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Halo 4:To Be Or Not To Be: Joinable Servers(please read)


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Ok, Like other games, before I do this, i'm give you an example.

Let's say you're in a good game right? And someone leaves on your team, it just ruins the experiance. I'd like to se someone join in and replace him, any empty slots could very well be joinable, i see this in alot of games.

But there is a downside. If the player joins, the only get about half the game. Honestly i think it would be a Ok idea. Maybe 343 can fix it a little. Makes Halo more friendly, especialy when your whole team quits! Anyone have their opinons? PLease add on.

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I actually agree with this. I'm kind of against it because personally I don't like joining into late games of CoD. But, it's better than having your team quite and leave you to yourself. More than likely to get spawn killed and forced to quit yourself. So, I'm for it.

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One condition. You can choose whether or not to join a game in progress. Other than that I am all in. But since not as many quit in Halo as in CoD and what not, it may not be used much, unless its a friend. No one likes joining a game where people raged quit, because it will probably just make them mad as well, with the score already 30-5. To be honest I don't think it is necessary in a search engine, but joining a friend would be fine.

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Guest Oakley HiDef

Yeah I think this kind of feature would be great and would definitely keep games from getting unfair when too many people quit. Often in invasion for example this makes the game extremely unfun for one team and results in a domino effect where the rest of the team quits.


With this feature in place it would also make possible a feature where there could be a custom game server and people could just drop in to random lobbies. That would be very cool and could definitely improve the longevity and interactivity of the halo experience

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Exactly. It should show you the score as well. You're not going to want to join a team slayer game that's has already been lost. I like the Battlefield 3 Server Search option. So that's always an option.

To implement a server search system you would need to have dedicated servers first, which would be great since I hate the host system. Anyway I think that the reason they don't allow it is because it would mess up team balancing as it could potentially put a really bad player on a losing team or a really good player on a team that is already dominating. I'm sure that there is a technical reason for it as well but I don't know what that is.

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What about if you try and leave a game you loose XP but if half of your team leaves the game and its 4 vs 2 you can leave the game without gaining a penalty for it. Either that idea or you can leave the game without a penalty only if 50% of players leave the game first, e.g BTB has 16 players, so when 8 players leave, doesn't matter which team, anyone can leave. But I like my first idea better. If half of YOUR team leaves then only you and the rest of YOUR team can leave without penalty, the other team with above 50% of players can leave but with a penalty.

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To implement a server search system you would need to have dedicated servers first, which would be great since I hate the host system. Anyway I think that the reason they don't allow it is because it would mess up team balancing as it could potentially put a really bad player on a losing team or a really good player on a team that is already dominating. I'm sure that there is a technical reason for it as well but I don't know what that is.


I hate hosted servers, complete crap just saying..and i agree with you on that. Being able to join your friend would be okay though atleast.

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I dont like the idea of it being like CoD. Usually in Halo a player quits when he gets dominated, that being said, when you will join a "started" game, the score will be something like 40-20 against you. Not fun in my opinion. Also, some of the more competitive players that keep track of weapon spawns in the game will no longer have any rythme, just making the game less skilled for him in general.


The only way I could see it work is if the only case where a game could be joined is if the score diffriential is only +/- 5 kills, 1 flag cature and so on depending on gametype.

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What about if you try and leave a game you loose XP but if half of your team leaves the game and its 4 vs 2 you can leave the game without gaining a penalty for it. Either that idea or you can leave the game without a penalty only if 50% of players leave the game first, e.g BTB has 16 players, so when 8 players leave, doesn't matter which team, anyone can leave. But I like my first idea better. If half of YOUR team leaves then only you and the rest of YOUR team can leave without penalty, the other team with above 50% of players can leave but with a penalty.


That worked with Halo 3. That's why players rarely left, they would loose XP. But, with reach you didn't really suffer. If you left enough you wouldn't be able to play for 15 minutes. That's it. Not really a big punishment. So they need an XP system or take away so many cR every time you leave a game. It would work.

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its a good idea but you should not join during a game as people that leave are rage quits on the losing team, so you end up joining and you join for like 1 min and the games over and you lose. it distroys your win/loss ratio. unless they made it were games you join part way through dont count to your win/loss ratio, then i would have to reject this idea, as good as it is.

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Ive actually wondered about this for awhile. would halo become any better if people could join mid-game? I think that most of us can agree that the reason a lot of games go to crap is because someone left towards the beginning of a game. After a few ppl leave, then the team short a few usually starts getting destroyed. after a certain point, it wouldnt even matter if someone DID join, cause the scores are so far apart.


That being said, if it could be avoided to have that score difference from the start by adding a few players, then yeah, i would love a join-in-game feature. But just like CoD, there will be those moments when you join a game that is like 46-20 where there is no hope of recovery. But that would just be a trade-off for being able to join in.


Overall, i believe that it would be a good idea to implement a system for players to join a game in progress. it would help speed up matchmaking and balance teams (imo).

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