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Now, I've noticed in every single halo game that there has always been unfair spawning. I was playing Halo: Reach last night and I was in a game where there were very few people on my team because of quiting. Every single time I spawned, I spawned either in from of the opposing team or away from my team which is very frustrating. I'm sure everyone, whether they're a hardcore Halo fan or not, would like the option on where to spawn. Now, every time you die I know you have the option to move the camera on your body, which is great, and between you teammates. I would absolutely love a spawning system where the player chooses a spawn point on their side of the battlefield or have the option to choose which teammate to spawn by and on the Camera display have whether there is a HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW risk of dying. Im sure players would love this but that's my opinion, I've had this problem since halo 2 which sucks

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A solution to that are creating safe zones. Close enough to the battle but not so close that you'll get spawn killed. I agree with your opinion on spot choosing, however. I don't want to spawn next to an enemie but I also don't want to spawn somewhere that completely oblivious to the battle. It happens a lot on hemorrhage. I would also like for people to be able to join during a game if there is an available spot. I've been in too many situations where my ENTIRE team quits and I'm the only one left getting spawn killed. It would be nice if 343 allowed someone to join while in game.

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One time i was the only one left in a match i didn't want to quit and not get any Creds because i was playing well before everyone left and for about 10 minutes which felt like a hour i was getting killed the second i spawned. But the fun part was i didn't go done without fighting i would always kill one of the two guys spawn killing :laughing:

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