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yeah, so this game used to be good.....

y0u g0t murked

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before whatever person in charge of the spawn system decided it was a good idea to have people spawn right behind you. is this game now call of duty 9 "REACHAROUND" ? i stopped playing reach for a while, came back to it, and now it's practically unplayable. i usually play multi-team or BTB and it happens in both games quite frequently. i have witnesses and friends who can confirm someone changed the spawn system for the worse.


also why the heck is evade not available in (practically) any playlist? was it because all the bad kid randoms cry b/c they get owned by better people using evade?


/end rant

Edited by Vitamin PWN
removed language
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before whatever moron in charge of the spawn system decided it was a good idea to have people spawn right behind you. is this game now call of duty 9 "REACHAROUND" ? i stopped playing reach for a while, came back to it, and now it's practically unplayable. i usually play multi-team or BTB and it happens in both games quite frequently. i have witnesses and friends who can confirm some idiot changed the spawn system for the worse.


also why the hell is evade not available in (practically) any playlist? was it because all the bad kid randoms cry b/c they get owned by better people using evade? anyone who suggests playing elite slayer to use evade should have their testicles forcefully removed by a dull rusty spoon. elite slayer is the worst abomination to ever come from this game. it was garbage in halo 3 and obviously nothing has changed since then. why don't you take this garbage AND rocket hog race out of multi team? there should be a new drop down playlist called "moron" or "retard". anyone stupid enough to want to play either of these should be required to first admit they are in fact a moron or retard, whichever is more fitting.



/end rant


Welcome to the forum, and please, stop using this language.



In answer to your question, not all spawn systems for maps are perfect, and that's why some spawns are unfair and messed up.


Also, evade is seen as Overpowered in general, the only reason you see it is as good is you use it and get kills, so obviously you want it kept, yet if it happens to you, you won't want it, it works both ways.


Don't rant in such a way you use offensive language please.

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Calm down there champ. No reason to start name calling no matter how mad you are. Yes the spawn system can be screwy, especially on swat. They took out evade because it caused problems with players, taking to long to kill i guess, i used evade vs evade, got to admit it was pretty annoying fight. Rocket race i see nothing wrong with it, it is a mix of objective and slayer deal with it. Elite slayer is fine, it is there for people who love Elites.

You need to explain more about your opinions on your little rant here, before you start ranting anyways, because we have no idea why.

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before whatever person in charge of the spawn system decided it was a good idea to have people spawn right behind you. is this game now call of duty 9 "REACHAROUND" ? i stopped playing reach for a while, came back to it, and now it's practically unplayable. i usually play multi-team or BTB and it happens in both games quite frequently. i have witnesses and friends who can confirm someone changed the spawn system for the worse.


also why the heck is evade not available in (practically) any playlist? was it because all the bad kid randoms cry b/c they get owned by better people using evade?


/end rant



Bro the Reach spawning system is terrible. Ive spawned 10 feet away from the enemy I don't even know how many times.

But what I really love is when an enemy runs around the corner dying, an his teammates respawn on him. That always pisses me off.

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Spawn placement is not an easy subject matter. The spawn zones, individual spawn flags, respawn zones and so forth are a lot more tricky than just dropping them down and that's it. While yes, some spawn locations or zones may not work for every gametype, but there is not a whole lot that can be done about it. There is a limited amount of netgame flags that they can use to designate spawns and zones. Some maps just don't have a well enough layout to give you a 100% guaranteed working spawn placement.


If you think that for one minute spawn placing is easy, you are dead wrong. Spawn dropping in Forge is completely different than in the sandbox in which it is done before final map compiling. Instead of calling people and developers names, why not simply send 343 a nice e-mail message outlining the issue areas kindly, and give them some positive direction to work towards? Noone is going to take you seriously if all you do is curse and put things down.

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Spawn placement is not an easy subject matter. The spawn zones, individual spawn flags, respawn zones and so forth are a lot more tricky than just dropping them down and that's it. While yes, some spawn locations or zones may not work for every gametype, but there is not a whole lot that can be done about it. There is a limited amount of netgame flags that they can use to designate spawns and zones. Some maps just don't have a well enough layout to give you a 100% guaranteed working spawn placement.


If you think that for one minute spawn placing is easy, you are dead wrong. Spawn dropping in Forge is completely different than in the sandbox in which it is done before final map compiling. Instead of calling people and developers names, why not simply send 343 a nice e-mail message outlining the issue areas kindly, and give them some positive direction to work towards? Noone is going to take you seriously if all you do is curse and put things down.

I didn't even have to read this (although I will eventually)


When Twinreaper responds to these type of threads, eh, you better know this is gonna be good!

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Welcome to the forum, and please, stop using this language.



In answer to your question, not all spawn systems for maps are perfect, and that's why some spawns are unfair and messed up.


Also, evade is seen as Overpowered in general, the only reason you see it is as good is you use it and get kills, so obviously you want it kept, yet if it happens to you, you won't want it, it works both ways.


Don't rant in such a way you use offensive language please.


how is evade OP? that's like saying your dmr is more powerful than mine. it's just ridiculous. camo and armor lock are much more overpowered than evade. people have been complaining about armor lock since day 1 and nothing has ever been done about it.


Bro the Reach spawning system is terrible. Ive spawned 10 feet away from the enemy I don't even know how many times.

But what I really love is when an enemy runs around the corner dying, an his teammates respawn on him. That always pisses me off.


agreed it IS terrible but it WAS good. before 343 took over, i NEVER EVER, not even once had someone spawn directly behind me, or even in my proximity for that matter. 343 changed something for the worse....


the game seems you humble you with poor spawns. you just went on a frenzy congrats now that you're dead you are going to get spawn killed 4 straight times...enjoy.


yes sir. it's happened to me repeatedly. yet again, that never used to happen. back in the hayday of this game, the spawn system was pretty good.


Spawn placement is not an easy subject matter. The spawn zones, individual spawn flags, respawn zones and so forth are a lot more tricky than just dropping them down and that's it. While yes, some spawn locations or zones may not work for every gametype, but there is not a whole lot that can be done about it. There is a limited amount of netgame flags that they can use to designate spawns and zones. Some maps just don't have a well enough layout to give you a 100% guaranteed working spawn placement.


If you think that for one minute spawn placing is easy, you are dead wrong. Spawn dropping in Forge is completely different than in the sandbox in which it is done before final map compiling. Instead of calling people and developers names, why not simply send 343 a nice e-mail message outlining the issue areas kindly, and give them some positive direction to work towards? Noone is going to take you seriously if all you do is curse and put things down.


i do not think designing a spawn system is easy, or anything even close to easy. i'm not arrogant enough to think i could do a better job. but i do think things were changed for the worse.


please don't put words into my mouth either. i just said the people who vote for elite slayer and RHR are not the brightest crayons in the box. i never accused the developers of the same. if i were to just send 343 an email, that would not alert the rest of the community to my concern. which in turn would not allow other users to add input either. i feel making a thread is a much better alternative to an email.


i understand you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and i know my initial post was not the most tactful thread i've ever made. admittedly i was a bit angry when i made this thread, but overall i believe i still have a valid point. for the record, i never cursed, and never called the developers any names. those were directed at users.

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Spawn placement is not an easy subject matter. The spawn zones, individual spawn flags, respawn zones and so forth are a lot more tricky than just dropping them down and that's it. While yes, some spawn locations or zones may not work for every gametype, but there is not a whole lot that can be done about it. There is a limited amount of netgame flags that they can use to designate spawns and zones. Some maps just don't have a well enough layout to give you a 100% guaranteed working spawn placement.


If you think that for one minute spawn placing is easy, you are dead wrong. Spawn dropping in Forge is completely different than in the sandbox in which it is done before final map compiling. Instead of calling people and developers names, why not simply send 343 a nice e-mail message outlining the issue areas kindly, and give them some positive direction to work towards? Noone is going to take you seriously if all you do is curse and put things down.


please give me 1 good reason why i just spawned DIRECTLY NEXT TO 3 enemies on countdown 4 LIVES IN A ROW!!!! actually give me any reason it doesnt even have to be a good one....

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4 words:Take a chill pill. This site wants respectful people so start being respectful.

''thanks captain obvious" Is not a respectful thing to say.That is called making friends. Look it up so you know what it means.


obviously that guy didn't take the time to read the entire thread.




and good job spamming this thread. at least you bumped it, even if you had nothing to add to it.

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obviously that guy didn't take the time to read the entire thread.




and good job spamming this thread. at least you bumped it, even if you had nothing to add to it.

I was talking about the way you were ''talking'' to them.Think it through.Go to another website.

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First off, it depends on the gametype you were playing. If you want me to kindly and properly explain why you spawned where you did, I need more info then just OMG-I-FINZ-SPWND-RPAD-BY-GYZ-4-TIMZ!!!!!


I need to know exact details.... what team game was it? What was the score? What section did you respawn in? All these things matter.

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