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The end has come.


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That is a pretty incoherent OP.



Tough question. Honestly, I'd like to see one that is very difficult to manipulate by boosting, so it would probably have to be based on individual skill rather than w/l ratio (like Halo 3). Here's how I think I'd like it to be:


Ranking system based on levels 1-50 that is given base on individual player skill (k/d, medals, and whatnot) and a symbolized ranking system that shows time spent playing the game (credits or exp based). This way, you know that you are in trouble if you see a lv50 Inheritor on the other team. However, the ranking system should only go negative based off of an individual player, to prevent booster accounts. There will still be derankers, but they won't affect things that much. They also shouldn't make it a one step forward two steps back type of thing for the 1-50 ranking system either, which will help against derankers. Also, armor customizations and such should be unlocked based on the symbolized rank, and symbolized rank should also be based off of skill to some level. The better you are, the more you rank up in both rank types.


Ugh, I understand why that might be a good thing, but I hated the performance based rank in the Reach Arena playlist. I disliked how it encouraged kills over team play and winning, and made you feel like you had to keep running around beating your allies to power weapons to get all the kills. And stuff.

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That is a pretty incoherent OP.





Ugh, I understand why that might be a good thing, but I hated the performance based rank in the Reach Arena playlist. I disliked how it encouraged kills over team play and winning, and made you feel like you had to keep running around beating your allies to power weapons to get all the kills. And stuff.

Well the way that they have Halo 4 set up, you do get rewarded for teamwork as well.
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I don't think that us being UNSC will be able to start out with a covenant weapon.


I was wrong. I dont think the plasma pistol is going to track or lock onto vehicles as much as it did in the past. I am sure that after weeks of weapon balancing that 343i will get this right.

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I plan on waiting until the game comes out to see if Halo 4 is the end. Even than, 343i will nerf items and increase the power/damage etc of others as the community interacts more and more in MM. Give 343i a chance, I think they will surprise all of us

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