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My idea on the rank system


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It seems like this is a pretty big deal among the players that the game should have a clear and easy to understand ranking system.


My idea is fairly simple and adds on to past halo games and takes some ideas from other games and expands on it so lets go...


First when you join a lobby you see each persons gamertag and next to their gamertag you would see two ranks (1-50), 1-100 the number really doesnt matter. The first rank would be your individual slayer rank which would be based on kills, assists, multikills, perfection medals, and so on. The second rank would be your objective rank which is SOLELY based on flag captures, bomb plants, territories captured, flag grabs, kills with the objective (bomb, flag, oddball, etc).


Next when you click on the gamertag to see their stats (win%) you would also see that players individual weapon ranks (1-50, 1-100 whatever) The weapon rank would be based on kills, accuracy, multikills, headshots,etc. This way you could see if you have a crazy good sniper or someone that uses the rocket launcher excessively which would allow you to plan your strategy ahead of time.


Also in objective playlists, the amount of kills you have has no affect on your objective rank (unless the kills are from the objective) and has no affect on your slayer rank. This means that you could tell if a player on your team would be just going for a large amount of kills (low objective rank in a lot of games).


I know this is long but it takes Halo's past ranking system and expands it while allowing players to see their opponents playing tendencies. I think this idea could make games even more competitive.

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First off, welcome to the forums and thanks for sharing your opinion on the ranking system and what it should be in Halo 4. Your ideas seem great and expansive, although Halo: Waypoint allows players to do all this and more. I'm thinking that 343i will stick to what their fan-base supports, which was the old Halo 3 ranking system. Now, they will probably add on this and expand on it, but I really like your idea of being able to do what Halo: Waypoint does, right in the game lobby.



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