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halo 4 extras

Spartan IV

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i think that u should be able to use ur knife as a weapon(actually equip it) and then u could do 'exicutions' from the front but still be able to do assassinations... assassinations should be a little bit more realistic and one thing about the spartans u should be able to crush people if u land on them 'cause in halo 2's booklet it says 'you are a 1.5 tone super soldier' and thats alot of weight... if anyone has other ideas for halo 4 post them here... :)

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I would like to be able to modify your assassinations, Like having a list to choose from or a option to select a long assassination (like turning him around headbutt him three times grab his neck and crush him into the ground)

and the option to select a medium (turning him around stabbing a knife in his gut and let him bleed out)

or select a short one (just hold him from behind and stab a knife in his throath)...

or even the option to turn it of because a lot of times I just wanted a quick beat down but instead assassinated the guy causing me to get shot...

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I'd like the option to turn assassinations off just so people will stop complaining about triggering them when they meant to do a beatdown lol


Other than that, I'd like to see some more cosmetics appear in Halo. Maybe more colors for everything. I'd also like to see the return of the black armor, rather than "steel". Oh, and an easier way to make lobbies invite only, or maybe a tutorial for forge and the menu. It'd be nice.

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I actually quite like the sound of this 'Execution' thing. You get a choice of a simple punch to the face or something more drawn out for style points/XP at the risk of getting shot by your opponent's teammates, exactly the same as with assassinations.


It'd only require a tweaking of the current Assassination system as well, so might not even be that code-intensive.


As for collision damage, I'd definitely like to see that. They've said that they want players to feel more like they're wearing all that armour: if I jump and hit something below, be it a Grunt or a Spartan or even a Warthog, I want them to know about it. Preferably from the respawn screen.

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