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The number of Spartan 2's theory.


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This is a list of the number of Spartan II's that were mentioned by Bungiee and/or 343 by books, games, ect.


There are two classes of the Spartan II program, class two is NOT to be confuesed with the Spartan III program.


The second class was made the same time as Bata company of the Spartan III's. Remember that later.


Class one: 75 canidates.


dead: 30 of 75. (29 of 75) Exeption: Serin-019 - Discharged after failed augmentation procedures and recruited as an ONI field agent, adopting the surname "Osman". Later became the protégé of Admiral Margaret Parangosky, and was handpicked by the latter to serve as a diplomatic envoy to Sanghelios. Confimed to be living, not able to use Spartan grade armor, death faked.


crippled: 12 of 75


Operational: 33 of 75


Halsey notes that the bodies of the candidates who were killed during the augmentation procedures were placed in cryo-stasis, with the possibility that they may some day be resuscitated, though they appeared to be buried in space.

She also notes that at least some of the candidates who were crippled could some day be rehabilitated and sent to active duty.


This means that they can bring back to life up to 29 Spartans, and repair eight more from class one.


Two unidentified trainees Dr. Halsey claim to have commited suicide in Halo ledgends - Homecomming - Said to have committed suicide after escaping the program in 2525.

This was disproven, Dr. Halsey lied about this. The two that escaped with Daisy-023, and 'commited suicide' are:

Ralph-303 - Was critically injured during agmentations. Became a Merine.

Joseph-122 - status unknown. Likily KIA.


Successfully augmented

1) James-005 - Missing in action. Most likely KIA during the Fall of Reach.

2) Jai-006 - MIA with the rest of Gray Team.

3) Li-008 - Listed as MIA during a battle within an anomalous section of slipspace. Assumed KIA due to nearby plasma torpedo detonation.

4) Naomi-010 - Active as of March 2553.

5) Daisy-023 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during the Harvest Campaign.

6) Joshua-029 - Listed as MIA. Assumed KIA during the Fall of Reach due to a direct hit from a Covenant cruiser's plasma weaponry.

7) Vinh-030 - Listed as MIA. Assumed KIA after the Fall of Reach.

8 ) Samuel-034 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA aboard a Covenant vessel, Unrelenting. First SPARTAN-II to be killed in action.

9) Randall-037 - MIA. Presumed dead.

10) Isaac-039 - Listed as MIA. Assumed KIA after the Fall of Reach.

11) Douglas-042 - Last seen aboard UNSC Spirit of Fire in 2531. Listed as MIA.

12) William-043 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during the Battle of Onyx.

13) Anton-044 - MIA during a battle within an anomalous section of slipspace. Assumed KIA due to nearby plasma torpedo detonation.

14) Keiichi-047 - Status unknown. Last seen during the Harvest Campaign.

15) Kurt-051 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA after the detonation of two FENRIS nuclear warheads at the core of Onyx.

16) Jorge-052 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during the Fall of Reach.

17) Linda-058 - Active as of March 2553. Clinically KIA during the Fall of Reach but later resuscitated after the Battle of Installation 04.

19) Malcolm-059 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during the Fall of Reach.

20) Maria-062 - Retired.

21) Sheila-065 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during the Battle of Miridem.

22) Solomon-069 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during a mission to rescue Dr. Halsey.

23) Arthur-079 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during the mission to rescue Dr. Halsey.

24) Kelly-087 - Active as of March 2553.

25) Jerome-092 - Last seen aboard UNSC Spirit of Fire in 2531. Listed as MIA.

26) Grace-093 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during Operation: FIRST STRIKE.

27) Victor-101 - Active as of August 2552.

28) Frederic-104 - Active as of March 2553.

29) Adriana-111 - MIA with the rest of Gray Team.

30) John-117 - MIA. Last seen during the Battle of Installation 00. Known to be drifting toward an unknown planet.

31) Mike-120 - MIA with the rest of Gray Team.

32) Joseph-122 - Status unknown. Last seen in 2525.

33) Alice-130 - Last seen aboard Spirit of Fire in 2531. Listed as MIA.

34) Carris-137 - Status unknown.

35) Cal-141 - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during an assassination operation on Heian.

36) "Beta-Red Actual" - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during the Fall of Reach. Likely synonymous with "Red-21"

37) "Black-One" - Active as of August 2552.

38) "Black-Two" - Active as of August 2552.

39) "Black-Three" - Active as of August 2552.

40) "Red-Fifteen" - Listed as MIA. Confirmed KIA during the Fall of Reach.

41) Unidentified Spartan - Listed as MIA. KIA during the Harvest Campaign.

42, 43, 44) Three unidentified Red Team Spartans - Died after jumping out of a Pelican during the Fall of Reach.

45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53) Nine unidentified Beta-Red Spartans - Killed by a MAC blast during the Fall of Reach.

54, 55, 56) Three unidentified Delta-Red Spartans - Died during the Fall of Reach.


12 damaged from augmentation procedures.


Two of them are confirmed to have a shot to re-join later...

Kirk-018 - Discharged. Possibly rehabilitated, for which Halsey had expressed hope.

René-081 - Discharged. Possibly rehabilitated, for which Halsey had expressed hope.

Six unaccounted for, may also have a shot, but a few are mentioned to becoming the UNSC stratagens.


-4 NOT possible to re-join-

Fhajad-084 - Discharged and sent to work for ONI. Suffered uncontrollable muscle spasms due to failures in augmentation. Current status unknown; possibly rehabilitated, for which Halsey had expressed hope, but he didn't make it. This Spartan is comfirmed to not be active duty since, he wrote a paper on slipstream physics that allowed Captian Keyes to do the keyes loop.


Soren-066 - Discharged due to failures in augmentation process. Listed as missing in action on Reach after defecting to the Insurrectionists. Presumed killed before or during the Fall of Reach.


Cassandra-075 - Discharged due to failures in the augmentation procedures.

This Spartan is residing on the M25L Recovery Station as of October 2552.


Ralph-303 - Discharged due to experiencing irreparable psychological trauma after escaping the program. Later joined the UNSC Marine Corps. Killed in action during the Harvest Campaign; possibly listed as missing in action.

Became a UNSC Marine, not a Spartan.


Since 56 Spartans servived in just Class 1 and are MJOLNIR Armor ready...

And olny 33 are offical MJOLNIR Armor ready....

Then 23 more spartans have servived to MJOLNIR Armor ready from class 1.

So, since common sence tells us that at least 15 came back from the dead, and that some Spartan IIs are calling shots in the war in sratagy....

We know that ONI was busy faking the deaths of more then Osman (Serin 019).


Class 2 Spartan 2

Olny one Spartan 2 is comfirmed to have came from Class 2.


One other died in agmentions, and another was totally failed to be kidnapped because of her father killing the ONI agent.


Since an acceptable class size for Dr. Halsy is 75, then at least 75 were in the class. Most were not up to Dr. Halsys liking, so most of them likily did not servive the agmention.



The Spartan 3 Program's Bata company refused 118 canidates for training due olny accepting 300. This happened due to funding.


I believe they were put towards Spartan II Training, along side who ever ONI deemed within the limitations that Dr. Halsy put forth before she left six years prior.


This explains why the Class 2 lost so many in the agmention process, olny a few that were truly worthy of the agmentions the first class of Spartans recived.


Due to experince in the past, they likily used Class 2 as more of a learning process then anything else. To see if a relitivly normal person can servive the Spartan 2 agmentions.


They learned how to agment normal. This must have been a waste, because the Spartan III gamma company would have been better, and there were barly any Spartan 2's reported to have come from the Spartan 2 Class 2.

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