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I'm Going to Miss the Purple Name


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After months of being dedicated to the site and posting in topics that I was interested in and making friends with many users here I finally have a title that shows my dedication... Along with a nice new award.


So I would like to thank the moderators for being awesome and having great senses of humor but still able to enforce the law sternly when necessary and staff for doing what they do as well.

Thanks to Twam for being Twam. Hail Twam you know?


Special thanks goes out to:

  • ZB for encouragement and being one of my closest friends here on the forum and being the nicest kid.
  • adamj for being another great friend of mine it's great working with you on decoding 69086 archives, adam for news group ya'll!
  • Spectral Jester for being a great mod and source of information other than Halo 4 which a lot of people don't seem to appreciate.
  • One, Firen, & Zaguroth for commenting on my status encouraging me to come back soon (ZB and adam I know you were there but it wouldn 't be fair thanking you more than once haha).
  • Choot'em for being awesome and I like working with you on decoding the 69086 archives as well.
  • Doctor for being dedicated to decoding the 69086 archives with us you've got good theories.
  • Killer K34 for being enthusiastic about deciphering the archives with us as well, we make a great team!
  • GermanShepherdD for being magic as hell.
  • miniamp for being a weird little dude that says funny things that I think are funny.
  • Redstar Rocket, Kurt, & SuperIntendant for being cool dudes.
  • Everybody else in the forum because I really do like all of you.

Ever since I've joined the site I've felt like I've belonged on a place like this and I'm glad I landed on this forum over another one like Waypoint or NeoGaf. I really am going to miss the purple name but I'm going to get used to the silver one.


Anyone who read the whole thing just let me know and I'll edit the post and add you into the special thanks just for reading it haha

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