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Seriously guys. No attacking each other.


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Some of you have attitude problems.

Some of you keep direcly attacking things in addition to each other.

I'm talking to everyone here, including the moderators (watch the moderator bit be editted out by one of the Community Mods).


The next time you're in a disagreement, thing if it's worth actually starting arguments, you're only causing conflict and future burdens to resolve.


The next time you think of saying "COD SUCKS :censored: !11!1!", think about it.

Yeah, not many of us approve of the one-hit-kill playstles.

Under no circumstance does this mean you should attack those who oppose.


You're quite pathetic if you attack people for disagree or misunderstanding.

You're quite pathetic if you directly flame CoD or Gears without a decent explanation on why you're doing it.


Ok, they're different. Big deal.

Gears focuses on skill gaps.

Halo focuses on persistant sill.

CoD focuses advancing incentives.


I've seen moderators burst out with things that are prone to start arguments as well as each other.

I'm not saying I haven't, just actually come here with the right attitude.


Honestly, anyone who bursts out with crap in addition to a bad attitude, I just take as blatantly pathetic.

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some arguments can be justified though, and, arguments can lead to intellignet ones too, things like CoD sucks is not necessarily wrong or right, but it leads people to expand on the point on why they are wrong or right based on other people's opinions.

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^ Me to. Somewhat. On only one thread have I seen actual fighting; the Halo Reach 'No bloom' thread. Except even in that thread now, everybody has stopped fighting and arguing and just agreed to disagree. Don't get me wrong; I do agree with you, I just don't think it has been that big an issue recently, you know?

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^ Me to. Somewhat. On only one thread have I seen actual fighting; the Halo Reach 'No bloom' thread. Except even in that thread now, everybody has stopped fighting and arguing and just agreed to disagree. Don't get me wrong; I do agree with you, I just don't think it has been that big an issue recently, you know?

The thing is that yes, in the most part people have stopped fighting in posts. However, there is still fighting disrupting the shoutbox. About anything, really. Whenever I see it I personally get annoyed, because half the time it is dedicated or trusted members engaging in it.


I guess these members (who will remain unnamed but they damned well know who they are) think that being a dedicated member is just for the shiny new member name. That's not how it's supposed to work though. New members are supposed to be able to look up to trusted and dedicated members.


How can someone look up to someone who is calling someone dirty names instead of taking the high road and just ignoring them? I sure as hell wouldn't ask a guy how to do something when I saw him rage at someone for 15 minutes straight, ignoring all other lines of dialogue but the ones from the person he is raging at.


It's immature and imbecilic. If you can't help yourself then you shouldn't be a trusted or dedicated member.

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I want to know what moderators you are referring to. Send it to me via PM!

The moderators he is speaking of didn't MEAN to start an argument, and they didn't participate in the ensuing flame war. If it's the one I think he is speaking of, that is. The timing of the post makes me think it is the one I saw.
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Just a quick update, i really haven't seen any fighting lately, when i am on anyways. If i catch anyone doing so (gets out of hand from a friendly debate) i will contact and report the individual(s). Enjoy the forums guys, even though i had..my share of fights, i have learned one thing, even if you hate the person no need to lash out. I hate people on this site not going to lie, and i know they are the things i say in my head, but do i really need to say it, no. They know they are these things, and i am sure they think the same. Best thing to do is avoid them, ignore them in prefs and try to be nice to them so others will follow and keep new members from acting up too. Also, you don't want to get temp banned or perm banned do you honestly guys? King out.

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Just a quick update, i really haven't seen any fighting lately, when i am on anyways. If i catch anyone doing do (gets out of hand from a friendly debate) i will contact and report the individual(s). Enjoy the forums guys, even though i had..my share of fights, i have learned one thing, even if you hate the person no need to lash out. I hate people on this site not going to lie, and i know they are the things i say in my head, but do i really need to say it, no. They know they are these things, and i am sure they think the same. Best thing to do is avoid them, ignore them in prefs and try to be nice to them so others will follow and keep new members from acting up too. Also, you don't want to get temp banned or perm banned do you honestly guys? King out.


Yes i have noticed it aswell, it did tone down once the mods got angry about it

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This particular fight was actually a couple of people, who again will remain nameless, feeding a troll. As dedicated members they should have been here long enough to realize that it WAS in fact a troll, and that anything they said in reply would only feed the flames. However, for some reason or another they DIDN'T and it caused a good 20 minute ruckus in the shoutbox. And the members in question were STILL trying to flame the troll even after s/he left. It took a good berating by myself and a few other members to calm both of the "dedicated" members down, and one of them REALLY shouldn't have had to even be told.

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I agree with most of this don't think we need to call people pathetic. While were on this subject id like yo bring up people playing favorites here. Ignoring lower rank memberssome members telling other to go f themselves in the shoutbox and some mods turning a blind eye its happened to me twice now. I love this site iv played with some of you now and your a great bunch but some here get away with shady behavior. Again I'm not calling out names or pointed fingers at specific people just wantin to raise awareness

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I agree, in one instance a CERTAIN SOMEONE actually said "I dont talk to cod players" when i asked if anyone played cod... game supremacy is just as, if not dumber then console wars. People need to realize that when you attack someone converting to halo that used to play or is still playing cod... YOU'RE MAKING THEM NOT WANT TO PLAY HALO! You're the reason the Halo community is losing members! Sorry if i offended anyone but this is my opinion on the issue. now if you'll excuse me im going to go play Gears of War, followed by MW3, followed by Halo 3 thank you very much. ily guys! <3

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