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Ok so what does every body think about this 69086 Aurora Cygnus thing


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adam do you think Mendicant Bias can be involved in this because of the ghost.713 rogue process occuring in AC? It's the same one that happened to Adjutant Reflex.

im not sure i think MB is actually still active but it has repented, it is sorry for what it done and helps Master Chief in the halo 3 terminals as away of saying sorry and to redeem its self , so i cant see it turning against a fellow AI again
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here is MB


|n|n|nROGUE PROCESS ghost.713>

X.XX.713> POS/NAV < @ > <53LPH54.6JG62.1740><1………>



here is the one in AC's archive


|n|n|nROGUE PROCESS ghost.713>

X.XX.713> POS/NAV < @ > <53LPH54.6JG62.1740><1………>

X X5 > //////////////////// - > qghost.713


theres a difference, notice were it says "confirm secure quarantine" in the first one, but in AC's it just has slashes, that looks like a bit of data has been hacked or erased, but i cant seem to understand it.

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i hate it when i miss the action :(

yea drizzy thought the same thing when i read it, im going to read glasslands again to get more information out of the dyson sphere their on and relate it and also look for clues about infinity and that other stuffs

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Alright with the release date revealed today to be November 6, 2012 what does that mean for this?:




The countdown to November 27, 2012.


BS Angel explained slightly what the significance was of November 6th in Halo history but what does November 27th have to do with it?


Edit: One thing I just picked up on while looking at that artifact. In the upper right it says "Contact I010." I'm assuming I010 means Installation 010 so could this countdown be counting down to when John hits Installation 10? Is Installation 10 the Greater Ark? Do I ask too many questions that no one knows the answers to?

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Frankie said no flood.


I want to punch a wall right about now. My entire theory was the flood. I shall ponder some more now.

frankie said that we will not be fighting the flood, but id does not say they will not have a huge role in the story and they they're may be non violent confrontations with the flood.

Mabye the date november 27th could have to do with the spartan ops starting date or something like that, but now that i think about it Nov 27 does sound familiar like I read it in one of the books

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God good lord. This is very intrigueing..I'm a bit late. But this seems like too much to handle..


Is this AI real? Is the other a real as well..This has my tongue tied. I want to get to the bottom of it. I will help in anyway.


I think it could be hints for us in halo 4. And or future gaming for the halo series.

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How long has this aurora cyngus this been around?..


In other forums..it started in September of last year..yet this was recent. Does this AI only give out relevant information to good or progressing forums? Does it want someone to did it out..ughh my mind is boggling wether it's real or fake..

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Can you or someone who is caught up with the information. Reply with a what we already know thing. How much do we know so far in bullets. Maybe post what we are trying to figure out.


The more I know. The more I or others can contribute.

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This AI hasnt replied since April 3rd. If it plans too it must be soon. If not..it has given us all the clues and wonders it can. What are we missing..does this relate to the didact?


It seems to be talking about the future..not the present. So it could be possibly talking about the future halo series..since all our speculation of the flood was turned down by frank. In halo 4 atleast..

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Can you or someone who is caught up with the information. Reply with a what we already know thing. How much do we know so far in bullets. Maybe post what we are trying to figure out.


The more I know. The more I or others can contribute.

theres a nine minute video someone made that pretty much will get you caught up with all of this, i think its on page ten on this topic
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frankie said that we will not be fighting the flood, but id does not say they will not have a huge role in the story and they they're may be non violent confrontations with the flood.

Mabye the date november 27th could have to do with the spartan ops starting date or something like that, but now that i think about it Nov 27 does sound familiar like I read it in one of the books


Flood in spartan ops? That would be awesome

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Here's the PMs between me and AC on his personal website:


Me: When do you exist?

AC: I already exist.


Me: Your artifacts and archives skip in chronology. Are you in the present or sending messages from the past?

AC: Both, there is very little time left for talk.


You shall so see for what you shall soon see.


AC:Showing signs of rampancy nothing much to worry about, it's expected at this stage, small errors may occur in my communications.


Me: I'm grateful for the responses. I look forward to more of your artifacts.



Me: You sound like rampancy is being caused by time rather than comprimise by the infestation.

AC: You show a respectable level of intelligence not like some of the others I came into contact with, but I never mentioned anything about an infestation but then again....


Me: I do not know much but I know you do and you can tell me, or guide me in the direction of knowing, more. Mentioning The Infestation or not, that is irrelevant; it's an inference I have came up with.



Me: I'm requesting permission to view http://artifact.at.ua/index/31

AC: Request denied, for now.

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/[RMP]/....</> : could stand for "Rampancy"; acronyms of significance

  1. Remote Maintenace Protocol
  2. Receive Message Processor
  3. Rapid Message Processor


>/[CONVENTUS FACILITY DATA/SIG-PORT..>/DEACTIVATED] .....Facility data port deactivated; installation 10??



>/[69086 DT/TRNS-COMP..AUTH GNTD^‰] .....Data transmission complete; Authorization granted









///>|n|<%>|x|VA_C>/ ......?????



<743K250Z.......11....................>.....????? Acess code of some sort??







>/...VAU<@>........<@>/.........seached acronyms for "VAU", two of signigicance -

  1. Virtual Assistance U
  2. VMS (Virtual Memory System) Audio Update (podcast) - this sounds like it could be it.....

All I have for now.....

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Went to Command Prompt with "///>|n|<%>|x|VA_C>/ " and got " : was unexpected at this time". Didn't expect to get much but was worth a try.


Can anyone here translate Morse code?? Replayed archive video and at the end sounds to be Morse code. Distress call or warning perhaps?? Exact translation could be significant. Could be a clue we've missed....

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Here's the PMs between me and AC on his personal website:


Me: When do you exist?

AC: I already exist.


Me: Your artifacts and archives skip in chronology. Are you in the present or sending messages from the past?

AC: Both, there is very little time left for talk.


You shall so see for what you shall soon see.


AC:Showing signs of rampancy nothing much to worry about, it's expected at this stage, small errors may occur in my communications.


Me: I'm grateful for the responses. I look forward to more of your artifacts.



Me: You sound like rampancy is being caused by time rather than comprimise by the infestation.

AC: You show a respectable level of intelligence not like some of the others I came into contact with, but I never mentioned anything about an infestation but then again....


Me: I do not know much but I know you do and you can tell me, or guide me in the direction of knowing, more. Mentioning The Infestation or not, that is irrelevant; it's an inference I have came up with.



Me: I'm requesting permission to view http://artifact.at.ua/index/31

AC: Request denied, for now.

it seems very unlikely that a forerunner ancilla is going rampant because of time so it has to be the infestation your talking about.

You shall so see for what you shall soon see. - im going to sleep on that one tonight

its obvious he isnt telling the truch on some of these things (or at least half truthing it), i went back and found references to infestation like messages he has sent us. why would he want to warn us about something when he himself wont tell the full truth???

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They thought they could cast me away, throw me into the blackness.

This betrayal, this dagger in the back will be returned.

It will be them who will face the abyss, I did not want to resort to such measures but these actions have been provoked.


To me it sounds like whoever or whatever breached the facility now has control over it and he is none too happy, lol! So who was betrayed in the books and who would have reason to want such revenge??? Was Didact betrayed??? Who could it be???

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