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[GameSpot] - Overwatch 2 - Pharah Hero Guide


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After completing the training in Overwatch 2, new players will be presented with Pharah as an unlocked hero, while returning players will have her and the rest of the roster right away. Having access to a hero like Pharah right out of the gate is certainly enticing, especially to newcomers who might not have gotten a chance to play as the high-flying hero in the original Overwatch. However, Pharah is one of the most difficult heroes to master in Overwatch 2, as her mobility and damage abilities work in concert with each other.

Whether players are returning to Pharah from the original Overwatch or playing as her for the first time in the sequel, they'll need to know everything about this hero to truly be effective on the map. Below, we'll list all of Pharah's abilities, the changes she received, and how to play as her in Overwatch 2.

Pharah Overview

Some players have called Pharah the "Queen of the Skies" in Overwatch, and that nickname certainly fits this damage-based hero. Pharah has some of the best mobility in the entire game, with a primary focus on soaring high into the sky and dealing damage from above. Pharah's main goal in Overwatch 2 is to constantly deal damage with her weapons and abilities while quickly moving around the map, creating a distraction for the enemies.

Compared to the original Overwatch, Pharah hasn't changed nearly as much as other heroes. However, there are some notable changes that players should be aware of before they select her. In Overwatch 2, Pharah's rockets deal more damage when they directly hit an enemy, but less AoE (area of effect) damage. This means players really want to try and aim for an enemy's body and not the area around them. Pharah also got a slight increase in her reload speed after running out of ammo as well as a boost to her Concussive Blast ability's damage and knockback.

Pharah takes a while to master in Overwatch 2.

Basically, Pharah performs the same as she did in the original Overwatch. The number one thing to remember in the sequel is to hit enemies head-on rather than aiming for the surrounding area when shooting a rocket.

Pharah Abilities

  • Rocket Launcher: Primary weapon that allows Pharah to shoot explosive rockets.
  • Jump Jet: Pharah launches upwards at a rapid speed. This ability is best used in conjunction with Hover Jet.
  • Concussive Blast: An explosive blast that is launched out of the Rocket Launcher. Deals 30 damage to each enemy hit as well as knocks them back.
  • Hover Jets: Hold to hover in the air. Perfect to use after Jump Jet, but can also be useful right before Pharah's Ultimate ability.
  • Barrage (Ultimate): Ultimate ability that launches a barrage of rockets. Pharah can't move while using the ability, but can be hurt by the rockets. Best to use while in the air or at a safe distance away from enemies.
  • Role: Damage (Passive): Eliminations grant a burst of increased movement and reload speed.

Master the movement

As with most heroes that possess some kind of movement ability, Pharah's greatest weapon is her mobility. Jump Jet and Hover Jets allow Pharah to reach places on the map that other heroes might not be able to easily get to, allowing players to create scenarios for themselves that can benefit them and their team.

Pharah's abilities are simple to learn, but much more difficult to pull off in practice.

Pharah's abilities all work in concert with one another. Players can use Jump Jet to get themselves in the air, then use Hover Jets to stay there for an extended amount of time, and finish things off with a simple Rocket Launcher attack or a Barrage if it's charged up. Concussive Blast is also a fine option to use while in the air, especially in choke points or near the objective. Pharah can use Concussive Blast to knock enemies back, allowing teammates to push through and attack much easier.

At the heart of Pharah's abilities is her movement, so players need to try and master that aspect of the hero before anything else.

Always stay on the move

Piggy-backing off of our last point, just because you might be airborne with Pharah doesn't mean you become invincible to enemy projectiles. You might be a more difficult target to hit, but that's only if you stay on the move and use Pharah's mobility to your advantage.

Find different combinations among Pharah's abilities to always be mobile while still dealing as much damage as possible to an enemy team. One moment you could be up in the air, raining down rockets with Barrage, and the next moment you could use Jump Jet to get above the objective and knockback enemies with Concussive Blast. Never let your opponents know your next move so that you become an incredibly difficult target to hit.

Other Pharah Tips

  • As aforementioned, the rockets from Barrage can damage you, so never use the Ultimate too close to enemies.
  • Your Rocket Launcher might seem like a long-range weapon, but with the nerf to its AoE damage, you want to fire rockets at closer range to deal more direct damage.
  • Use Pharah's Damage Passive to your advantage while performing her mobility abilities. After you eliminate an enemy, you get increased speed, which can be used to great effect with Jump Jet.

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