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Forerunner Conflict

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Hello! My name is D3AD1TE and I am here to tell you about the war simulator community that is Forerunner Conflict. What is a war simulator community you ask? In a nutshell, it is a community that simulates the actual feeling of a real war and military-like feeling in the HALO universe. There are two armies, REDD and BLUE, who "battle" every Sunday night at 6PM (EASTERN TIME ZONE) over various maps to gain control of a "war map" that we have created. In a war simulator, each army has a ranking system, and each army also has Battalions and Platoons. The "Wars" (as we call them) use a variety of gametypes, some simple such as SLAYER and CTF, and others more unique and custom-made, but in the end all feel like an actual war setting. ***See bottom of post if you are already in a clan/community.


History of our community:

Our community has been around since the spring of 2005, which means we've been around for ALMOST SEVEN YEARS. Our name has gone through various changes, most notable ones are Red vs. Blue Wars, Allies vs. Axis, Galactic Wars, and Red vs. Blue Retaliation, before finally becoming Forerunner Conflict by the start of Halo 3. Through the years we've gone through many positive changes to make our wars more authentic and fun. Currently, there are approximately 150-200 soldiers and growing fast each day.



This all sounds awesome! How do I join!?

Well first off, you should visit our forum boards, register, and enlist for whichever army you would like (PLEASE REGISTER WITH YOUR ACTUAL GAMERTAG, and please put who you were referred by. In this case, it would be D3AD1TE or the Waypoint Recruiting Topic). Our forums are http://fcwars.net/. But, you can't immediately jump into battle once you enlist! Even in the actual world, all enlisted must go through a BOOT CAMP. Yes, you heard me, BOOT CAMP. This has been the TRADEMARK of our community since the day it was created. All members must go through a BOOT CAMP, in which they will be told the rules, regulations, and will be shown several few military-like tactics that can come in handy in the actual battles or even matchmaking! We also to use BOOT CAMPS to weed out anyone who isn't interested or not taking us seriously. To receive a boot camp, please enlist on the forums and you will be contacted by a drill instructor.


Here are also people you may contact for details:



*Rengade 0f Funk-Drill Instructor








R.E.D.D. Army:

*NecroRogue-Drill Instructor







**You MUST be at least 15 years old to enlist. Special cases will be made for people younger who can prove they are mature enough to be with us.


Our Most Important Rule:


Though our community is a war simulator and we take our roles seriously, our number one focus is about RESPECT and making sure everyone is having fun, because in the end that's why people play video games, to have FUN! If you join, don't hate someone because they are in a different army, our job is to make sure everyone is friendly and having a fun time, while at the same time being competitive! We encourage people to make many new friends.



So if you are looking for a fun, yet military-like competitiveness and new interesting experience over HALO: Reach, PLEASE CONTACT ME (or preferably one of the army leaders) IMMEDIATELY!! I will gladly respond ASAP and answer any questions.




Our Youtube http://www.youtube.c...erunnerconflict


TL:DR: If you're looking to join a large and very unique community that utilizes HALO: Reach custom games to the max with a spice of authentic war-like feeling, then you should enlist in Forerunner Conflict in either REDD or BLUE Army! Feel free to bring your friends as well! Look us up at FCWars.net!




***If you are already in a clan, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LEAVE YOUR CLAN TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY. Like I said, we are a community, not a clan. You can bring your clan as a group into these wars and we will give you a set squad/platoon depending on how many people you have. But again, by no means are we trying to destroy or poach members from your clan. If you are interested in affiliating with us, then by all means contact our Forerunners:



EriRi 1138

Raz Vader-Founder

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