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John Must Die At The End Of The Reclaimer Trilogy...


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...otherwise the player is left with no satisfaction.



A great man named Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a great series called Sherlock Holmes. After many years of writing the adventures of his iconic character he wrote to his mother saying, "I think of slaying Holmes and winding up for good and all. He takes my mind from better things." His mother responded, "You may do what you deem fit, but the crowds will not take this lightheartedly."


This is absolutely applicable to Halo, Doyle justified the killing-off of Sherlock by saying that the protagonist was at the height of his story in the most important part of his life and once that was over he must be done away with because any story following the same character will be mundane in comparison.


Approaching us now is the Reclaimer Trilogy, we have been told by 343i that they have definite end plans for the series, we have also been told that John faces an "ancient enemy that threatens the entire universe", hyperbole or not this statement clearly shows us that this will be the most dangerous and important thing that John has to go through. This also means that in order for any satisfying conclusion to be reached, John, like Sherlock Homes, the never-enduring hero, has to die.


Let's face it, after this ancient enemy has been defeated and the universe is forever safe, what else is left for John to do? What else is left for a Spartan to do? I don't see any of them being integrated into normal society and settling down with a family after being honorably discharged, with no threat around they cease to have purpose and that brings down the character in the eyes of the player. For a super-soldier bred for a life of warfare to die anywhere other than the battlefield would be an insult, ergo in order for the Reclaimer Trilogy to deliver a truly satisfying ending to the character arc of John, he must die.

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I predict this happening:


The chief comes across the Didacts ship, right? Which is in the middle of an overhaul using both Precursor and Forerunner technology. At one point in Halo 6 he might confront the Didact (maybe Halo 5, I dunno) and find out why Faber/Master Builder was sentenced without fair compromise. If Faber is in fact unaware of the truth.


Somehow, a surprise turn of events will cause John to inevitably inherit control of this elusive ship and eventually escape from war into a new dimension. Becoming a god of sorts.

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I don't think he should die. I mean it will be good story telling/emotional/heartbreaking, but i don't want that to happen. At least let him get back to earth/unsc ship..and we think of what happened to him after that. Unless they make another series which is doubtful would be milking it. These are my opinions though.

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I think that at the end of this trilogy, his own body dies, but his consciousnesses is put into a monitor, or some type of forerunner device, since the forerunners will obviously be interested with him, maybe they take him back and make him some type of god or immortal being?


I'd love to see that happen

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I think they should make it look like he died, but then with a legendary ending, him not be dead but stranded on a very small lonely island of some random planet, just sitting up against a palm tree, sitting in the sand, and it shows the backside of him and the sunset, and he just drinks a beer, and watches the sunset with the camera zooming out and fading away, which lets you decide whether or not he either stayed and died, or was saved by whoever lives on the planet...


This is my imagining of it!!!


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I think that at the end of this trilogy, his own body dies, but his consciousnesses is put into a monitor, or some type of forerunner device, since the forerunners will obviously be interested with him, maybe they take him back and make him some type of god or immortal being?


I'd love to see that happen


I'm pretty sure the Precursors can use a special capsule for John to sleep in eternally, until the enclosure of known universe where he wakes up to write a new path..

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Chief doesn't have to die to end the series. In some ways it's more cliche for the hero to sacrifice themselves at the end of their story arc, rather then live a life afterwards. Maybe the end of the last Halo will finally bring peace in the galaxy allowing Chief to retire. The only thing that the story needs to end with is closure.

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Well, they killed off noble six before we really got to know him, and we never saw his face. I really wish we could get deeper into his back story. With the Chief, if they killed him off, his courage, much like six's will live on throughout the UNSC. I honestly don't think that 343i could possibly kill him without an epic end. Either way, that would be the end of the franchise unless the went to the past like they did in reach (or they just make an anniversary game for each one...)

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Noble Six's death pretty much put a period on how deep the battle of Reach cut into history. If we saw his face, it'd scar our eyes. Pretty gruesome, yet bravely confronted death.


Master Chief shouldn't just be kicked and stabbed. At the least whatever is affecting his humanity should give him peaceful rest.

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Well if Chief has to die, but probally wont like every other game I played, I want him to be Driving a Frigate (Scenario, he has to blow up the planet to save the world) and the frigate has millions of missiles on it and you can just Bomb and blow up the planet, since Chief risks his life all the time saving humanity

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