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Mass Effect 3 Gold tactics.


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For those that have Mass Effect 3, you will know that credits are the main goal of multiplayer, as they grant access to better characters and weapons. The best challenge for credits is obviously gold, as after every match you can afford a Spectre pack.

The problem is that most Mass Effect players have no idea how to complete the challenge. I am posting this to help those Mass Effect players.


Firstly, you'll need a good team, most prefferably of people you know and talk to. But that is not an absolute necessity.

The map you will need to choose is Firebase White, with the Geth as enemies. The area you need to hold up in is at the far back room of the map, the room next the brigde. This is the best area as all enemies funnel into 2 areas and nowhere else, so no enemies can sneak up on you.


The team needs specific characters to succeed. You will need: An infiltrator- preferably Salarian, this is for the Active cloak ability for weapon damage and the money waves involving deactivating devices.

A Salarian engineer: The decoy will be your main weapon, all enemies are drawn toward the decoy, making them easy targets to hit. And with the energy drain that restores shields, you will have a hard time dying.

A Justicar adept: The biotic bubble will be a fantastic addition to helping you hack those pesky terminals on the money waves. The biotic abilities are also very useful.

A soldier: This will be your main enemy killer, not using many powers but instead focusing on guns. The real brute force of the team.

I must also point out that the characters must be level 18+ due to enemy difficulty and powers.


Weapons are not actually too important, but there are preffered weapons. The best weapons for use are:

  • The Widow or Black Widow( prefferably level 3 or above)
  • A powerful pistol, like the carnifex.

These are the basics for completing a Gold, made from personal experience. As you play Gold you will make small adaptions to suit your play style, but the original formula will stay pretty much the same.


Happy hunting and keep the credits rolling!

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Just to chip in, it's also very useful to have Quarians around for the Geth, as they can use their 'Sabotage' power to actually set them to fighting each other, taking the pressure off you and your teammates. Engineers in general work really well with Infiltrators, due to 'Shield Gating'.


'Shield Gating' basically means that if an enemy has any form of protection left, you won't be able to hurt the layer of protection below. It's exactly the same as non-bleedthrough gametypes on Reach. So even if a Geth Prime has 1 point of shield left and you Widow him in the head from a Tactical Cloak, all you'll do is knock out the last point of Shield.


Use Engineers to strip defences via Overload and Incinerate, get your Infiltrators to take their heads off once those are down, and stay in the Justicar's barrier!

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Do you guys do the glitch to farm credits on gold?


Basically, choose Hydra as your map, Geth as your foe, & put it on bronze. Rinse through to wave ten, & hope you get the four upload devices (if you don't get the uploads, then just do it til you do). Complete the uploads, then die... All four of you will now be back in the lobby. So, change the difficulty to gold, & swap your characters for four Infiltrators. Take note of who is host, this is important.


Start a new game with the setting on gold, your Infiltrators, & on the same map. As soon as the game starts & everyone is in the game (about three seconds), the host must quit out. For the remaining three players, you'll be offered the option of the "B" button... ignore this, & it will return you to the game with a new host. So, complete the objectives, then die (wait for the ex-host to rejoin the game before you complete the last upload).


Now rinse & repeat as many times as you like... just be sure to remember who is host in the lobby, as this is the person that'll need to quit out. When I do it, it usually just swaps between me & one other person.


For the host that quit out of the game... soon as you hit the lobby, press your blue "X" button (not the guide button) for the party options, then hit it again to join session in progress. This is an easy 40,000 cr every three or four minutes :D


So.. for this to work, you'll ideally be in party chat. This makes rejoining the game you just quit out of much easier :D

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