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April Fools Forum Joke

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Well Lukes rain of terror is finally over, and thank you to all for making this a brilliant April Fools.


Firstly thank you to Twam for actually implementing it, I think I speak for all when I say thank god the adverts have gone.


Secondly, Thanks to Luke, ZB, Choot, Twin, One, Mayh3m, Biggles for totally being absorbed and adding to the April Fools, and implementing the forum takeover plot, truelly brilliant.


Thirdly to the moderators, for well? Nothing really apart from quitting, moaning, spamming the shoutbox.


Its been a blast.


Finally and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Thank god Lukes evil reign is over :rofl:


You folks made this brilliant!

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Hate to admit it, but you guys got me! This morning I was freaking out, I forgot it was even April fools and Luke makes a good power soaked maniac. Here is a message conversation I had with SJ.


Me: Hey SJ, what happened? and they wont stay mods for long will they? I mean Twam runs the forums server right? also when Twam resumes power, will he ban ZB? I don't think ZB is really messing around, he was just brought into this by Luke.


SJ: it started as an April fools joke, along with the adverts. Seems power has gone to there heads lol. Don't worry normal service will be resumed later today


Me: Good to hear, too bad though, luke seemed like a nice guy before, ohh well, thats what a little bit of power can do. They are just way too young and restless to have any sort of 'power', I would never trust myself with looking after the forum.


I along with many others have been your fool today, also SJ, you should really take up spamming when your done with being a mod, you are a pro!

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  On 4/1/2012 at 10:29 PM, Nova said:

luke seemed like a nice guy before, ohh well, thats what a little bit of power can do

Don't worry, if I was actually a mod I wouldn't do that!

And just so you know, we didn't actually have mod powers, it was just made to look like we did :D

I hope I am still a nice guy to you.

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  On 4/1/2012 at 10:31 PM, Luke said:

Don't worry, if I was actually a mod I wouldn't do that!

And just so you know, we didn't actually have mod powers, it was just made to look like we did :D

I hope I am still a nice guy to you.


Yes!! your just too good at being a maniac xD, like too, too good.

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Just a Couple of PM's i got


  AgentTex656 said:

hey twam whats up i saw in shout that luke is like an admin and also there already banning peeps whats up with that sincerly tex


  Caboose said:

Not sure if your in the shoutbox but everyone is a mod whats going on did donuts idea get through ? did i miss out on something ? ;(

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I contributed only a little o.o

When I came on, soon after waking up, first thing I said was "I am so confused o_o!"

How many people did you guys trick with this? Excluding Church and Mini cause I was there for it...

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Lol thank jesus's beard.

I had a blast watching*reading* people's reactions when Twam was sopoosedly "banned" LOL donut would make a great admin along with his reign...Luke was an *** Zb was all like-Sweeetttt and Everyone was al like "holy crap twam! noo!!!"

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Great times guys. Today was a total blast. We really had everyone going. I just wish I had signed on earlier and shouted about he totally bogus way we took over. Almost had Theorix, Caboose and a few others ready to leave! lmao!!! great fun! Praise to be Twam :unworthy:


On a side note, any chance we could get a mod to post up some screen caps from the shoutbox.....just to show everyone in case they missed it?

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  On 4/2/2012 at 12:37 AM, Twinreaper said:

Great times guys. Today was a total blast. We really had everyone going. I just wish I had signed on earlier and shouted about he totally bogus way we took over. Almost had Theorix, Caboose and a few others ready to leave! lmao!!! great fun! Praise to be Twam :unworthy:


On a side note, any chance we could get a mod to post up some screen caps from the shoutbox.....just to show everyone in case they missed it?


I think they should post when I came up with the master idea of saying that I hacked the site, took over, deranked all the mods, banned twam, and made us all mods. That was so brilliant :D

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Thanks to all the mods and especially Twam for setting up the ABSOLUTE BEST April Fool's joke EVAR!!!! It was fun hazzing a Banz Hammerz!!!


To Jester and AD - You guys are the best, thanks for letting me get involved!! :thumbsup:


Oh and Jester.....I had the PERFECT new sig to go with my new username........ :rofl:





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