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343 Industries,


In Halo Reach, every map had its own individual axis system that was fixed. When one wanted to make a map that did not align with such axis system, it proved to be quite difficult. For example, when making a race track, the track could only have a flat incline if it lay on either the x or y axis. This led to quite a few tracks that appeared "square." It would be nice if, in upcoming games in the Halo series, axis systems can also be placed upon an object such as a 4 x 2 block. With this small change, the forge world could be greatly improved.



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In Halo on of the biggest things that would never allow me to get board of the game was the forge the tool that i used to make amazing maps that inspired creativity and the thought that their are no limits. One of the things I and many other Halo players would like to see is actually movable objects in Halo 4 forge. In halo reach their were three physics options normal fixed and phased but even when you would select normal physics option it would still be fixed when it would stop moving and when you would play the map in custom games you could not move them with the exception of crates. What made Custom game infection maps in Halo 3 so Addictive was the fact that you could move items in the game and make a barrier with the items by bashing them into positions like doors then the zombie would also move the items and destroy the barrier. One other way that some people used movable items is people would actually use these movable objects, gravity lifts and active camo's to make machines like conveyor belts, manned drop pods, flying elephants, fire places, buttoned doors, elevators, Blimps, vending machines, doors, boats, and some pretty insane traps. Another EXTREMELY complex thought is being able to manipulate gravity and instead of it being just the ground you could have an item have gravity. I know that this theory is very difficult to make and you would also figure out a system so you would always land on your feet.

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I agree with the both of your opinions. For example, Yoyolary, i have always wanted there to be an element of gravity to be controlled, as you mentioned. Also along with what you said about the different physics settings. I however belive that in the game halo 4, it would be nice to see a more classic experience in some ways. Such as bring back past vehicles like the elephant or since the plot is set in the future even including things like portals in the campign but a new type of portal where you can teleport through time and space. Also it'd be nice if you could:

a) Link maps together by portals or a thing of such

B) To be able to set up a map queue where you dont need to change the map everytime but rather, it would cycle through a list or even a "custom playlist" of maps you made that go together and then you can play that way I would be interested in hearing your opinions on this,



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