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Taking a Leap of Faith


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First off my name is John Pozo and im new to this community and i would like to say Hello and tell you guys a little about my self and see if some one could help me.


Name is John im currently living in Orlando FL, mainly because om attending Full Sail for my bachelors in Computer animation. I'm 19, I'm one of those type of people that are up for anything, i like meeting new people and just hanging. The reason why im typing this on here is hoping maybe i could get some type of internship from 343 im have 5 or 4 months left as a student at Full Sail.


I'm very dedicated and hard working person, i do well in working in teams. I'm a still learning different techniques my specific discipline is hard surface modeling but i do understand how to animate composting and visual effects. I also know Nuke, Maya Zbrush, Photoshop.


With all this said i know this is a long shot but im alright with it as long as i tried it doesn't hurt me it would be awesome if someone from 343 industries could contact me. Why 343? because im a huge halo fan and would give anything to work on halo 4 or go on a studio tour. Halo was the reason why i go into this kinda field, its been a huge impact on my life and i love this industry, and im happy one day i will be working for it.


So if anyone knows or maybe your part of 343 and reading this, can you please try to make this dream come true, no worries if you can't i know its difficult but what ever the case heres my information.





Thanks for reading and Have a AWESOME DAY !!

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Um....we are the FAN site, not the real site, if you want the real site go to halo.xbox.com and even then, i don't believe there is any formal way of contacting 343 industries as we know of.



Also, Not a good idea giving your email or cell out on 1 post mate, you don't know who could be reading it and trying to hack it, im not, but you know what i mean, don't be so quick to give out personal information.

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