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Matchmaking Voices?


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In Halo Reach Bungie introduced the firefight voices which were able to be bought and used in firefight gametypes. I thought it'd be nice if you could buy Matchmaking voices and your Spartan would say a few lines in the multiplayer. Like you could unlock Emile's voice and if you would get revenge on an opponent he would say "Paybacks a *****!" I think that would be cool, or if you get Master Chiefs and would assassinate someone he would say "Did you miss me?" I'm not saying that we need this in the game but it would definitely be a neat feature to have.

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As long as they have the option to not include a voice for your character, or only you are the one able to hear it. Otherwise it could easily give away your position.


I guess that's true. But I'm always moving in Halo so it wouldn't matter for me. haha

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