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Halo 4 Elite and Grunt HD Pics


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They've really taken the Gears of War 3 art style to heart, haven't they? A lot more flesh on display than previously, I wonder how that's gong to work with maps set in vacuum or with blood and injury splatters? Be odd to shoot someone in the arm and for it to leave no obvious wounds, especially wit that much bare skin on display.

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Do not like the pictures. The grunt doesn't look cute like it did in the previous Halo games lol. I can see the elite's skin and it looks UGLY. How are their shield systems supposed to work if they aren't fully covered in armor? I really dislike this.

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Love the elite, it looks more alien and scary than past halo games, and I actually love the new take on the grunt, it's different and i'm SUPER FLACKING EXCITED that these are just one type of elite and grunt, can't wait for different types of elite's like ultras and also, if they've put this much work on a group that isn't even the main enemy, just imagine what the new enemy (whatever that may be) will look like. :D

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  On 4/22/2012 at 1:58 AM, Anonymousnorris said:

The grunt looks awesome, but the elite...meh. I don't like where they've gone with the armor, now it looks less futuristic and more sculpted. Also, I dislike the new skin pattern for the elites, also the foot armor looks rather strange to me :/


The design choice with the Elites probably came from them reverting to a more pre-covenant design. The races of the post war covenant probably have allot more autonomy now so they are doing their own thing.


I just like how the covenant are more ugly, more alien and more badass looking all at the same time.

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