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[GameSpot] - House Of The Dead: Remake Launches Next Week On More Platforms


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MegaPixel Studio has announced that The House of the Dead: Remake will launch on April 28 for Google Stadia, PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.

The game is a remake of the 1997 arcade rail-shooter and has received a bevy of gameplay changes to suit modern gaming standards. It includes a bunch of new features, too, such as 2-player co-op local multiplayer, multiple endings, a photo mode, and achievements.

The House of the Dead: Remake was first announced during a Nintendo Indie World Showcase last year and was seemingly launched as a Nintendo Switch exclusive earlier this month on April 6. However, it's now coming to additional platforms.

The publisher, Forever Entertainment, is currently in a deal working on remaking the first two The House of the Dead games. Only the first one has been revealed so far, and hopefully, we'll hear more updates regarding The House of the Dead 2: Remake soon.

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