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A Simple Response that Disproves "2012 Apocalypse"

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Mayans lived a verrry long time ago. At this time years still had 365 days. But that is the thing. ALL of them had 365.


The concept of the Leap Year was not until the time of Julius Ceaser. From the date that was created, over a year in leap years have occurred, which would make the mayan "2012" in early 2011.


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Not saying I believe in all this, i'm just letting you know that it was predicted 2012, leap years or not.


It was pedicted for 2012 according to the Mayans' always 365-day calendar. Stealth Pilot is saying that going by that calendar, that date has already passed. And I think this is great, if more people knew about this we wouldn't have dumb movies like 2012 and shows like the one about people who are preparing for the apocalypse. I found this very informative, not saying I believed

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