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Imagine Halo 4 with Prone


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I realize that Halo needs to advance, or improve in every game, but that would be improving the game too high for me. Halo is about the only game without prone, and plain crouch is so much more simple. So far, everything 343i has shown me made me one step forward to dying for this game. Prone would just... Mess it up...

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The two postures already fill both of the game's needs. prone wouldn't serve any purpose if there isn't bloom or recoil.


Standing up gives you movement at the expense of stealth.


Crouching gives you stealth at the expense of movement.


What does prone do that makes it unique?

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In other games where you have aiming down the sights and a greater focus on recoil, accuracy, etc. you need prone for the greater accuracy. Halo does not have "aiming down the sights" in the sense that COD or BF do and does not need prone as a result.

thats a really good point i never thought of that but your right.
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