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Halo Reach April Playlist Update

Spectral Jester

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I for one am extremely annoyed that they removed uncaged and pinnacle from Swat.


I play a lot of swat.... Now I will say that neither of these Maps were my favorites for the spawn killing / campIng issues but at least we had a choice for something different when we wanted.


To take 2 maps out and give nothing back is not acceptable. Either give them back or give us something else.


We had the tu voting process??? Why not a vote for swat players???


Honestly, if nothing else is introduced it just might be time for a new game..


A guy can only play sooo much reflection

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April Matchmaking Playlist Update


A wise man once said, “It’s not the size of your update that matters, it’s how you use it.” That general sentiment is particularly relevant for the month of April, as your next matchmaking playlist update, which goes live on April 3, is a bit on the lighter side. Thankfully good things come in small packages, so with that in mind, let’s dive into the specifics of April’s modest but welcome list of changes.



• BTB Heavies score to win reduced to 150.


We noticed that this particular game type has been ending with the time limit the majority of the time. To help the score limit and time limit be more balanced, we reduced the winning score from 200 to 150.

Right, don't really play that but sounds good to me.


• Big Team Battle updated.


Delta Facility and Cragmire, both user-created maps that host the Heavies game type, were removed from Big Team Battle. Their creators are updating them, and we’ll reintroduce both playspaces once they’re ready for the masses.

Mmkay. Didn't even get a chance to see those maps in the mix.

• Super Slayer updated.


The following changes were made to the Super Slayer playlist: Elite Slayer and some user-created maps were removed, and big-party matching was enabled (teams of 3-4 will be matched with other teams of 3-4).

I thought that countdown was popping up more often. Also, the big-party team matching. Noticed that too. It's weird when two parties of four people, all with mics, show up in the same lobby. Not sure if this is a good thing or not.

• Swat updated.


Uncaged and Pinnacle were removed from Swat.

SWEET MOTHER OF GOD YES! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!! YAY! HIP HIP HOOORAY!!!! Now they just need to add new maps. Perhaps some from MLG or Slayer even.


• Arena updated.


The Jetpack loadout was removed from Arena. We will be watching Arena’s population to help determine whether or not this will be a permanent change.

Huh, that might actually make arena playable...

• Powerhouse updated.


Fusion cores were added to the Concrete Vents area. This may or may not be relevant to jetpackers’ interests….

Hmm? How would that be relevant to... OHHHHH heh heh heh.


Overall, like the update. They now need to work on adding more maps to SWAT. SWAT is one of this biggest playlists, all day round. It also happens to be where a bunch of the loyal halo fans have been congregating as of late, so if they make it unplayable... Thousands of people will be sad :( And mad >.>

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