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I don't know where to begin...

OF COURSE we haven't played H4 yet, but heres why we can comment on it... because i have played halo 1-Reach. So all the idiots saying 'you haven't played the game, you cannot comment on it' i can comment because i have played every other halo game... i know what worked and what didn't. There is a reason why halo went from being the forerunner game for the xbox ... the game that launched MLG and kept it alive to being the game that was a hair away from being removed from MLG all together. And here's a tip for all the short bus riders out there ... it isn't because the game stayed the same.


Halo 2 was by far the best halo, other than the modding that could've been fixed. I can say that after spending endless hours on all the halo games.

COD was successful and stays successful because they found something that worked and didn't change the entire game every 2 years. COD more or less release the same game every time with a few updated maps. And the fans love and buy it every time. Why can't 343 see that? Why do they feel the need to make a different game?


Not once did I say anything about you not playing a Halo game, stop throwing bulls*** around and stick to being on topic on what I said. I don't give a s*** about what your likes/dislikes are, I'm saying stop complaining about a ******** game that hasn't been released yet, don't automatically assume it's going to be terrible. You think you're speaking truth, when really your statement has hardly any logic to it but rather it's your brainless outlook on whatever you were preaching about.


"COD was successful and stays successful because they found something that worked and didn't change the entire game every 2 years" That's not fully truth, that seems to be what it can look like but really it's because it's a fast paced shooter. It was one of those games you could stick in and get on with. A game that you don't need a brain to play, so it's not the fact they stuck to one thing and it that made that whole game "Work". I'm not wasting my time explaining why COD gets loads of money, I can tell you now it's not because it's an amazing game, it's one of the most worst hyped up games in history. I'm not trying to say COD is s*** but how can you look at it and think "Wow, this game is amazing", it's multiplayer is terrible. Even top youtubers such as BlameTruth get that the COD series it terrible.


Finally, I'd just like to say if games don't impliment change, then games get boring. Change is good, deal with it and stop complaining like a f***ing child. I'm not angry at you as a person but I find your lack of understanding pathetic. I can't believe I just wasted 5 minutes of my life trying to explain to you what you said was complete and utter bulls***, it's not like it's going to get through to you anyway.

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