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Top Medal Jokes?

Lord Takaa

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Do you mean top medal in game summary?


Because those top medals are based on how rare they are and since you can only get the first strike medal once a game it's pretty rare and thats why its in top all the time

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Why does it matter? There's no point saying "Oh, I want them to change this" since NOTHING will ever happen. First Strike is a perfectly fine medal, the first one to get a kill gets a small medal reward, as to say "Well done, you've got the first kill for your team".


You could argue then whats it matter about posting anything on the forum. I posted as discussion as in it would be nice if it would..

So please. Gtfo troll.

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Can i say this, actually why am i asking for permission???


First strike medal is in every match at least once, some times more for CTF/assault or lag outs and invasion.

While on the other hand big sprees like frenzy/riots are hardly ever put up and big multikills such as a overkill and so on arnt shown, also i have seen perfections not be in the list wtf, theyre legendary awards, thats what Bungie classified them as...

so i think the top medals were good in Halo 3 (dunno about halo 2, didn't play much) but reach's just annoys me SO damn much.

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Can i say this, actually why am i asking for permission???


First strike medal is in every match at least once, some times more for CTF/assault or lag outs and invasion.

While on the other hand big sprees like frenzy/riots are hardly ever put up and big multikills such as a overkill and so on arnt shown, also i have seen perfections not be in the list wtf, theyre legendary awards, thats what Bungie classified them as...

so i think the top medals were good in Halo 3 (dunno about halo 2, didn't play much) but reach's just annoys me SO damn much.

I reckon that the legendary medals should come first,
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I agree Halo: Reach needs better top medals, I would say that killing sprees are pretty popular among many different playlists. However, I would say otherwise for the "Perfection" medal, I would say that they are very rare, but whenever I get them they do not show up in the top medals.


Also, for your opinion on the "First Strike" medal, I would say that it should not be a medal shown in the top medals section, but it should be just default. Right before the top medals post-game portion, there should be something that says, (for example), First Strike: xPrO o MaGIIXz (me).



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Idk what playlist your playing or how horrible your game went if a "reload this" medal came up, but when you get a killing frenzy it's on the board. Unless someone gets a running riot or higher, that is. Some medals that may not be on the board that should be is the perfection medal or the extermination medal though. I think that 3 killing sprees also deserves some attention. The medals are based on rarity and difficulty in getting them as far as I'm aware. In certain playlists it's almost impossible to get a perfection. Things like Sword Spree and Shotgun Spree shouldn't make the board though, because it's easy to get a spree with a power weapon. As far as first strike goes, the reason it's up there is because only one player can get it once per game, and it's fairly difficult to get. You are competing against the opposing team for the kill but you are also competing against your teammates for it. Killing sprees are difficult to come by for inexperienced players as well. The only way someone who is bad gets one is if they are against someone who is worse. Multikills are up there because they are a combination of luck and skill. The luck part is finding two players close enough together to kill them within four seconds of each other, the skill part is being able to potentially take on two or more opponents at once and come out on top. If no one in the game gets a killing spree or a multikill, it shows the "lesser" medals instead.


And that's the way the "Top Medals Board" works.

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  • 7 months later...

I actually had to make an account specifically to reply to this. I was just discussing with my brother how retarded it is that killjoy and first strike are considered top medals. Now, a lot of my friends and I met over the first halo, 11 years ago. So please understand that I've played this game a good bit. I can tell you that first strike doesn't mean ****.

"Oh man, I'm SO going to get first strike in every game tonight!" -no one, ever.

First Strike! Who cares? Within the last 4 days, I've gotten 2 Perfections, NEITHER of which got on the top medals. Does it effect anything? Not exactly. But if you play a great game, you want other people to see it (braggin' rights and all). So when your Untouchable gets replaced with a First Strike, you get kinda pissed. Frankly, I can't even figure out why First Strike, Killjoy and Reload This are even medals. Unless everyone suddenly works out their differences and decides to share the flags, SOMEONE will die first, and the first one to make that kill could be a complete newbie or someone who dreams in first person.

Killjoy? Congrats, you got a kill? It's not like someone with a spree gains extra power. Hell, chances are he's wounded anyway.

And Reload This? I just... I don't even understand this. I GOT YOU WHILE YOU WERE RELOADING, I'M THE GREATEST EVAR.

I think the problem is that there are so many frivilous medals that really don't mean anything.

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The medals are stupid in reach


Yes, good point. You really contributed... >.>


I love how First Strike was worth more than any Extermination, Perfection, Invincible, Be the Bullet, etc.. Considering 4 perfections in my Reach career, and probably thousands of First Strikes.

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I don't even look at the top medals once I've finished a game, I merely just look at my stats and what medals I have achieved and take no notice of the top medals. I obviously thought wrong when I thought others did the same, although I find that the top medals usually are shown from the top player of the game. 

I don't even look at the top medals once I've finished a game, I merely just look at my stats and what medals I have achieved and take no notice of the top medals. I obviously thought wrong when I thought others did the same, although I find that the top medals usually are shown from the top player of the game. 

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