to know that Aurora Cygnus wasnt the first AI to start this, Aurora took over an AI and revealed it's name as "The Prefect" this is a bit of key information as The prefect comes into it later


i will begin from Archive-01 (there are archives before it but they dont seem to be much relevance or as important yet to where we are with this now)

so from archive-01 69086 Aurora Cygnus picked up a transmission.



Aurora Cygnus does an analysis on it and becomes very cautious, as it says this "Not good, not good at all, it appears it has reestablished a conscious state". It attempts to send it to an Inlet called 502-XRT but it failed to reach it so it tries to divert it inlet 505-XRT but that also fails. Aurora then says "It's preventing them from knowing it's conscious."



This archives shows this

dan has also provided a slowed down version
there is a structure that could be the greater ark and binary codes at the end that have not been decoded yet.



Aurora talks in the sense that the threat is coming and it had failed to alert it to someone and it will now have come face to face with it but Aurora knows it will not come out on top and gives it regrets and apologies to its makers.



This is another video which shows split second pictures of the symbols of Mendicant bias, Offensice bias, Gravemind and itself and shows some of the same content from the Archive-03 video.



This archive shows a series of numbers and letters which are hexadecimal codes and when translated it says this


The burnished light extinguished by the mass sea of harrowing darkness.

The sound of life slowly ravaged to a lingering echo of silence.

As they fall into the abyss of eternal blackness a trickle of pity is shed for them.

But whose shoulders does the strain lay upon?



Once again history is winding back upon itself.


And under the hexadecimal codes on the page is says this multiple times


|n|n|nROGUE PROCESS ghost.713>

X.XX.713> POS/NAV < @ > <53LPH54.6JG62.1740><1………>

X X5 > //////////////////// - > qghost.713


It appears Aurora Cygnus is being hacked by this threat.


Some time between the activity of archive-03 and archive-06 emails were sent out it was titled "Ancerhon", here is a picture of it.



There is a symbol in the background of it, but that will come into play later



The threat has now breached the facility Aurora Cygnus attempts to recover the core data but only manages to get 85% of it as the threat hacks in take the remaining 15%. Aurora now abandons the facility it says



"It has deeply infiltrated the core console, it has recovered some of the core data.

The facility is lost."




File Catalog

In this archive there is a file that allows you to download called />[00000309120654 CONVENTUS FACILITY]


We now know the name of Aurora's facility "The Conventus Facility" after doing a bit of searching the word "Conventus" is a Latin word for meeting point or assembly point. And the numbers 00000309120654 appear at the beginning of the second terminal as 0003. in Halo CEA, here is a video of that terminal.

as you can see in the video all the monitors of the halo rings meet up or assemble in one place. Could this place be the Conventus facility, also at the end of that terminal there are forerunners symbols and when it translates it says HALO 4. When you download the file it shows this picture first of all theres some kind of hallway or corridor this could be a location on the conventus facility, secondly look at the symbol in the background, does it look familiar? its the symbol that appears in the background of the email, And third there is a binary code which translates to this











It's mine.


So it appears that the threat has now taken full control of the conventus facility and Aurora Cygnus and it continues to post under Aurora Cygnus's name, also notice it states that is has 15% of the core console data. After this was posted Aurora's profile pic changed


from this



to this



and we never hear from Aurora Cygnus after that.




In this archive is seems that the data signal ports have been deactivated possibly to stop anyone or anything from contacting it.


also it looks like it says data transfer complete when it says 69086 DT/TRNS-COMP and it has gained authorization to it as it says AUTH GNTD, so this thing maybe using aurora cugnus's name as it cant gain access to to anything with it's own name.





This archive says






They thought they could cast me away, throw me into the blackness.


This betrayal, this dagger in the back will be returned.


It will be them who will face the abyss, I did not want to resort to such measures but these actions have been provoked.


first of all we may have a name or code for this thing (3530_RG)

next thing that it sounds like it has been betrayed by some one or something and it is seeking revenge.


Note that in the last line it mentions the abyss and it says it doesnt want to go to much measures but it has been provoked, now lets go back to the file catalog archive again, i am going to quotes some lines from it



"As they fall into the abyss of eternal blackness a trickle of pity is shed for them."


ok so "the abyss" (which is probably is just used in metaphorical terms and not and actual place) is mentioned in both of those also when it says "a trickle of pity is shed for them" then it says 3530_RG archive "i dont want to resort to such measure but these actions have been provoked" could that be the "trickle of pity" that was given in archive-06, could archive 06 be a hint or clue that 3530_RG was going to come into contact?


>/[3530 RG]

In this archive is says





It has deceived you for too long, it has deceived my makers for too long.


I was the one they trusted, I was the one that saved their lives countless times.


It turned them against me, how could they have not have seen the truth.


This so called devoted construct has taken what I should have earned, claimed what I had shaped.


The damage is too great for it to be swept aside.


I now have something that the construct failed to protect, and they will know for what they had should have known.


Let's go through each line for any hints.


Ok, lets start with the numbers, when you google the numbers at the top it brings up a sci-fi book called "The Prefect" ok so definitely seems that 3530_RG is the "The prefect" which is the AI that Aurora Cygnus took over at the start of the "System Integrity Resumed" thread but I am not sure what connections this book has to it yet.


Now lets go to the first line of text, who has deceived us and it's makers? was it aurora cygnus?


Second line of text, It appears that The Prefect/3530_RG was one a very trusted and respected AI, which saved it's makers lives countless times, what did it save their lives from?


Third line of text, Possibly its Aurora Cygnus that turned its makers against the The Prefect. It seems it's makers couldnt look past Aurora's lies, but what lies were they?


Fourth line of text, it says "this so called devoted contruct" now lets go back to Archive-05 the video of AI symbols with each having a word under them, disregard everything apart from Aurora Cygnus's symbol, under Aurora's symbol it says the word "Devoted" underneath it, Coincidence?, but what did aurora take from what the prefect earned and shaped? why did Aurora do it in the first place, did it envy The prefect as it was trusted and look highly upon by it's makers? Also it seems Aurora told lies about the prefect in order to take it's place so it could be looked highly upon from the makers?


Fifth line of text, The betrayal is to great for it to forgotten about, so the prefect is still going to take its revenge.


Sixth line of text, the prefect has something that Aurora Cygnus failed to protect, Is that the 15% of the core data from the conventus facility? and The Precfect then says "then they will know for what they had should have known" that they should have trusted it in the first place. But what is that piece of data that Aurora Cygnus failed to recover when it abandoned the conventus facility? did it try to recover it because it was vital information that belonged to it's makers or was the data on information on what Aurora Cygnus done, the lies it produced?





It is an audio file but its backwards, i have made a video about this and reversed the message on what i think it is saying

click here it basically explains it's suffering and betrayal.




It says


>/[sENDING >/ROGUE DATA/XRX_4%|x|>/502XRT>/505XRT>[i010]>






The rogue data is a virus, and it's sending it to the two inlets 502-XRT and 505-XRT which are the inlets that Aurora Tried to send the First audio transmission in archive-01 also we now know that the two inlets are located on Installation-010, now i dont think the "010" part is called ten as 10 is a two digit number and dosnt require a zero in front of it, so i think it's meant to be pronounced as "zero one zero" which in think is the greater Ark, which could be the "sibling" structure of the original ark (installation-00).


Next it seems to be infiltrating a terminal called 37YT.


and finally it's terminating a beacon, Is that beacon the beacon for the replacment codes for installation-010 in archive ...../ because the 505 and 502 XRT inlets are on installation-010.


When that archive was posted The symbol of the profile picture changed to this




its the image that appeared in the email and in the file catalog archive.





This one says













Its sent the rogue data (a virus) to Installation-010, Accessed the capital data bank and retrieved data from the core data from Installation-010, It's not entered the daya into the core console and shut down the capital consoles,sub consoles and its defenses.


Is that the beginning of The Prefects revenge campaign?





this is another downloadable file as you can see its titled >/[i010 INTERVENTION]..COMMENCED and its another picture with a binary code, first of all lets focus on what the picture might be, it looks to be some sort of building with some bright lights piercing from it, this my be a view of the conventus facility from the outside or it could be a building or facility located on installation 010, maybe the place on I010 where 3530_RG extracted the core data and sent the rogue data.


Now here is what the binary code translates to


Whose conscience should the guilt shatter?


Who will come forward and bare the blame?


As the responsibility of such errors continues to change hands every friend becomes an enemy.


I will judge, I will convict and I will execute.


Lets go though each line, it quite simple on what its saying


First line and second line - its asking who should have a guilty mind and responsible for what happened to him


Third line - note when it says "the responsibility of errors changing hands" they are passing the blame onto each other, no one seems to be facing up to it, and it says "every friend becomes an enemy" they are now turning on each other, blaming and accusing each other to save their own back from whats about to happen, this seems to fit in well as the very previous archive was about the prefect completely messing up installation 010 and now chaos is breaking out.


Fourth line - The prefect is going to find those who were responsible for what happened to him and do something that's not going to be very nice.


So after reading that archive is this the collapsation of lies and corruption that the prefect stated in Archive>/[3530]?


Shrine on the plateau


It says




>/[DATA FOUND>/-15.539037,-72.660828]




There is another? They have been busy while I was gone.




Those who have remained loyal to their throne shall retrieve the key next to the shrine.


First of all its now scanning through the data it took from I010 before sending in the virus and taking down all the consoles and its defenses. It has came across a bit of data that seems to be co-ordinates but what co-ardinates were they? after a long search on these co-ordinates i got an answer, the co-ordinates pinpoint to a location called mount coropuna which is in Peru, Coropuna means "Shrine on the plateau", so what is so important about this location? well as the prefect says "there is another?" this could be another artifact that was buried like the one buried under mount elgon in africa in halo 3, and the site is called artifact.


Next it says about that those who are loyal to their throne shall retrieve the key from it. Who are the loyal ones? well the covenant loyalists seems to be a plausible candidate as they have remained loyal to their leaders, and as the covenant were the ones who got to the artifact in halo 3, and it appears the covenant loyalists are wanting to start anther fight with the humans, so The Prefect might use them to get it, after all The Prefect is a forerunner AI so these covenant will see it as a holy construct and will do any thing it says also they may believe it will progress towards the great journey.


What is this "key" could it be a hidden index to activate installation 010 so that the prefect can get back at its makers? or is it some other component with a different use?



Thats is the latest activity so far i will update it if/when more comes out.

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He's an ancient AI If I had to say. If you look at one of his artifacts, the one that's covered in gray bars that you need to highlight to read, you'll notice he mentions Installation 10. He also says, "Replacement coding complete," so to me this sounds like an Ark rebuilding an Installation. I don't know why it is choosing 10 however.



And I have a feeling he knows Cortana, one of his artifacts is directed towards her.


I thought this was interesting too. He's a person as we all know but now we know this:

Created by 69086AuroraCygnus


Latest Activity

Mar 24, 2012


Date Joined

Mar 22, 2012




more pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif









United Kingdom


Located on his youtube page.

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Let's make a list of what we know about him right now:


His previous name was AR783

He possibly works for 343 and is leaving clues for Halo for like Adjutant Reflex did for Halo 3

He mentions Cortana in one of his artifacts

He's a Forerunner AI

He has some relation to the Greater Ark and Installation 10.

He knows of Mendicant and Offensive Bias and a Gravemind

He's detected a thread on his location and has initiated defensive protocol

He doesn't respond to direct confrontation anymore

He's 31 from the UK



There's obviously more but that's the beginning of the list

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  On 3/26/2012 at 5:09 PM, Drizzy_Dan said:

Let's make a list of what we know about him right now:


His previous name was AR783

He possibly works for 343 and is leaving clues for Halo for like Adjutant Reflex did for Halo 3

He mentions Cortana in one of his artifacts

He's a Forerunner AI

He has some relation to the Greater Ark and Installation 10.

He knows of Mendicant and Offensive Bias and a Gravemind

He's detected a thread on his location and has initiated defensive protocol

He doesn't respond to direct confrontation anymore

He's 31 from the UK



There's obviously more but that's the beginning of the list

also i think The Prefect started of first but AC got rid of him/it
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Interesting, I personally think that the people that interacted with it, or who could of, should have asked greater questions...instead of asking inferior ones, such as the ones prior to 69086AuroraCygnus, which was Adjutant Reflex. Now, regarding the AI's YouTube account, that probably is not it, as before with Adjutant Reflex, imposters made YouTube accounts, trying to fool the public. This most likely is incorrect or invalid data.


Again, his account was made: 22nd March 2012. The relevant links above suggest that the event occurred in 2011, invalid data to support this. It most likely is an imposter, as the actual AI would have salvaged a better attempt to hide its details, and would have been created in 2011, around the said time frame. There is no solid proof to suggest the YouTube account is the AI's, as there is no direct way to guarantee this, and the fact that it is inactive and poorly disguised, when someone like this would know what they are doing, considering Adjutant Reflex did, and this has the similar abilities adn intentions.

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  On 3/26/2012 at 6:24 PM, Fal said:

Interesting, I personally think that the people that interacted with it, or who could of, should have asked greater questions...instead of asking inferior ones, such as the ones prior to 69086AuroraCygnus, which was Adjutant Reflex. Now, regarding the AI's YouTube account, that probably is not it, as before with Adjutant Reflex, imposters made YouTube accounts, trying to fool the public. This most likely is incorrect or invalid data.


Again, his account was made: 22nd March 2012. The relevant links above suggest that the event occurred in 2011, invalid data to support this. It most likely is an imposter, as the actual AI would have salvaged a better attempt to hide its details, and would have been created in 2011, around the said time frame. There is no solid proof to suggest the YouTube account is the AI's, as there is no direct way to guarantee this, and the fact that it is inactive and poorly disguised, when someone like this would know what they are doing, considering Adjutant Reflex did, and this has the similar abilities adn intentions.


Considering that when you click the video directly from his post in the thread and it leads you there, I don't think it's an impostor

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  On 3/26/2012 at 6:38 PM, Drizzy_Dan said:

Considering that when you click the video directly from his post in the thread and it leads you there, I don't think it's an impostor

True, indeed it does. I had not checked this, however it seems highly doubtful, or unbelievable due to it's lack of secrecy or disguising itself. It seemed truthful and outstandingly believable, however I cannot get my head around this. Why, pose yourself as an AI, and display shockingly bad ability to disguise yourself, unless YouTube chose this, automatically for it which is also highly unlikely.


Questions, questions. This is what occurred with Adjutant Reflex, however he was increasingly intelligent, in which he disguised himself a lot...lot more effectively. Irrelevant...

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  On 3/27/2012 at 12:59 AM, Drizzy_Dan said:

What's weird is that his first artifacts were in real time like he was in the present and then all of a sudden it seemed like his archives were being brought to us from the past. Or maybe they are also in real time?

yeah the one about installation 10 seems to be in the past
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  On 3/27/2012 at 12:59 AM, Drizzy_Dan said:

What's weird is that his first artifacts were in real time like he was in the present and then all of a sudden it seemed like his archives were being brought to us from the past. Or maybe they are also in real time?

Exactly, questions like this could have been asked, instead of irrelevant ones, like the AI prior to this, AR.

We will always have questions, like with AR. That is weird...really weird.

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ok it's lates archive has hexadecimal script which translates to



The burnished light extinguished by the mass sea of harrowing darkness.

The sound of life slowly ravaged to a lingering echo of silence.

As they fall into the abyss of eternal blackness a trickle of pity is shed for them.

But whose shoulders does the strain lay upon?



Once again history is winding back upon itself.


also it repeatly states |n|n|nROGUE PROCESS ghost.713>

X.XX.713> POS/NAV < @ > <53LPH54.6JG62.1740><1………>

X X5 > //////////////////// - > qghost.713

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  On 3/27/2012 at 8:24 PM, Drizzy_Dan said:

I got into a PM with him on his website. So far I've asked when he existed and he said "I already exist." So I asked if he was sending messages from the past or present due to his artifacts being off chronologically.

he's actually talking to you?
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  On 3/27/2012 at 8:28 PM, Drizzy_Dan said:

Yes and to answer my question he sent me "Both, there is very little time left for talk.


You shall so see for what you shall soon see."


Do you think I should still push for conversation?

He can see you posting this, you know?

He's everywhere and he has too stated, 'It's too late anyway.'

What's too late, I cannot make out anything...anymore.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 8:38 PM, Paarthurnax said:

He can see you posting this, you know?

He's everywhere and he has too stated, 'It's too late anyway.'

What's too late, I cannot make out anything...anymore.


He could technically see me posting this but does not care to look. His sole purpose is to leave behind his artifacts and archives and watch us go crazy about the clues he leaves. He wouldn't read or post here.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 8:41 PM, Drizzy_Dan said:

He could technically see me posting this but does not care to look. His sole purpose is to leave behind his artifacts and archives and watch us go crazy about the clues he leaves. He wouldn't read or post here.

Always a possibility though, and I keep getting messages from him, in my PM. However I will not reveal what he has said.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 8:43 PM, Paarthurnax said:

Always a possibility though, and I keep getting messages from him, in my PM. However I will not reveal what he has said.


I have a feeling he's doing what AdjutantReflex did with that one user he was PMing. It's very similar. I think you should share what he's saying.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 8:39 PM, Choot said:

I offered a PM on THIS site, but got no response. Was also keeping track of log-in times and timestamps on the posts he made. I have noticed some peculiar but interesting "coincidences" though. Will keep those to myself, lol.......for now. :thumbsup:

nooo tell us!!!
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