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343i Court.


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Lately there have been a few silly arguments and fights taking place though out the forum. In court both parties get to state their case and evidence. They are allowed to have a lawyer and eye witnesses. I along with the jury will decide if the offender is guilty or innocent based solely on the evidence. Remember, both parties have to agree to go to court and you will be judged on how professional you sate your case.


I am currently looking for a few members to join the jury. Remember you must have an open mind and look to both sides of the argument and not say someone is innocent because they are your friend. If it is a friend you are allowed not to take place in the final decision.


I am also looking for 2 spy members to collect "dirt" on the cases. In the case a party decides to make their own evidence.


(PM me if you would like to join either one of these positions)


The court is made not to take away from the jobs of the moderators: it is made to help solve opinionated arguments and solve them in a professional manner. I would also like to ask that people do not post unless court is in session.



1. BulletStorm207







1. Agent. A



Court is in session: No



Format: Case: (the reason why you are here)


Evidence: (Your case evidence)




Eye witnesses:


Other information:

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