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New Game Informer confirms leaked information


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Well i just got the new issue of GI, and it confirmed about every leak and rumor.


For starters:


--- Customizable Classes: As you play the multiplayer, you will earn Spartan Points, which can be used to purchase new weapons and abilities for your classes.


--- Random Weapon Spawns: Yep, power weapons will now spawn randomly around the map.


--- Spartan Ops: There is a new mode now that operates similar to spec ops in CoD, except Spartan Ops releases five new missions every week. No, this is not DLC, it is a free addition that you get with purchasing the game. 343i will keep releasing new missions to keep gamers coming back.


--- Returning AA's: These abilities will be making a return: hologram, active camo, jetpack, and a new one, forunner vision. Sprint is no longer an ability, you can use it whenever.


--- No Elites in Multiplayer: Sadly (imo) the Elites will not be returning in H4's multiplayer. They will however appear in the campaign (which brings me to the next topic...)






--- Some people in GI got a campaign demo, and from what i read, it sounds like a great start.


--- You start aboard the Forward Unto Dawn (obviously) as you are being boarded by an "unknown threat". After getting up and ready to go, Chief grabs Cortana as she tells him to move up to the observation deck to see who is attacking them.


--- As you follow your waypoint, the door to the elevator is sealed. Chief decides not to find an alternate route, and rips open the door. Unfortunately, the shaft was decompressed and Chief gets sucked into the shaft and quickly grabs ahold of some rungs. Now, it appears cinematic, but you actually still control Chief. You make him climb the rungs, he doesnt do it on his own. once up at the top, he gets a bit of a surprise.


--- After Chief gets to the top and starts forward, an elite (in crude armor) charges him with an energy sword. Chief quickly grabs the elites arm as Cortana shouts a warning, and then Chief flings the Elite down the elevator shaft.


--- As Chief moves up to the observation deck, he engages in the first firefight of the game. Pretty typical, grunts running around with Elites leading them. After making it up to the observation deck, Chief sees a fleet of Covenant ships and the planet Requiem. It is similar to a shield world, only it is a planet built around another planet. This was done to protect the inner planet from the effects of the Halos, almost like a fallout shelter (only bigger).


And that is a basic overview of the GI issue. Hope it was informative!

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