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Ubisoft sued over alleged Assassin's Creed copyright infringement

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John L. Beiswenger, research engineer and science-fiction author, is suing Ubisoft for allegedly ripping off his novel 'Link', which he claims has numerous similarities with Assassin's Creed.



Beiswenger's novel is part sci-fi, part theoretical science and explores the idea of ancestors' memories being "accessed, recalled, relived and re-experienced" using a special device called the "Bio-synchronizer".



According to his legal complaint, Link also touches on assassins and assassinations.

"If John Wilkes Booth fathered a child after he assassinated Lincoln, and we found a descendant alive today, we could place Booth at the scene and perhaps smell the gunpowder. Ancestral memories? As far back as you want," reads an excerpt from the novel.


Additionally, the plaintiff says there are thematic similarities between his work and Ubisoft's high-profile gaming series. In particular "spiritual and biblical tones, with references made to Jesus and God, the Garden of Eden, and forbidden fruit", as well as the reliance on "accurate historical moments through their ancestors' memories".


The writer claims: "Ubisoft have directly copied, and directly and contributorily infringed on the whole of Plaintiff's copyrighted work" with the release of games, guides, comic book series and trailers.

In total he is seeking "damages in an amount not less than $1.05 million", with that sum increasing to $5.25 million if the judge rules in his favour. Beiswenger is also trying to prevent the release of Assassin's Creed III and all related products.


Link to this --> http://www.computera...t-infringement/




I don't know about you guys but, this is utterly ridiclious, i want more proof on his claim. I am REALLY anxious for this game and some guy is like im suing you!!! It really ticks me off, first rock band gets sued, now AC3 are you serious? Tell me what you guys think.

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Holy crap if he stops Assassin's Creed 3 from coming out I'm knocking on his door. And then knocking on his face.


I am with you, my favorite series besides halo and gears of war, and he has the nerve to do this. More evidence please, and why can't he just join in on AC instead of hate on it? Selling out if hes story is true but hey, beats getting only 1 million, and getting hate.

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