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What if: Kill Cams


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With the addition of insta-spawns, what if it's like CoD in that you can either spawn or watch a Kill Cam and see how you died. I think this would be awesome. The way you sometimes get kills and deaths in Halo are the coolest/funniest/mindboggling ones in gaming history. And a Final Kill Cam? Could you image the crazy **** people would be trying to pull off when their team is sitting on 49 kills? Make this happen 343.

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I could be down with this idea. Sometimes I really want to see how I died, and it's a pain trying to circle around the respawn screen trying to find a shot of who killed me or try to figure out where I was killed from. A kill cam would help with that.

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I think that the current system, what I like to call 'Corpse Vision', works better than killcams. If you're paying attention to the game then you'll already know how you died. More importantly, a good player can use 'Corpse Vision' to work out not only where they were being attacked from, but where their attacker is going next if they're moving, or gain more information about enemy forces in their body's area which actually increase their chances of survival when they respawn. Killcams don't really do that.


Final killcam might be a cool idea, though. The game's not continuing, so there's no need to worry about using your body to look around.

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How often do you guys get sniped and not know where it's coming from? You swivel around, find the guy, and then watch where he goes. Explain to me how a kill cam would give you up more than a vapor trail leading right back to you, plus, being able to sit there and watch where you go waiting to respawn.

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  On 4/19/2012 at 11:12 AM, Music said:

I hate the idea, i love in halo how you can snipe people and they never know where you are, but i'm fine with the final kill cam idea.


I never thought about this. If you are not camping, it would be pretty annoying for people to automatically know where you are. This would be a tough decision. I guess in Halo: Reach, when you get killed, your spawn camera slowly rotates into the direction your killer is, even though it doesn't clearly show the exact location. All you have to do is search around as your spawning, and see if you can find him. If it is as simple as that, why not add killcams? It will just be more simple. Getting 1-2 kills and having someone be clear of your location is better than 4-5 deaths before you find your killer.

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  On 4/18/2012 at 8:21 PM, Constantly said:

That's your argument? CoD, the camping game of the century, has kill cams and you're worried about it exploiting your exact location in Halo?


Yes, that's my argument. It's not all about camping, it's about strategically locating other enemies without using killcam. With all these changes making H4 more noob friendly, I think it's important that we keep the essence of Halo. Why are you comparing this to COD? COD is irrelevant.

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  On 4/20/2012 at 1:28 PM, theorix said:

Yes, that's my argument. It's not all about camping, it's about strategically locating other enemies without using killcam. With all these changes making H4 more noob friendly, I think it's important that we keep the essence of Halo. Why are you comparing this to COD? COD is irrelevant.


Because Kill Cams are in CoD? Strategically locating enemies is pretty much as simple as looking forward. People aren't in ghillie suits in Halo. They're pretty much right there in your face, shooting at you. And if they do kill you, chances are they have moved on and are not going to be in the exact same spot. So I could argue that a kill cam would keep people from finding out where they go after killing you, making it tougher to find them. As opposed to sitting there and watching them for 3 seconds after you die.

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