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360 Spartan View

Bobo Magroto

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This is basically something I found last night before the Populate Halo 3, Something called "Sneakernet Avatars" ((Others may know, but this to those that doesn't))




As everyone knows, Bungie has stopped all updates for Halo Reach. But this is basically their final Huzzah. How this works is that you need a Bungie.net account and follow what is said on the link provided above


What this thing does is basically updates your Spartan layout picture on the Reach profile so people can copy it and place it on their PC.


*PLUS an added bonus*


This also unlock and small video clip (AVI) of your Reach Spartan being view from all angles


Example (using my Halo Reach Spartan)

Normal Still: http://goo.gl/LtFYn

360 Still: http://www.bungie.ne...PzyPQDg==&vid=1


Something that could be worth looking at and getting :D ((Even better if you would like to use the 360 for other applications))





Also, when everyone got their AVI of their Reach Spartan, possible to post it on here. Let everyone bask in your Reach Spratan 360 glory. :)

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Ok, that's EXTREMELY cool. I read the whole bungie.net article, and I wonder how long this will work?! I love it!!! Ima go try it!!!!


Its all explained on the article and in the 'Game Settings' - 'Player Model'. tells you on what to do


It doesn't take long to do and it is worth having :D

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Would do it, but there's a 64 digit code composed of the letters A-F and numbers 0-9. What's more is that the B's look like 8's and 0's look like D's (and vica versa)


Thats why you have to look at it closely when you typing it in. So you don't get fooled

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