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Halo 4 - Don't go changing on me, baby.


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Just read the GI spread on H4, and my opinions are mixed, to put it liberally. I've been playing since CE (that game is actually the whole reason I bought an Xbox in the first place.), and I think it's because of my longstanding relationship with the game and its skill curves that I am dumbfounded by what I've read so far.


Now, I'm not saying that this game is going to turn into another CoD clone (it's not, it can't, it won't, and to say it will is pure idiocy), but what they're doing, or at least what I see so far, is slightly off putting. Reach is a good game, and the only reason it's not truly great is because of some of the armor abilities (and the focus rifle, that thing blows).


Forerunner Vision - Fine. People seem to think that this means people will able to see through any walls they want for however long they want, indiscriminately corner camping to their little hearts' content, and to assume that's what it is would be doing a disservice to 343 just by thinking they'd be dumb enough to do something like that. I'm sure the ability will come with its share of drawbacks, some of which I would assume include a short duration and / or a lack of radar while it's active. As long as it's balanced correctly, this shouldn't be a problem to most people. But, to clarify, people saying that this will PREVENT camping are terribly wrong in both that opinion and their own confidence in Halo gameplay knowledge. If anything, it will promote it. Pay attention to your radar and watch your back, kids.


Jetpacks - Honestly, this is still my biggest gripe with Halo 4, as it was with Reach. Jetpacks destroy map flow. They don't inhibit certain actions, they don't keep different gameplay aspects in check, they destroy balance. Jetpacks are like an invasive species into a delicate ecosystem - they infest, assimilate, and change everything, and never for the better. Jetpacks add the ability to be wherever you want, whenever you want, on any map you want (obviously with the exception of kill zones), without any real consequence. If the fuel cell was lower, that would even be a great way to balance it, but I know that will never happen. Jetpacks are for people who either don't understand map dynamics, and therefore fly high above everyone else when in doubt, and reign an annoying volley of bullets from above, or for others that just like to grief others with their unfair aerial advantage coupled with extensive map knowledge. No matter what you do to this overpowered hunk of crap, it will never belong properly in the Halo universe. Now that bloom will be a thing of the past in Halo 4, there will be nothing impeding those annoying little wasps from swarming all over every map.


Universal Sprint - Honestly, not a bad idea. By giving everyone sprint, 343 is furthering balance and putting more focus onto actual abilities. The fact that all Spartans in Reach couldn't sprint unless they had an armor override was ridiculous. The military didn't spend billions of credits for a bunch of idiots who can't figure out how to walk faster than a casual stroll in the middle of a battlefield.


Customized Loadouts -Fun, innovative, game changing, but not Halo. These games have always been about balance - an even playing field in which players who were more skilled than others would be able to win in a fair, balanced situation. Now that people are going to be running around with different guns (and I don't mean some people have a carbine and some have a BR) with different niches, I can't see how that will balance anything. Sure, it adds for a more squad - based approach to combat, but true squad roles have never essentially been a part of Halo. Imagine getting tagged by a DMR while you have a BR, and you are directly in DMR guy's PRIME range, but he's just outside of your scope's domain. You'll have to run and give up your position, just because his gun has longer range. Same goes for the reverse situation - you're going to dominate him at closer range with the BR. Again, this is all speculation and I haven't seen how far these loadouts go exactly, but I'm very apprehensive about it.


Campaign looks good, but it still bugs me that in every game the Master Chief's armor is completely different without explanation. Why change so much about his helmet / pauldrons / armor and not just say "oh and by the way, between the last two games you got some upgrades! grats", instead of ignoring different armor pieces as if they've been there all along? Stupid.


I have faith in their ability to make a great game, but I think 343 needs to reassert their franchise as the predominant competitive FPS on the market. I haven't gotten to play ANY of this for myself, so I could be totally wrong, and I'm sure they won't leave skilled players disappointed (there is NO WAY they won't have more traditional playlists like MLG and normal Slayer), but I'm still terrified for the future of this franchise.


[[Edited for grammar]]

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Firstly, welcome to the forum!


Use of the word pauldrons instead of shoulders=win.


As for your comments/likes/concerns, I can understand where you're coming from on all aspects.


Forerunner Vision - Fine. People seem to think that this means people will able to see through any walls they want for however long they want, indiscriminately corner camping to their little hearts' content, and to assume that's what it is would be doing a disservice to 343 just by thinking they'd be dumb enough to do something like that. I'm sure the ability will come with its share of drawbacks, some of which I would assume include a short duration and / or a lack of radar while it's active. As long as it's balanced correctly, this shouldn't be a problem to most people. But, to clarify, people saying that this will PREVENT camping are terribly wrong in both that opinion and their own confidence in Halo gameplay knowledge. If anything, it will promote it. Pay attention to your radar and watch your back, kids.

Without knowing how Forerunner Vision is going to work, it's really hard to judge just how game-breaking (or not) it will be. This is one of those things that I'm really up in the air on, and will just have to wait and see how it turns out.


Jetpacks - Honestly, this is still my biggest gripe with Halo 4, as it was with Reach. Jetpacks destroy map flow. They don't inhibit certain actions, they don't keep different gameplay aspects in check, they destroy balance. Jetpacks are like an invasive species into a delicate ecosystem - they infest, assimilate, and change everything, and never for the better. Jetpacks add the ability to be wherever you want, whenever you want, on any map you want (obviously with the exception of kill zones), without any real consequence. If the fuel cell was lower, that would even be a great way to balance it, but I know that will never happen. Jetpacks are for people who either don't understand map dynamics, and therefore fly high above everyone else when in doubt, and reign an annoying volley of bullets from above, or for others that just like to grief others with their unfair aerial advantage coupled with extensive map knowledge. No matter what you do to this overpowered hunk of crap, it will never belong properly in the Halo universe. Now that bloom will be a thing of the past in Halo 4, there will be nothing impeding those annoying little wasps from swarming all over every map.

Ah, the dreaded jetpack - map debate. This has been raging for a while now. I have the same concerns as you, that it could potentially break down balance. However, (isn't there always a "but" or "however"?) since 343i is designing each map from scratch (supposedly) and not just ripping campaign areas, I hope that this is something they're going to take into consideration when they're building them. I think that they would, since they are designing the game with jetpacks in mind.


Universal Sprint - Honestly, not a bad idea. By giving everyone sprint, 343 is furthering balance and putting more focus onto actual abilities. The fact that all Spartans in Reach couldn't sprint unless they had an armor override was ridiculous. The military didn't spend billions of credits for a bunch of idiots who can't figure out how to walk faster than a casual stroll in the middle of a battlefield.

Love, love, LOVE your argument here, and I've used it myself (though in slightly different words). I see no issue with sprint being a universal ability that every spartan has. To me, it just makes sense.


Customized Loadouts -Fun, innovative, game changing, but not Halo. These games have always been about balance - an even playing field in which players who were more skilled than others would be able to win in a fair, balanced situation. Now that people are going to be running around with different guns (and I don't mean some people have a carbine and some have a BR) with different niches, I can't see how that will balance anything. Sure, it adds for a more squad - based approach to combat, but true squad roles have never essentially been a part of Halo. Imagine getting tagged by a DMR while you have a BR, and you are directly in DMR guy's PRIME range, but he's just outside of your scope's domain. You'll have to run and give up your position, just because his gun has longer range. Same goes for the reverse situation - you're going to dominate him at closer range with the BR. Again, this is all speculation and I haven't seen how far these loadouts go exactly, but I'm very apprehensive about it.

This one I'm up in the air about as well. I like the idea, but without knowing how it's going to be implemented, it's a tough call on whether it will be good or not. Obviously, they won't allow power weapons in the loadouts. But what balance issues will crop up by being able to select weapons? What choices on weapons am I going to have? I'm starting to wonder if they're going to do something along the lines of "You're in a game of Slayer BR, you have the choice between a BR and the Covenant Carbine (or assault carbine, or whatever)". We'll just have to hold out hope that this balances well.


The Chief's armor changing, meh. It's minor, and something that you only see in cut scenes anyway. I can get over this.


As for faith in 343, I to have it. I don't think they're going to screw the game up.

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You have pretty nice points, unlike mindless trolls with no backup on their opinion. You use reason, so thats great. Most of your opinions I agree on. But I think customizable loadouts will be exciting. Jet-Packs was new to the Halo trilogy, but nobody said that wasn't like Halo. Thats why I think it would be best to give no information on a game until it is nearly out in stores. But good job, and welcome to the forum.

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Thank you guys. I appreciate the level headedness I'm seeing so far on the forums - I haven't seen internet courtesy like this in a good, long time.



Ah, the dreaded jetpack - map debate. This has been raging for a while now. I have the same concerns as you, that it could potentially break down balance. However, (isn't there always a "but" or "however"?) since 343i is designing each map from scratch (supposedly) and not just ripping campaign areas, I hope that this is something they're going to take into consideration when they're building them. I think that they would, since they are designing the game with jetpacks in mind.


Believe me, in most circumstances I would ALWAYS visit two viewpoints on issues, especially those related to Halo. On jetpacks, however, I am decided, and I really can't find a way to justify them being in the game. If they weren't such a drastic game changer, then I might be able to see a niche for them, but even with maps designed with jetpacks in mind, I think all it'd do would be perpetuate jetpack dominance.


To build maps around a jetpack would mean you're giving jetpack users yet another unfair advantage by giving them a map made FOR them. The advantage is always unfair even on maps NOT designed for jetpacks, so I just can't see them in without being a nuisance.

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can this be!?

a newbie who actually knows who what he's talking about!?


on a serious note, good job on this^_^ you're right on a few

but I think it's too early to judge damn near anything for right now

Yes, i was shocked to :shok:

But yeah its to early to judge this game based on the amount of info that was leaked.

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I totally agree with everything you have said. Couldnt have said it any better myself. I really want halo 4 to be a success but I must admit I am a little bit worried about these totally new additions to the halo universe. Ill be playing halo 4 with a open mind to the new ideas so hopefully we all enjoy it.

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I agree with jetpacks, i hate them. Forerunner vision, is just, seems awful. I have played blacklight; Tango down, "they have this forerunner vision you talk about". It was a absolute fail and can not be balanced right, makes it worse. I have no problem with custom loadouts as long as they are balanced for their ranges and nerfed in ways. (for example DMR slower fire rate, great damage and great zoom for anti-sniper roles). Why i say that? Say if a BR vs DMR, the BR will have a chance.

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Agreed, Armor Abilities sucked ass in Reach, honestly. Halo multiplayer is a gentle, babbling brook that flows evenly at an enjoyable pace and those abominations they call AA are a bunch of 7-year-old adventurers that decide to pile up a bunch of rocks and sticks in the middle of the stream just for the sake of creating a dam.


They completely kill the flow of the game. Don't even get me started on loadouts and random weapon spawns. It's like they want to destroy the foundation of Halo multiplayer because it worked in CoD and Battlefield. Notice how the GI article kept referencing those games. IT DOESN'T WORK HERE, GUYS. STOP.

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I disagree with you about the Jetpack; I think it has the perfect balance of mobility versus exposure. On the other hand I agree with what you said about Forerrunner Vision. It could work, maybe, but they need to treat it very carefully, and pay close attention to map design. Beyond that, universal sprint seems like it would mess up the balance of the other AA's, but it may be negligible. We'd have to wait until we get gameplay footage to see how it goes.


Loadouts, on the other hand, are rather problematic. See, they could work, if it was just AA's, weapons, and grenades. You could choose your preferred of each, and as long as each of the weapons had a weakness (you mentioned the range differences of the DMR and BR), and there were no power weapons, it would work out. You pick the one you're best with and play to your style. It adds a layer of tactics. The only problems are the fact that there are "modifications" in there too, and that all of this stuff needs to be unlocked through rank. It could balance out if you were allowed to pick your setup from the start, but obviously if you have a limited selection of weapons, AA's, and modifications, while an opponent has a wide variety, you're at a disadvantage. Of everything we've heard, this is by far the most game-breaking, and the only way I see it not tripping over its own deformed feet and snapping its neck is if they remove the system of "higher rank means you win" entirely. Which, who knows, they may very well do, if the fan outcry is great enough.


On the other hand, the more story-driven campaign and Spartan Ops sounds incredible. Even if multiplayer fumbles and dies horribly, the game will be worth getting for single player alone.


So, I guess the best phrase so sum up my feelings on the news we've heard so far (regarding multiplayer) is "we'll see".


EDIT: Forgot about random weapons spawns and instant respawn. My thoughts on that can be summed up as follows: "Haha, seriously? No." Although, they got rid of Armor Lock, so I guess it balances out and we're back to "we'll see".

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My feelings about the game are mixed as well. I believe that the game is still going to be great no matter how much they change it. However, there is positive and negatives to these changes.


The reason I would play Halo, besides Reach, any day over Call of Duty is simply because the multiplayer functioned on the idea of starting equal. Everyone had the SAME weapon when the game started. If you wanted a power weapon you had to FIGHT for it. It wasn't that you started out with your weapon of choice giving you an upper advantage. That's where skill came in. A big reason people despise Call of Duty is not because of the gameplay itself but the people who play it. It's not fun to play against people hiding with shotguns that have the range of snipers. And even if you killed them they'd just be there again within the minute.

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Thank you guys. I appreciate the level headedness I'm seeing so far on the forums - I haven't seen internet courtesy like this in a good, long time.





Believe me, in most circumstances I would ALWAYS visit two viewpoints on issues, especially those related to Halo. On jetpacks, however, I am decided, and I really can't find a way to justify them being in the game. If they weren't such a drastic game changer, then I might be able to see a niche for them, but even with maps designed with jetpacks in mind, I think all it'd do would be perpetuate jetpack dominance.


To build maps around a jetpack would mean you're giving jetpack users yet another unfair advantage by giving them a map made FOR them. The advantage is always unfair even on maps NOT designed for jetpacks, so I just can't see them in without being a nuisance.

what if the jetpack could not be used as long? in Reach you could go very hie in the jetpack even (if i remember right) all the way from the bottum to the top of swordbase. so what if its a much shorter distance you can go like just double the normal jump hight? that would be fine with me and welcome to the forum!

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