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Different scoring in Halo 4? Unicorns and Were-wolfs in Halo 4?

King of Winter

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I just noticed that in the score tracker thing at the bottom right corner, there's unicorn for the blue team, and a wolf for the red team. Did anyone else notice that? and whats the reason for them?



EDIT: I just noticed something else, when the person or somebody is shooting the other with the BR the score for the Red Team goes from 130 to 140. They only shot once and it isn't SWAT cause at the bottom it says BR SLAYER but his shields could have been down and the clip from the video ends before we can see anymore. Any ideas?


What I think...The guy died from a head-shot, so maybe a head-shot is worth 10 points. And say you beat down someone, that's maybe worth 5. Sticky, 7... and so on, I'm pretty sure what you get what I'm trying to say. Do you think this can be possible? Will you like it?

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I'm not sure what they are doing with the scoring system in Halo 4. Frank said that it would not be like the previous Halo's and the scoring system would not be based solely on kills up to fifty. He said there would be a new way to earn points that would accumulate to a win. I'm really anxious to find out what that might be, aren't you?!



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I'm not sure what they are doing with the scoring system in Halo 4. Frank said that it would not be like the previous Halo's and the scoring system would not be based solely on kills up to fifty. He said there would be a new way to earn points that would accumulate to a win. I'm really anxious to find out what that might be, aren't you?!




Didn't know he said that. What I mentioned could possibly be what he meant then. I'm really excited for it. It'll make MM more competitive in my opinion. This is a change I won't mind at all.


I didn't know he said that. Thank

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The wolf and unicorn seems to keep popping up.


Could it be that in this training facility that the GI leak mentioned their are different squads of red and blue. Just a Guess.


Yea, I was thinking that it might tie into the Multiplayer Story 343 was talking about. Just a thought.

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I'm not sure what they are doing with the scoring system in Halo 4. Frank said that it would not be like the previous Halo's and the scoring system would not be based solely on kills up to fifty. He said there would be a new way to earn points that would accumulate to a win. I'm really anxious to find out what that might be, aren't you?!



Hmm...I'm hoping it's not completely random or something like that. It would suck if it was like "if you kill an enemy with a headshot, you get one point plus an additional point for every other headshot kill you have" and you end up being literally the only person on your team using a headshot weapon.


I'll just have to see what they came up with and how it pans out.

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Maybe because they show the top players emblem, saying you have most kills on a team, then it shows your emblem


i was pondering, and I what came up with, thanks to you, that the unicorn/wolf is a emblem, but not of a player with top kills on the name, what if it's the clan's emblem? What if they are bringing clans back to halo from halo 2.

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