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Why Hate 343i?

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Why do people constantly hate on 343i? Just because they are different, they are going to fail Halo 4? People don't even defend their argument when they are hating on 343i, they just say things like "Oh well, no point in buying Halo 4, or should I say, MW4, it's the biggest fail ever!" When its not even out, and we got so little of information. Show me reason, and I can respect your opinion. This exact same thing happened with Halo: Reach. People complained, saying it was nothing like Halo 3, and now, people complain that Halo 4 isn't like Reach, and we practically know nothing about it. People just like to hate, and get everyone worked up and on their side. 343i will do great, I just know they will. I already feel like the gameplay will be like Halo 3's, but that is a guess.

a large reason ppl would decide they dont like 343 alrdy is because of the following reasons: some of their new modifications they made to reach were unsatisfactory, some of the new maps they added to reach r completely half-baked (there r killzones in the middle of walking paths and on various areas that r considered completely normal camping areas that are not hard to remove the campers from but allow them to have at least some sense of security), because they are frightened by the idea of halo just switching hands mid-story, because they want to be sure to keep some of the things they liked about previous halos, because they r giving out content that bungie had made to purposefully be rare (recon on halo 3, i know its a small thing to most ppl but what happens when they do this with the other halos? previously rare items just get handed over to everyone and made non-rare think about that), and the last and most plausable reason...just cause they like to hate ("I can name fingers and point names!")
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a large reason ppl would decide they dont like 343 alrdy is because of the following reasons: some of their new modifications they made to reach were unsatisfactory, some of the new maps they added to reach r completely half-baked (there r killzones in the middle of walking paths and on various areas that r considered completely normal camping areas that are not hard to remove the campers from but allow them to have at least some sense of security), because they are frightened by the idea of halo just switching hands mid-story, because they want to be sure to keep some of the things they liked about previous halos, because they r giving out content that bungie had made to purposefully be rare (recon on halo 3, i know its a small thing to most ppl but what happens when they do this with the other halos? previously rare items just get handed over to everyone and made non-rare think about that), and the last and most plausable reason...just cause they like to hate ("I can name fingers and point names!")


Its just a bunch of blasphemy, I'm sure they will do a good job. I'm sure they will incorporate a recon-based gift for people who do outstanding things in the community. This guy is mostly upset because "343 has done everything wrong because the elites and the grunts have changed, Master chief comes out wearing MK7 with no explanations, they are adding customization weapons, added forerunner vision. No playable elites in multi-player, removed firefight. " I heard all of this within 10 mins

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Halo lived as the best damn video game series ever created. It has lived a great life and I'm sure it would brought future generations happiness. Had it not been for the **** ups at 343 Industries. halo 4 is the grim reaper to this amazing universe. You all claim to be true Halo fans and you all sicken me to the core. You all are blind to the murder that 343 is about to commit. I love Halo to death. I feel as though I am the only true fan of this series. Halo CEA was half-asked and completely disrespectful to true Halo fans. We already let another company other than Bungie work on Halo and look at what we got...Halo wars. How blind and stupid are you all? To encourage this HERESY upon true fans of Halo. These demons have tainted the ground we walk on. If you all claim to be true fans of Halo. Then quit this nonsense and open your eyes. As one who represent the Sangheili, I find halo 4 to be a disgrace and an unforgivable insult to the name Halo. If you all knew what 343 was doing to this game. If you all knew the physical changes they've made. Open your eyes my brothers and sisters. All the things that are unexplained and you all don't see it. If the gods had wanted a Halo 4 they wouldn't have made ODST or Reach. There is a reason why they ended it with 3. They wanted us, The real fans, to think and create new ideas as to what we thought happened. This....This worthless excuse for a Halo game makes my stomach shrink. Jul' Mdama wouldn't tolerate this ****. Thel 'Vadam would even shake his head in shame. You have all contributed to murder of Halo.


R.I.P. Halo: 1998-2012.

We will miss you Halo and all the fun you have given us over the years will remain in our hearts forever. (Halo, killed by: 343 Industries. Respawn in 343...342...341...)

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Its just a bunch of blasphemy, I'm sure they will do a good job. I'm sure they will incorporate a recon-based gift for people who do outstanding things in the community. This guy is mostly upset because "343 has done everything wrong because the elites and the grunts have changed, Master chief comes out wearing MK7 with no explanations, they are adding customization weapons, added forerunner vision. No playable elites in multi-player, removed firefight. " I heard all of this within 10 mins

if ur getting those ideas off of the quote u used then ur clearly not reading it O-o which is then just posting stuff to post it which is then compairable to the main ideal of "spamming" and no one likes spam...unless it comes with cheese and on a really good sandwich... =3= do u have a sandwich? because i doubt it highly sir . -.

(on a side note i notice i switched from "they" being 343 to "they" being the 343 haters so umm..just read carefully and ull pick up the difference...)

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Halo lived as the best damn video game series ever created. It has lived a great life and I'm sure it would brought future generations happiness. Had it not been for the **** ups at 343 Industries. halo 4 is the grim reaper to this amazing universe. You all claim to be true Halo fans and you all sicken me to the core. You all are blind to the murder that 343 is about to commit. I love Halo to death. I feel as though I am the only true fan of this series. Halo CEA was half-asked and completely disrespectful to true Halo fans. We already let another company other than Bungie work on Halo and look at what we got...Halo wars. How blind and stupid are you all? To encourage this HERESY upon true fans of Halo. These demons have tainted the ground we walk on. If you all claim to be true fans of Halo. Then quit this nonsense and open your eyes. As one who represent the Sangheili, I find halo 4 to be a disgrace and an unforgivable insult to the name Halo. If you all knew what 343 was doing to this game. If you all knew the physical changes they've made. Open your eyes my brothers and sisters. All the things that are unexplained and you all don't see it. If the gods had wanted a Halo 4 they wouldn't have made ODST or Reach. There is a reason why they ended it with 3. They wanted us, The real fans, to think and create new ideas as to what we thought happened. This....This worthless excuse for a Halo game makes my stomach shrink. Jul' Mdama wouldn't tolerate this ****. Thel 'Vadam would even shake his head in shame. You have all contributed to murder of Halo.


R.I.P. Halo: 1998-2012.

We will miss you Halo and all the fun you have given us over the years will remain in our hearts forever. (Halo, killed by: 343 Industries. Respawn in 343...342...341...)


Your post made me laugh. You have not ever played Halo 4 and claim you know 100% that it will fail. The most you say is how bad it is with no reason. Halo Wars was a great game, you think it is bad because it isn't a FPS. You are not the only/best Halo fan because you think Halo has changed. You have no reason to believe you are the only fan, you have not played Halo 4. I will consider you a Halo fan when you play the game first. Games must change, or they get boring. TONS of people asked for Halo CEA. Now people ask for Halo 2 Anniversary. As for the Elites, they said there will be a different playable species, grow up, it's all pixels on a screen. It's a video game skin. You just babble on about how it will be bad, and don't give reasons. Go play CoD, 343i doesn't care about what one person says. We have our eyes open, we see Halo being improved. Your not the voice people look to, your name even reminds me of someone who acts like you, mr. "prophet of truth". I respect you and your opinion, but don't complain without trying Halo 4, or without reason.

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The reason people hate 343 Industries is because they are ignorant.


1. They are a new company that has no experience with Halo.


Completely wrong. 343i has been around for a couple of years now, and is made up mainly of former Bungie employees who couldn't bear to leave their baby. There are actually fewer Halo-inexperienced employees at 343i right now then there were at Bungie when they did Halo Reach. There are Bungie employees at 343i who actually worked on the original Halo Combat Evolved.


2. They butchered Halo Reach's multiplayer.


Also completely wrong. There were some game breaking issues with Multiplayer on Reach when it was first released by Bungie (obvious spawn traps, boosting opportunities, camping spots that were unreachable, etc.) and 343i has done all that they can do to fix everything that was wrong. AL being OP, fixed. Campers in Infection, mostly fixed. Objective K/D boosters, mostly fixed. Spawn trappers in Swat, mostly fixed. There are very few problems that have actually been caused by 343i in Halo Reach multiplayer.


3. They don't listen to the community.


Another completely wrong one. The original TU was completely based off of the community feedback, and as a matter of fact was begged for by the majority of the community. When the TU was announced, everyone was singing praises about 343i. Then people couldn't adapt to it enough to actually enjoy it, so they started complaining. Then a bunch of idiots jumped onto the bandwagon. So they took the TU out of a lot of things. Then people started complaining about it even though it's no longer applicable in most playlists. Ignorant idiots.


4. Halo 4 is going to be like Call of Duty.


This one is complete idiocy. Firstly, "Customizable Loadouts" does NOT mean the same thing in Halo as it does in Call of Duty. In CoD you can spawn with things like a Rocket Launcher, grenade launcher, shotgun, sniper, etc. You will NOT be able to do that in Halo 4. The only things you will be able to spawn with, or are even unlockable, are things that have a set amount of damage a.k.a. "Normal" weapons. You won't be able to unlock weapons that will give you an edge over newer players. Which is the exact opposite of how the Customizable Loadouts in CoD work. Secondly, instant spawn. This will not be available in game modes that wouldn't work with it (objective, grifball, etc.) This will pretty much be a Slayer exclusive feature. There will NOT be a kill-cam which reveals your enemies position. They just took out the 3,2,1. Not that big of a deal. And lastly, random power weapon drops. How this is similar to CoD I cannot fathom, considering that CoD doesn't even HAVE weapon spawns/drops, but let's roll with it for a second. The reason for this feature is because knowing where the weapons spawn make the games unilateral, and quite frankly, boring. When you don't know where a weapon is going to spawn, then there is no reason to camp in a certain place to get the weapon. This will do wonders in getting rid of power weapon hoarders (something people have been complaining about since Halo 2), and make each game a new experience rather than, "Okay, you know the drill. Person A go for the shotgun, Person B go for the Sniper, I'll grab the Sword, and Person C go for the rockets" at the beginning of each game.


5. Halo 3 should have been the last Halo.


Who says? Halo 3 was left with a bunch of loose ends. Firstly, the covenant was defeated by killing the Prophet of Truth? Yeah, "cutting the head off the snake" never works, even in real life. Secondly, what about the rest of the Halo Arrays? Each individual one is capable of being activated without the arc as a fail-safe. Each Halo Array also has flood upon it. Most of the covenant don't KNOW that their leadership is dead due to the fragmented nature of the covenant toward the end of Halo 3, so what's to stop them from seeking the rest of the arrays? Thirdly, what about the reason that Master Chief was made in the first place? The insurrectionists? Are they going to forget about their fight with the UNSC just because the covenant tried to wipe out humanity? Yeah, don't think so. Finally, if Bungie had wanted Halo to end with Halo 3 then they would have KILLED Master Chief rather than leaving him in space where he can run into any sort of trouble that a new game (like Halo 4 for instance) can be based off of.


6. 343i ruined Halo: CE.


How exactly? By updating it's graphics?By giving it Achievements? By giving people who haven't played it the opportunity to? By having it's multiplayer tied into Reach's and not giving it an offline, 4 player maximum multiplayer? The only things they added to Halo CEA that wasn't in the original Halo CE was better graphics, skulls, and the terminals. The only things they removed was the multiplayer and a couple of easter eggs. They even kept the old graphics in if you preferred the original ones. The old easter eggs and such are also there in old-graphics mode. Terminals and Skulls aren't. If you didn't KNOW about the old graphics, next time you play Halo CEA press the back button in-game.


7. 343i took Halo from Bungie.


This one made my head hurt with how dumb it is. Bungie didn't WANT Halo anymore. They wanted to do other things, like team up with Activision. There was a HUGE split in Bungie when they announced that they wanted to go a different direction. Most of their employees from "The Golden Years" wanted to keep doing Halo. So they LEFT Bungie and joined 343i, which was Bungie's sister company that was made by Microsoft to help Bungie develop Halo games. Bungie had promised Microsoft 6 Halo games, and decided to make 3 major Halo games (Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3) and 3 "side games" (Halo ODST, Halo Wars, and Halo Reach). Then they had a choice. Renew their contract with Microsoft, or leave. They chose to leave. If they hadn't chosen to opt out of the re-up, 343i would have a lot fewer employees and would still be a sister company.


Everything else is pretty much just your own opinion. If you don't like the way things are turning out with Halo 4, that's okay. You don't HAVE to buy it. And I would rather not HAVE to listen to you say/read you type how you are not going to buy it and list a bunch of dumb reasons that aren't even real. If you aren't a fan of Halo in the first place, then what the hell are you doing reading this? Go play some other game and quit trying to be a troll. Unless you are planning on BECOMING a Halo fan, you don't really need to be here.

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Why do people constantly hate on 343i? Just because they are different, they are going to fail Halo 4? People don't even defend their argument when they are hating on 343i, they just say things like "Oh well, no point in buying Halo 4, or should I say, MW4, it's the biggest fail ever!" When its not even out, and we got so little of information. Show me reason, and I can respect your opinion. This exact same thing happened with Halo: Reach. People complained, saying it was nothing like Halo 3, and now, people complain that Halo 4 isn't like Reach, and we practically know nothing about it. People just like to hate, and get everyone worked up and on their side. 343i will do great, I just know they will. I already feel like the gameplay will be like Halo 3's, but that is a guess.


I don't hate halo 4/343, however these are a few things that are really bothering me and will hinder my experience.


-The bland new theme song.

-Loadouts -_-

-Exclusion of elites, I loved to play as an elite. I felt unique.

-How I thought it was going to be the successor to Halo 3(Greatest Halo experience I have ever had, still gives me a nice feeling.)


Oh and Hi, I am new.

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I don't hate halo 4/343, however these are a few things that are really bothering me and will hinder my experience.


-The bland new theme song.

-Loadouts -_-

-Exclusion of elites, I loved to play as an elite. I felt unique.

-How I thought it was going to be the successor to Halo 3(Greatest Halo experience I have ever had, still gives me a nice feeling.)


Oh and Hi, I am new.



At first i too was worried about "no more Martin O'Donnell", because, you know, the soundtracks were AWESOME, AWESOME! But i've heard a part of the new theme, and it's not bad...i mean, in my opinion, it's not at the level of O'Donnell, but i like it.

But why do you hate loadouts? Because they resemble you CoD? I like them, they don't change or ruin the multiplayer experience, they just offer a bigger gamma of choices, abilities and weapons and stuff like that.

Yeah, i liked elites too, but...who cares? i mean, now you can customize you're Spartan more than ever.....and also, i wouldn't say it's a bad game because of their exclusion.

The last point it's not clear to me....it IS the successor of Halo 3, the history take place right after its events...maybe you mean the multiplyer experience?

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I don't hate 343i but they have been around for awhile mainly dealing with Halo multiplayer etc


I think people hate because they are scared of change scared someone will mess up the title

But alot of people working on 4 worked on the previous games.


Why can't people just wait until its released?

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At first i too was worried about "no more Martin O'Donnell", because, you know, the soundtracks were AWESOME, AWESOME! But i've heard a part of the new theme, and it's not bad...i mean, in my opinion, it's not at the level of O'Donnell, but i like it.

But why do you hate loadouts? Because they resemble you CoD? I like them, they don't change or ruin the multiplayer experience, they just offer a bigger gamma of choices, abilities and weapons and stuff like that.

Yeah, i liked elites too, but...who cares? i mean, now you can customize you're Spartan more than ever.....and also, i wouldn't say it's a bad game because of their exclusion.

The last point it's not clear to me....it IS the successor of Halo 3, the history take place right after its events...maybe you mean the multiplyer experience?


Well every time i pop in halo 3, I cant stop thinking how much the game will be different from halo 4. Halo 3 had almost like a magical feel to it that reach could not grasp. Halo 4 in my opinion will not be the successor to halo 3 due to it being more like reach than anything else and that includes the multiplayer and nearly everything I have listed above. I loved elites and its truly painful to see the excluded because some guy want to put a lame story in multiplayer... -_-

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Well every time i pop in halo 3, I cant stop thinking how much the game will be different from halo 4. Halo 3 had almost like a magical feel to it that reach could not grasp. Halo 4 in my opinion will not be the successor to halo 3 due to it being more like reach than anything else and that includes the multiplayer and nearly everything I have listed above. I loved elites and its truly painful to see the excluded because some guy want to put a lame story in multiplayer... -_-


Well, in my opinion, Halo 3 has not the same atmosphere, supsence that there's in Halo 2, or Halo CE, althought i really like the last chapter of the trilogy. I'll judge it when i will have played it at least 3 times, maybe 4, to understand at all the history.

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The people who hate on 343i are just people that don't like change like these so called true halo fanboys pffft a true halo player stays true to the game in any kind of weather or change.

this is the point that has been underlying to all the arguements this whole time! ppl carry on how halo is not going to be halo anylonger because it has been handed to 343 but its STILL HALO its chief, cortana, warthogs, assault rifles, and covies thats all we need pplz just cause its not "competative like halo 3" doesnt mean its not a halo anymore and if u actually like halo u wont leave it just cause u dont like its layout or that theres no elite option anymore (they didnt even have this in halo 1) or cause u think the competativeness is not as good...if u like halo u will go for the halo game no matter wut as long as it is actually still halo (we even went for halo wars now didnt we? how can it get worse?)
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I dont see why they are complaining. Me personally I've been waiting for halo 4 for awhile. Yeah it may take time to get used to, But thats what is going to make better. 343 made it they way they thought was best. Plus forerunners, Who hasn't been waiting for that one?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why do people constantly hate on 343i? Just because they are different, they are going to fail Halo 4? People don't even defend their argument when they are hating on 343i, they just say things like "Oh well, no point in buying Halo 4, or should I say, MW4, it's the biggest fail ever!" When its not even out, and we got so little of information. Show me reason, and I can respect your opinion. This exact same thing happened with Halo: Reach. People complained, saying it was nothing like Halo 3, and now, people complain that Halo 4 isn't like Reach, and we practically know nothing about it. People just like to hate, and get everyone worked up and on their side. 343i will do great, I just know they will. I already feel like the gameplay will be like Halo 3's, but that is a guess Mr. Dino I do think that you are right

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