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343I Top 10!

Mr Biggles

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Now i guarantee that a lot of you have seen the top 10 plays from ANOJ, MLG or from anywhere that makes them, so here's where i thought of the ide aof.





Me and AD have talked about it a lot and we think this can work, so, if you want this to work, send me your top plays directly through this thread or on the fb side of things http://www.facebook....185643424887668 and we will review them, however, they will be based on certain things, like ANOJ and MLG's idea, we will use something similar.



Episode 1: Top 10 Kills.


so, start sending your plays to this thread or on FB :D, im looking forward to seeing them :D



I will be talking to the various youtubers and stuff about editing, and they will be commented on each of the plays and will be assessed by me and AD a few other selected people, so, start sending them clips :D



EDIT: also, send them and subscribe to the youtube channel:



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I have pretty good kills. Still, I don't have Bungie Pro, nor a capture device. I guess I can't submit any clips.


Send me a message. Ill get it for you.


GT- DoctorB77


I should be on this weekend to get it. I will send you a link to my channel later so you can get the link.

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So biggles how do i send them to you, if you search by gt mine is xCOSMOSxCupmanx , I have 2 clips called 'lucky' and 'quickest kill' in my fileshare.


You need to get them in your harddrive and send them to me through this post, or the youtube post, or simply PMing me or Luke.

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