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Ok so what does every body think about this 69086 Aurora Cygnus thing


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  On 4/21/2012 at 2:34 AM, Aggregation_Unit-0072 said:

My assumption? The real solution to the Flood... Okay sorry if anyone else thought so too.


Possible scenario: The "ancient enemy" had either destroyed this tool preemptively, or messed with a Geas in some way.


Did you happen to see my thread?

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i thought of something when 3530_RG said "I now have something that the construct failed to protect" could he be referring to when AC was abandoning the facitily and it was only able to recover 85% of the core data because 3530_RG got the other 15% is AC said itself that it got some of the data and when the binary is translated in this pic http://artifact.at.ua/_ld/0/1_00000309120654.png is mentions something like "Core data retrieved > 15%", could that be it?

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  On 4/22/2012 at 10:39 PM, Paarthurnax said:

I haven't been on it ages so I haven't been up to date. What has happened recently?


A pretty good deal Paarthurnax. Check out AC's personal website first and then backtrack in here a couple pages and you should be caught up.


  On 4/22/2012 at 10:37 PM, adamj004 said:

i thought of something when 3530_RG said "I now have something that the construct failed to protect" could he be referring to when AC was abandoning the facitily and it was only able to recover 85% of the core data because 3530_RG got the other 15% is AC said itself that it got some of the data and when the binary is translated in this pic http://artifact.at.u...00309120654.png is mentions something like "Core data retrieved > 15%", could that be it?


I agree with you 100% adam

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  On 4/22/2012 at 10:37 PM, adamj004 said:

i thought of something when 3530_RG said "I now have something that the construct failed to protect" could he be referring to when AC was abandoning the facitily and it was only able to recover 85% of the core data because 3530_RG got the other 15% is AC said itself that it got some of the data and when the binary is translated in this pic http://artifact.at.ua/_ld/0/1_00000309120654.png is mentions something like "Core data retrieved > 15%", could that be it?

makes sense to me.
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  On 4/24/2012 at 4:29 AM, DoctorB77 said:

Dangit I want to mess with that sound. Looks like we got more stuff to do Dan.


Already got it Doc:




I have suffered nearly an eternity of silence and darkness,

convicted of false crimes,

I laid down my life to preserve yours.

We're gonna brother to cast me away.

All of you will befall into peril.

Collapsed under the force of lies and corruption,

Can you see the face that could have saved your...

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I have suffered nearly an eternity yada yada..


convicted of false crimes i lay down my life to serve yours.


Were gonna pull them who cast me away. All of you who have fallen in peril.


Collapsed in the force of lies and corruption. Can you see the face that couldve save you.


My interpretation.

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  On 4/24/2012 at 4:51 AM, Drizzy_Dan said:

I know the brother part seems dumb but I can't really come up with anything else. It doens't exactly make sense but that's what it sounds like he's saying.

"were gonna pull them who cast me away.." idk why that rolls off a little better.
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  On 4/24/2012 at 4:50 AM, Skys said:

I think it is forerunner..An actual forerunner stowed away. Or another Rogue AI

Hmm. Could that have something to do with the sarcophagus like structure in the GI leak. It is in this forum


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