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Halo gone COD?!?!?!?!?

Sir Skipper

Halo becoming COD???????  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the class loadouts to be custimizable, like cod?

    • NO!
    • YES!

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I hear you can custimize loadouts in halo 4...NO I SAY NO.


"halo was the most balanced mulitiplayer with forcing everyone use the same weapon and having to find the others

now 343 is just following cod and has disgraced the name"

~Stryker Fredm~


I agree with him 100% I hate the way this is turning out, and I want to see who is with me, or against me, no hard feelings?

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I'm not quite sure where you heard this from, and i'm 99% sure that you will not be able to customize your load out it Halo 4. If anything the load outs will be armor abilities just like in Halo: Reach, and if not, they will be like they were in the previous Halos (Halo CE, 2, 3). I agree with you that Halo started to follow CoD, but only a little bit. The ranking system in Reach is the only thing that resembles CoD in a very direct way. I also agree that Halo should stay separate from all other games out there.



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No. I don't really care for the idea of loadouts. To me, Halo has always placed you on an even playing field. Having different weapon loadouts is not good imo. Halo has always had balanced maps and everyone had an equal chance to get to the power weapons. That is what I loved about the game. If you didn't get the power weapon, you had to figure out (like everyone else) how to stop the person who has it.


Anyways.. end rant.


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  On 4/2/2012 at 2:00 AM, MaGIIXz said:

I'm not quite sure where you heard this from, and i'm 99% sure that you will not be able to customize your load out it Halo 4.


They said that there would be customizeable loadouts and unlockable abilities in a vidoc about a month ago.

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  On 4/2/2012 at 2:00 AM, MaGIIXz said:

I'm not quite sure where you heard this from, and i'm 99% sure that you will not be able to customize your load out it Halo 4. If anything the load outs will be armor abilities just like in Halo: Reach, and if not, they will be like they were in the previous Halos (Halo CE, 2, 3). I agree with you that Halo started to follow CoD, but only a little bit. The ranking system in Reach is the only thing that resembles CoD in a very direct way. I also agree that Halo should stay separate from all other games out there.



i think we can customize load outs
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I don't think that 343 will be doing this especially because they said they wanted to make the game really true to the Halo series. But if by any chance this information is correct i think i wouldn't mind that much. I mean the balance of weapons when you spawn was already changed when Halo Reach got Loadouts where you choose the Armor Ability you get and the Primary weapon.

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  On 4/2/2012 at 6:16 AM, Kill the King said:

Well aslong as it balances out kinda like gear 3 has their weapon loadouts done up, i am sure it will be fine, and unloackable armor abilities sounds abit stupid honestly, should be pick ups again.


Yeah i liked pick ups a lot especially because they didn't really give somebody the upper hand. I can't beleive that they are taking the bubble shield out though. :wallbash:

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I love the load outs for halo in spasific game types... and I dont think just because there are load outs it makes it like call of duty. And this is why... Call of Duty wasn't the first to have loadouts. Its a trend and halo is just catching up. Halo is my favorite game and Call of Duty my least favorite game so I'd hate to become like it, but loadouts are not making it like CoD... halo was just trying something new with the game and it made for some pretty awesome game types. As long as eveybody can select any one of them in the begening its fair. not like in CoD and other games where you have to be sertan levels to use sertan weapons...


Halo rules!

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  On 4/5/2012 at 5:20 AM, thedarkesthour said:

Guys just be quiet about COD and halo, really? This is a halo forum. There is a huge difference between cod and halo. Really? your going to say that a little tiny change they made you just blurt out, OMG ITS LIKE COD


There aint no reason to be that way. It is a trend and halo may be catching up but I loved halo the first time i played it because.


1: you have to learn the weapon spawns on the maps.

2: you have to beat everyone else to the powere weapons

3: if you fail, well then find a way to kill that them

4: you have a chance to kill someone evenly no matter what weapon you use

5: no chooseable loadouts


No remember halo 3 was boss, and it was totally the ****!

It was balanced and fun no matter what, I just say that they should return halo back to the halo 3 style mulitiplayer. With faster ranking of course.

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Okay, well I made an account to show you just how f*cking stupid you sound. CoD was a great game, until Activision got money hungry and decided to **** out the same game every year. Halo 4 deserves to be different, after all, it is under a new company. Think of it this way. Haven't you ever been playing Campaign and thought "I really wish that this BR had a silencer", or "A grenade launcher would be great right now, but I don't want to give up my DMR for it"? There's so many things that could happen, and you're ****ting bricks because you don't like change.

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