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Resonance of Fate

The Director

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Lately, I have been playing a game called Resonance of Fate. This game is one of the ones that didn't get very much media attention, so has very little in the way of a walkthrough. I love this game though, because it has some of the best CGI in-game that I've ever seen, it has over-the-top comedy, and LOT'S of action packed firefights. The way they have the combat system (scratch damage and direct damage) also makes you think before you shoot. This game is pretty up there in difficulty, however, because it doesn't give waypoints. Instead it gives you directions and hints, making it all the more satisfying when you finally beat a mission. The game also gets progressively difficult, making it so that you have to remember to level up before you can progress in the storyline. I have yet to beat it, because it is a LONG game, and look forward to that final cutscene.


As a side note, the character customization features in this game are absolutely brilliant for a linear RGP. I definitely recommend this game to those who haven't played it, and ask those who have, what do you think of it?

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