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Things explained in the latest spark cast for halo 4(warning very long list)

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I cant seem to find the spark cast itself but i was able to gather what was discussed, some things you may already know.


Ok brace yourselves long list incoming


- Weapons will still spawn as usual at the start of a game

- Goal is to make it accessible to new and experienced players

- Lots of systems to communicate to the player what weapons will drop and where

- Weapon drop system is called "Ordinance"

- Ordinance will be customisable in Custon Games

- Takes away knowledge advantage to benefit people who haven't played the map as much

- Ordinance can kill you as it drops in

- Players will be able to control timing of spawns in certain modes

- When you die you have the choice to select or customise your loadout or spawn right away

- Is designed for Slayer

- Decided that Slayer works best with 5v5

- Maps can support any gametype, but each map is taylored to a specific gametype

- All unlocks will be available in system link

- Loadouts designed to combat the eternal debate over starter weapons

- BR will require "effort" to unlock

- DMR is long range

- BR is mid-range

- Difficult to tell the difference between BR and DMR visually at a distance, as soon as you hear the sound, you'll know.

- DMR is better for lateral shots

- BR better for looking up or down

- DMR fires slower than Reach DMR

- BR has recoil, 3rd bullet hits a little higher than first bullet

- DMR will beat BR at long range, BR will win at mid to close range

- "AR is a beast in close range"

- Not every weapon can appear in the loadouts, "cannot take a rocket launcher" given as the example

- As well as balancing weapon loadouts, also balancing Armour Ability loadouts - learned a lot from the way people played Reach.

- Sprint was most popular AA by a mile, now everyone has sprint so it makes the differences of AAs a lot more interestng

- Levels are designed for the faster mobility

- Sprint slows down if you're getting shot, should help tackle the double melee problem

- default walk and jump are faster and higher than Reach, more like Halo 3

- Forerunner Vision has been misrepresented in Game Informer, is more like VISR/Arkham Asylum filter. Range is quite short.

- Balances itself because other AAs will give a better tactical advantage to a better player

- Forerunner Vision makes a noise so nearby players know you're using it

- Armour Lock is gone

- "Cortana Web" is an internal tool for mining and presenting gameplay data

- SFX really sell the power of the weapons, totally changed opinions about the Plasma Pistol

- "Sniper Rifle sounds like a crack of thunder from Mt. Olympus"

- Assault Carbine is a style of weapon that's been in the game before (SMG?), used to be a depleter of shields, but struggled to finish, that's fixed now.

- Spartan Ops is integral to the Halo experience both single player and multiplayer - "if you liked Firefight you will LOVE Spartan Ops"

- "Players can really specialise in how they play the game in Spartan Ops"

- Feels like more than the survival type experience of Firefight because there's story and progression in there

- Spartan Points will massively insentivise playing well and playing cleverly

- Doesn't exclude casual players, if you only drive you can be rewarded for that (heard this before..?)

- Firefight often turned from co-operative to competitive, Spartan Ops is much more tuned to working together and team work

- Should appeal to people on the strength of the narrative

- The character progression from PvP multiplayer feeds into Spartan Ops

- PvP and Spartan Ops is "one cohesive experience"

- Reaffirming that Warhouse is not a final name (this was covered in the March podcast too)

- We'll see a lot more of the game at E3

- No public beta


EDIT: I found the spark cast http://halo.xbox.com/Content/assets/en-us/Podcast/343Sparkast_012.mp3

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This made me REALLY hype for Halo 4


and destroyed and fears I had for it,

the only thing I am still worried about is load outs, I know they won't be like CoD or BF, but I'm still curious



Unlike some people, I have a lot of faith in 343^_^

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