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Razor Buddha

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hello everyone! i am Razor Buddha, Halo fan and enthusiast since 2000 when they showed the trailer for the first game


im a pretty serious gamer, serious in the sense that i play way too much to the dismay of friends and loved ones


i own about a hundred games more or less, i havent counted in awhile


i own all 6 halo games, including halo 1 for my mac


i have all achievements in halo 3, odst, and reach, i would have halo 2 vista but im a mac guy, and i have about 800+ score for halo wars


i enjoy death, destruction, suffering, calamity, and fish documentaries


my name here is the same on xbox live so if anyone wants to play, feel free to send me a message


thats about it, will post more about stuff that is about things soon

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