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Halo reach and others "Do's" and "Don'ts"


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BY: CAPTAIN grd 3 of the UNSC ELIY-312 (spartan)

Military Field Statagies Tip Guide (MFSTG)



Hello im SPARTAN Eliy-312, I have designed this guide for newcoming privates and reqruits also refered to by higher ranking as "Noobs" or "Noobies". Although this may be an insult this is acctualy the higher rankings way saying of "Hello welcome to the team". This guide is for lower ranking soldiers to sharpen there stratagies out in the field. Lets get started.


ARTICLE 1 "Do's"

Lets get started with the "Do's". These are the things you should do while in the field.

1: Use small weapons on small enemies.

2: Use stronger weapons on slightly larger enemies

3: Use ultamite weapons on extreamly dangerous enemies

4: Do as you commanding officer says

5: Always carry a "Weak" weapon and a "Strong weapon"

6: Take extream caution when battaling Covenant forces

7: Search and locate enemy position before an assault

8: Always be prepared for medical emergancies

9: Have a technitian or/and mechanic on hand at all times

10: Be smart with ammunition


Next is the "Dont's" of the MFSTGs Campaign section. This section teaches you what NOT to do while in the field.


ARTICLE 2 "Dont's"

1: Do NOT waste ammunition

2: Do NOT have missuse of Armor Abilities (AA)

3: Do NOT toss grenades without approval from a commanding officer

4: Do NOT use power or ultamate weapons without approval from a commanding officer

5: Do NOT use Target Locaters (TL) without approval from a commanding officer

6: Do NOT attempt to destroy an enamy target farther than 100 yards away with or without a sniper rifle

7: Do NOT attempt to drive vehicle that you do not know how to opperate

8: Do NOT take enemy weapons as war trophies without Office of Naval Intellagence's (ONI) approval

9: Do NOT attempt to take prissoners

10: Do NOT attempt to attack alien enemies alone


That sums up the campaign section. Now its time to move on to the multiplayer section.

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I waste ammunition, spam all armour abilities, toss grenades without looking, use weapons of mass destruction without checking areas, and attack ALL areas by myself.


Am I hired?



I use very big wepons onevery enemy *Rockets on a Butterfly*

- GermanShepardD

Lolololooololooolololo - le me

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