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I'm just gonna post here to vent my frustrations. I used to love Halo. Me and my friends would literally play Halo 2 for hours and hours on end, either playing multiplayer, or just sitting around in customs messing around. Halo 3, although in my opinion was not as good as 2, also had a great "play again" aspect. Then, frankly, Reach was awful. I enjoyed the campaign, but honestly I playED Halo for the multiplayer. Everything was wrong about Reach. First, wasn't a fan of the DMR. I could deal with it, but wasn't a fan at all. What really pissed me off was the armor abilities. Armor abilities are a joke, the only one actually plays decent in a matchmaking game is sprint. But even that makes this not feel like Halo at all. The thing that angered me the most was the matchmaking system. No ranking system?!? What the hell was the point of playing? To get points so that my spartan looked different? It gave me zero incentive to play what was already a ****ty game. I do not care at all about becoming a major by playing X amount of games... all i want is to get my 50. It's amazing to look back and see how I spent hours on end playing Halo 2 and 3 with my friends, yet I've played Reach for maybe a week until I realized how awful it was and put it down for good.


Honestly When I heard 343 was picking up the next Halo trilogy, I had a glimmer of hope. Especially after learning the my BR was back, I was convinced 343 would go back to the Halo 2/3 golden days. I saw that initial viddoc or whatever it was, and even then I was still convinced that they were reverting back to the old days, even though it was evident that sprinting would be back. But hey, i could deal with sprint. But then today I learned of everything else that Halo 4 was supposed to have... loadouts? Return of armor abilities? An ability to see through walls? Are you kidding? Literally EVERYONE I know considered Reach an utter failure, yet your bringing back the things that killed it? And then the point system they have gives us every indication that rankings will again be left out, and instead it is just a "play for the sake of playing" game. The reason me and so many people I knew played the first Halos was because of the competitive aspect of it. You wanted to be the best, you wanted to get the higher rank, you wanted to win. How could they not realize what made so many of us hate Reach; the fact that they add all this **** takes away the competitive aspect of the game, thus ruining the game for us.


For me, Halo 4 would be a make or break game that determined whether or not I would even consider buying 5 and 6 in the future. Unfortunately, it appears that 4 will be another Reach, and therefore I will be done with the Halo games. I understand that they can't just make another Halo 2 or Halo 3, but they need to realize how unhappy a majority of their fan base was with Reach and then cater to what they want. Unfortunately, it seems as though Halo is going down the drain.

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Majority of the fan base?

Reach has been in the top 5 played games week on week since its release in 2010 Fact.

Why are the minority scared of change? If Halo 4 stays the same as Halo 2 & 3, it will die as a franchise, it needs to evolve. There will be things we don't like in H4 and there will be things we love in H4.

Its all a learning process, and if they adapt ideas from COD so be it, Black Ops & MW3 have been in the top 2 since release so there is something there in the games that keeps people playing.

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Let me get this straight, what game EVER has been absolutely perfect that no one can criticise about it?....hm..let me think, oh that's right, there HASN'T been any game like that.

Exactly what SJ said, if it doesn't evolve, it will die, Halo CE to Halo 2 had massive changes people loved them, so why wont anyone love this new Halo, but in essence, 343i are a smart, talented group of people and wont throw a game franchise as successful as it is away. stop complaining armour abilities, if anything i think they improve the game and separate the pros to the noobs, people who can adapt to their environment are better players than those who cant and complain about how others play instead of changing themselves.


Everything was wrong about Reach. First, wasn't a fan of the DMR. I could deal with it, but wasn't a fan at all. What really pissed me off was the armor abilities. Armor abilities are a joke, the only one actually plays decent in a matchmaking game is sprint. But even that makes this not feel like Halo at all.


Literally EVERYONE I know considered Reach an utter failure, yet your bringing back the things that killed it? How could they not realize what made so many of us hate Reach; the fact that they add all this sh** takes away the competitive aspect of the game, thus ruining the game for us.


...but they need to realize how unhappy a majority of their fan base was with Reach and then cater to what they want..


Halo: Reach wasn't a failure either, infact It was the best game to the series, look at the sales, look at how many people play it, this obviously mean that the majority LIKE it, not like your stupid sentence saying everyone hated it. Don't go around saying how much of a fail this game is when it IS the most successful game in the franchise. Why do you think the Machinima still continue it with the top ten series, Arby 'n' the Chief, Roosterteeth's RVB, gamefails/fails of the weak, Game night and many more.

I dont know why you came out with these ridiculous arguments and said they were true when the fact is, you're wrong!

Good day.

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Majority of the fan base?

Reach has been in the top 5 played games week on week since its release in 2010 Fact.

Why are the minority scared of change? If Halo 4 stays the same as Halo 2 & 3, it will die as a franchise, it needs to evolve. There will be things we don't like in H4 and there will be things we love in H4.

Its all a learning process, and if they adapt ideas from COD so be it, Black Ops & MW3 have been in the top 2 since release so there is something there in the games that keeps people playing.

Notice he says adapt.. not steal. Cod and halo will adapt forever.

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Points I'd like to make in response to your posts:


- Sales doesn't have any connection to how to the success of the game, at least in the eyes of the consumer. I know plenty of people who bought the game, anticipating another as re-playable as the previous Halo's, yet they ended up either selling it or its currently collecting dust on the shelf.


- Halo used to be THE game for Xbox. The first 2 games were immensely more popular than their Cod counterpart. Nowadays, Cod outshines Halo by a landslide. Many of those who were diehard Halo players during the Halo CE/2/3 era have now switched over to Cod since they were unhappy with Reach.


- I understand that they need to change the game. CE to Halo 2 was much different, as well as Halo 2 to Halo 3. But what I angry about is that they are not changing things that need it (such as Armor abilities).


- Look at MLG for an example of the decline of competitive Halo players. Halo went from being the main game for MLG and increasing in popularity by each event, into almost non-existant in the Reach days, with MLG even thinking about dropping Reach completely.


- If there is a sufficient ranking system, such as in Halo 2 and 3, I will consider buying. If they do not have it, they are taking away the competitive nature of Halo, thus infuriating many Halo fans such as myself. I know I am not the only one disappointed with Reach

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Im going to now rebut everything u said


-sales do show success of the game, if u minus the trade ins from the total sales, there is still a Huge number of games bought, thus making it successful.


-Halo is still the game for the xbox, plus most of the CoD fans didnt go when Reach came went after Halo 3 came out, they went to CoD4 not 6 or anything.


-armour abilities were the evolution of equipment, and they were the right choice imo, they made the game different and mixed up the normal boring run in and kill, you can sprint!


-MLG proves nothing, alot of competitive players dont play MLG because they find it silly, so do i. And MLG arnt just thinking of dropping Reach, they were thinking of dropping the Franchise.


-Halo 2 and 3 did not have a good ranking system, to add to that, no halo game has, reach was silly the more u play the higher u ranked. Halo 3 was just as bad, u could play epic games and not get exp and play a crap match and get some, totally stupid.


In all i believe i just tore apart ur argument, try and think of new ones now.

Edited by Azaxx
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Im going to now rebut everything u said


-sales do show success of the game, if u minus the trade ins from the total sales, there is still a Huge number of games bought, thus making it successful.


-Halo is still the game for the xbox, plus most of the CoD fans didnt go when Reach came went after Halo 3 came out, they went to CoD4 not 6 or anything.


-armour abilities were the evolution of equipment, and they were the right choice imo, they made the game different and mixed up the normal boring run in and kill, you can sprint!


-MLG proves nothing, alot of competitive players dont play MLG because they find it silly, so do i. And MLG arnt just thinking of dropping Reach, they were thinking of dropping the Franchise.


-Halo 2 and 3 did not have a good ranking system, to add to that, no halo game has, reach was silly the more u play the higher u ranked. Halo 3 was just as bad, u could play epic games and not get exp and play a crap match and get some, totally stupid.


In all i believe i just tore apart ur argument, try and think of new ones now.


I would Like this, but apparently I've hit my quota for the day? Anyway, I agree with everything you said. You can't argue with sales numbers, you can't argue with the fact that I can go home to play Reach and will always find a game, regardless of what time it is. People do play Reach, and there are some really awesome players that play.

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Points I'd like to make in response to your posts:


- Sales doesn't have any connection to how to the success of the game, at least in the eyes of the consumer. I know plenty of people who bought the game, anticipating another as re-playable as the previous Halo's, yet they ended up either selling it or its currently collecting dust on the shelf.


- Halo used to be THE game for Xbox. The first 2 games were immensely more popular than their Cod counterpart. Nowadays, Cod outshines Halo by a landslide. Many of those who were diehard Halo players during the Halo CE/2/3 era have now switched over to Cod since they were unhappy with Reach.


- I understand that they need to change the game. CE to Halo 2 was much different, as well as Halo 2 to Halo 3. But what I angry about is that they are not changing things that need it (such as Armor abilities).


- Look at MLG for an example of the decline of competitive Halo players. Halo went from being the main game for MLG and increasing in popularity by each event, into almost non-existant in the Reach days, with MLG even thinking about dropping Reach completely.


- If there is a sufficient ranking system, such as in Halo 2 and 3, I will consider buying. If they do not have it, they are taking away the competitive nature of Halo, thus infuriating many Halo fans such as myself. I know I am not the only one disappointed with Reach


Here we go.


-Yeah, it really does. If 5 people buy the game, 343 is not happy. If millions buy the game it is successfull and 343 is happy.


-WRONG! When CoD rose, It was because people were annoyed with how Halo barely changed. Thats what drove people away.


-AA's were the eveloution of Equipment. A needed change. It mixed up the game and added some suspence to how the fight was going to end or begin.


-MLG? HA! Most competetive gamers look at MLG as the biggest joke to gaming ever. In fact, the community of MLG only grows because of the new players that think being in MLG is cool.


-The ranking system in Halo 3 was terrible. Someone above has already stated why. Halo Reach's system was bad as well. Moving up by playing more? No.


Now, go back to Bungie.Net. There are more like you there.

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@ OP i agree with you completely


Someone asked for a perfect game? H2 was a perfect game. Not the COD copy that 343 seems to want to release later this year.

Literally NOTHING that i was hoping to see returned in halo 4 has happened. 343 seems to be spitting in the face of hardcore halo fans in hopes of pulling in new players... and that is always a recipe for failure.


You want to make a game with xray vision, no spawn time and weapons falling from the sky? Feel free to do so, but don't call it halo.



The reason why COD is successful isn't because it removes what works to try new things... lets face it all the COD games are the same game with a slightly different story



If you want halo 4 to be successful

-Brink back number levels (ranking system)

-Put more effort into making game play COMPETITIVE

-And stop trying to be Call of Duty, H4 should be paving the way for COD not the other way around.

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@ OP i agree with you completely


Someone asked for a perfect game? H2 was a perfect game. Not the COD copy that 343 seems to want to release later this year.

Literally NOTHING that i was hoping to see returned in halo 4 has happened. 343 seems to be spitting in the face of hardcore halo fans in hopes of pulling in new players... and that is always a recipe for failure.


You want to make a game with xray vision, no spawn time and weapons falling from the sky? Feel free to do so, but don't call it halo.



The reason why COD is successful isn't because it removes what works to try new things... lets face it all the COD games are the same game with a slightly different story



If you want halo 4 to be successful

-Brink back number levels (ranking system)

-Put more effort into making game play COMPETITIVE

-And stop trying to be Call of Duty, H4 should be paving the way for COD not the other way around.


Halo 2 was far from a perfect game. In your opinion it was perfect, in mine it wasn't. This comparing Halo 4 to CoD really does need to stop. Have you played the game yet? Has anybody, outside of the developers at 343? Can you tell me, honestly, that you know exactly how the items mentioned in Game Informer are going to work or play? Or are you just speculating? Do you know how the so called "Forerunner Vision" works? Or are you just going by what somebody else said?


Seriously people. Without having some actual gameplay experience, or even footage, how can we say that this game is going to be like CoD? Without knowing how something works, all we're doing is making wild assumptions, and you know what people say about assuming.


As for making Halo 4 successful? What defines success? Cause if it caters to one group of players, the game will slowly die. I'm 27. I've been playing Halo since 2001. I work. I have a life that doesn't revolve around gaming. Do I love gaming? Absolutely. Do I get to play as much as I want? Absolutely not. And I can tell you this, my friends feel the same way, and are in the same boat.


-Bringing back numbered ranks is fine, but the system needs refinement.

-Making the game competitive? Sure, but as of right now, you don't know how it plays, so wait and see.

-Stop being Call of Duty? Well, again, this is another wait and see. We don't know how the game is going to play, but I have faith in what 343 is doing. And if the game comes out and I'm disappointed? So be it. But if it turns out to be the best Halo of the series, and all of you haters don't get it, I'm just going to laugh to myself.

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@ OP i agree with you completely


Someone asked for a perfect game? H2 was a perfect game. Not the COD copy that 343 seems to want to release later this year.

Literally NOTHING that i was hoping to see returned in halo 4 has happened. 343 seems to be spitting in the face of hardcore halo fans in hopes of pulling in new players... and that is always a recipe for failure.


You want to make a game with xray vision, no spawn time and weapons falling from the sky? Feel free to do so, but don't call it halo.



The reason why COD is successful isn't because it removes what works to try new things... lets face it all the COD games are the same game with a slightly different story



If you want halo 4 to be successful

-Brink back number levels (ranking system)

-Put more effort into making game play COMPETITIVE

-And stop trying to be Call of Duty, H4 should be paving the way for COD not the other way around.


The only thing I can agree with is what you said about COD being the same s***. But, everything else you just said in incorrect and stupid at it's best. You don't know how this new HALO game is going to work, and yes it's a HALO game. Once we see gameplay, no doubt we'll think differently. I'm not sure what to think of Halo 4, though I'm excited. But, I'm not going to bash this game with stupid reasons. If "Literally NOTHING that i was hoping to see returned in halo 4 has happened" then don't buy HALO 4, clearly you're not a real Halo fan if all you do is complain. I'm guessing you just signed up not to meet people but rather complain about Halo 4, a game we clearly don't know a lot about.

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The only thing I can agree with is what you said about COD being the same s***. But, everything else you just said in incorrect and stupid at it's best. You don't know how this new HALO game is going to work, and yes it's a HALO game. Once we see gameplay, no doubt we'll think differently. I'm not sure what to think of Halo 4, though I'm excited. But, I'm not going to bash this game with stupid reasons. If "Literally NOTHING that i was hoping to see returned in halo 4 has happened" then don't buy HALO 4, clearly you're not a real Halo fan if all you do is complain. I'm guessing you just signed up not to meet people but rather complain about Halo 4, a game we clearly don't know a lot about.


I don't know where to begin...

OF COURSE we haven't played H4 yet, but heres why we can comment on it... because i have played halo 1-Reach. So all the idiots saying 'you haven't played the game, you cannot comment on it' i can comment because i have played every other halo game... i know what worked and what didn't. There is a reason why halo went from being the forerunner game for the xbox ... the game that launched MLG and kept it alive to being the game that was a hair away from being removed from MLG all together. And here's a tip for all the short bus riders out there ... it isn't because the game stayed the same.


Halo 2 was by far the best halo, other than the modding that could've been fixed. I can say that after spending endless hours on all the halo games.

COD was successful and stays successful because they found something that worked and didn't change the entire game every 2 years. COD more or less release the same game every time with a few updated maps. And the fans love and buy it every time. Why can't 343 see that? Why do they feel the need to make a different game?

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I don't know where to begin...

OF COURSE we haven't played H4 yet, but heres why we can comment on it... because i have played halo 1-Reach. So all the idiots saying 'you haven't played the game, you cannot comment on it' i can comment because i have played every other halo game... i know what worked and what didn't. There is a reason why halo went from being the forerunner game for the xbox ... the game that launched MLG and kept it alive to being the game that was a hair away from being removed from MLG all together. And here's a tip for all the short bus riders out there ... it isn't because the game stayed the same.


Halo 2 was by far the best halo, other than the modding that could've been fixed. I can say that after spending endless hours on all the halo games.

COD was successful and stays successful because they found something that worked and didn't change the entire game every 2 years. COD more or less release the same game every time with a few updated maps. And the fans love and buy it every time. Why can't 343 see that? Why do they feel the need to make a different game?


You don't know where to begin? So yeah. Just because you've played all the other games, you know what works? Of course you do. You can see into the future! You obviously know what 343 is going to do, and it just won't work! So tell me, all powerful one, what are the winning powerball numbers for tomorrow's drawing, because I feel the need to win?


Get real dude. I've played all of the Halo's as well. You can say Halo 2 was the best all you want. You can say that it was the perfect game. That's still just an opinion that not everybody is going to share.


And, get this! I know a ton of CoD fans that have bought every game since CoD4 that refuse to buy MW3 because it is the same game. What say you there?

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-sales do show success of the game, if u minus the trade ins from the total sales, there is still a Huge number of games bought, thus making it successful.



Read my posts... I am talking about in the eyes of the consumer. Yes, sales means success for the producer, but not in consumer's satisfaction of the game. Frankly, in the eyes of a majority of people that have played Halo since Combat Evolved, Reach was a major disappointment.



-Halo is still the game for the xbox, plus most of the CoD fans didnt go when Reach came went after Halo 3 came out, they went to CoD4 not 6 or anything.



I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say here.


-armour abilities were the evolution of equipment, and they were the right choice imo, they made the game different and mixed up the normal boring run in and kill, you can sprint!


Agree to disagree. I personally hate armor abilities, as well as everybody I know, but i understand that there can be some people that like them.


-MLG proves nothing, alot of competitive players dont play MLG because they find it silly, so do i. And MLG arnt just thinking of dropping Reach, they were thinking of dropping the Franchise. [/Quote]


What competitive gamers thought MLG was silly? Any decent player would try to get on the MLG scene and get noticed/get sponsored ect.. you may be the first person i've ever met who played competitively yet thought the idea of MLG was "silly". MLG was designed to bring out the best players and have them competete for tournaments... any kid who thinks MLG is seriously is only looking to play just for the sake of playing. I can understand that, but for any competitive gamer looking to be the best, they respect MLG and what it is about. And the reason they are dropping the franchise is because nobody wants to play Reach anymore.. MLG only plays the most recent game of the franchises that it uses.


-Halo 2 and 3 did not have a good ranking system, to add to that, no halo game has, reach was silly the more u play the higher u ranked. Halo 3 was just as bad, u could play epic games and not get exp and play a crap match and get some, totally stupid.



Okay maybe the Halo 2 and 3 ranking system needed work, but it was a hell of a lot better than that of Reach. The Halo 2 and Halo 3 ranking system gave gamers a reason to play.


In all i believe i just tore apart ur argument, try and think of new ones now.


How on earth did you tear apart my argument? I stand by everything I said 100%, and your arguments are garbage and half of them don't make any sense...



If you want halo 4 to be successful

-Brink back number levels (ranking system)

-Put more effort into making game play COMPETITIVE

-And stop trying to be Call of Duty, H4 should be paving the way for COD not the other way around.


Thank you. Agreed 100%.

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The reason why CoD is so successful is because it's the FPS that requires the least amount of skill to play, that's why you see the majority of 10-13 year olds play CoD. Because it isn't hard to be good at. When was the last time you saw a little kid do good at Halo or Battlefield?

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Read my posts... I am talking about in the eyes of the consumer. Yes, sales means success for the producer, but not in consumer's satisfaction of the game. Frankly, in the eyes of a majority of people that have played Halo since Combat Evolved, Reach was a major disappointment.


The problem with this statement though is that success isn't judged by the consumer. Success of a product is soley based on how well it sells. And Reach sold. Whether the community was happy with it or not doesn't matter, it was a success in Microsoft's eyes and Bungie's eyes, and that's all that matters.


I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say here.

Simply put, people started leaving Halo when Halo 3 came out, because the game was so similar to Halo 2. Yes, there were changes, but it still felt like the same game. So, they left Halo 3 to go to CoD 4.


Agree to disagree. I personally hate armor abilities, as well as everybody I know, but i understand that there can be some people that like them.

Good, a difference of opinion. I like to see when people can agree to disagree. Me personally, and everybody I know quite enjoy armor abilities.


What competitive gamers thought MLG was silly? Any decent player would try to get on the MLG scene and get noticed/get sponsored ect.. you may be the first person i've ever met who played competitively yet thought the idea of MLG was "silly". MLG was designed to bring out the best players and have them competete for tournaments... any kid who thinks MLG is seriously is only looking to play just for the sake of playing. I can understand that, but for any competitive gamer looking to be the best, they respect MLG and what it is about. And the reason they are dropping the franchise is because nobody wants to play Reach anymore.. MLG only plays the most recent game of the franchises that it uses.

When he was talking about dropping the franchise, he was talking about dropping the entire franchise, meaning all new versions of Halo as well. As far as MLG being silly, think about it, and it really is. Nuff said.


Okay maybe the Halo 2 and 3 ranking system needed work, but it was a hell of a lot better than that of Reach. The Halo 2 and Halo 3 ranking system gave gamers a reason to play.

Agreed. The 2/3 system wasn't the best, and needed some refinement, but Reach's was no better. There needs to be some middle ground. Perhaps a 1-50 or 1-100 ranking system based more than on just wins would do the trick. (Wins would still be the most important factor, mind).


How on earth did you tear apart my argument? I stand by everything I said 100%, and your arguments are garbage and half of them don't make any sense...

You stand by everything you said 100%? What's saying that he doesn't? Calling his arguments garbage is just like me saying your points are garbage. You don't think so, so why should he? And as for them not making sense, read them again.

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I agree with the OP. It's astounding to hear people's arguments defending Reach.


Halo 2 and 3 were perfect for the competitive / skilled gamer. If people did leave Halo because of Halo 3 it was because the game was too hard and they were tired of getting owned all the time, not because it was too much like Halo 2.


Use common sense here. Games are more fun when you win. How can they make it to where baddies win? How about a BLOOM?! Armor abilities and a non-competitve ranking system to keep people from getting frustrated.


Why does ZB playlists have so few people? Because they don't want to get f*cking owned.


People like Reach and it's changes because they are bad.

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I agree with the OP. It's astounding to hear people's arguments defending Reach.


Halo 2 and 3 were perfect for the competitive / skilled gamer. If people did leave Halo because of Halo 3 it was because the game was too hard and they were tired of getting owned all the time, not because it was too much like Halo 2.


Use common sense here. Games are more fun when you win. How can they make it to where baddies win? How about a BLOOM?! Armor abilities and a non-competitve ranking system to keep people from getting frustrated.


Why does ZB playlists have so few people? Because they don't want to get f*cking owned.


People like Reach and it's changes because they are bad.


Games are always more fun when you win, absolutely. But if you only have fun when you win, then there's something wrong with you as a gamer. And no, ZB playlists have so few people because most people don't care about bloom. There are a select few who rant and rave and just can't handle bloom, so they whine and cry (just like all the supposed people who cried and cried for changes to Halo so we got Reach) until things got changed.


There are a range of people in every playlist, some are great, some are terrible, but lumping all people who prefer Vanilla Reach as "bad" is just being arrogant.

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Games are always more fun when you win, absolutely. But if you only have fun when you win, then there's something wrong with you as a gamer. And no, ZB playlists have so few people because most people don't care about bloom. There are a select few who rant and rave and just can't handle bloom, so they whine and cry (just like all the supposed people who cried and cried for changes to Halo so we got Reach) until things got changed.


There are a range of people in every playlist, some are great, some are terrible, but lumping all people who prefer Vanilla Reach as "bad" is just being arrogant.


There is nothing wrong with getting beat by someone who's better at using weapons where skill and accuracy is rewarded. Ask any athlete how much fun losing is. Now give a baseball player a bat with holes in it, making it even harder to hit the ball. Then tell him that change is good and he needs to accept it. See if he doesn't whine and cry about it.


You can't argue my point about the ZB playlist anymore than I can argue yours. So I'll leave it at that.

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