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I've loved Halo for years now, and I decided the best way to make it as good as I can is to immigrate to the new website for the game series. I'm excited for Halo 4 and am very hopeful about what can come of it, but I do see some mistakes already. Only one actually. Physics. I seriously wish that 343 would change the jumping animation. Nobody crouches in the air when they jump. I got Assassin's Creed Revelations for Christmas and the more I love that game's phsics, the more I hate other games' physics. I really hopoe they change the jumping motions and postures to something more realistic.

I have also heard that the people of this website tend to have a disliking for the people who often go to The Flood forums. Just so you all know, I am one of those people. I go to The Flood a lot. I am a Floodian.

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