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Ask The Director.

The Director

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how did things get so bad in Mad Max 2 the Road Warrior, when in the first Mad Max there was still law enforcement and Structure?

There was a global war between the first and second movie, and petrol supplies had almost been depleted, making our primary energy source very rare.


What is the square root of Pi?

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What happened to my question? :o

It's an impossible to answer question so I ignored it :3 As I stipulated in the OP :3



Director, do you think i will be a good first lady, and you'll be a good first president?

I'm already being a good first president :D Did you even know that you are already the first lady? xD


Do you kick people who toot with a boot?

Do you like German shepherds?

Yes I do. Those who are "players" in my eyes are despicable people who have no class. There are plenty of women out there who don't want a relationship who are still willing to sleep with a man. To purposefully lie to women who do want a relationship is an act of a being that is no better than a common leech.

If you are talking about the dog, then yes. If you are talking about a German sheep herder, then I've never met one and therefor cannot formulate an opinion on them.

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There was a global war between the first and second movie, and petrol supplies had almost been depleted, making our primary energy source very rare.




Actually that is wrong haha

π has no square root because rhe number is infinite, it has no end thus no square, nor square root! Only an estimate.


I mightve stopped the directors incridible winning run!?

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How many shows are there on the TLC, HBO, Showtime, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, ABC, and History Channel combined?


This includes special shows that might only be in an East/West, etc. version channel.

This does NOT include one episode events OR movies.

This does NOT include shows that aren't currently on air.

A show on more than one channel only counts as 1.


Optional: Name all of the shows.

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Where is your dream vacation?

Somewhere warm. With air conditioning. Where there is never horrible weather (cold weather). Also has to have a great internet connection. :D


Actually that is wrong haha

π has no square root because rhe number is infinite, it has no end thus no square, nor square root! Only an estimate.


I mightve stopped the directors incridible winning run!?

Actually, you can. As long as it's an actual number (irrational or no), you can square root it. The answer I gave is a rounded number. Which means that no matter how long you string pi out, that is still an accurate number for the square root of pi. If the question had been "What is the exact square root of pi" I would have replied that it is impossible to write it out, because it is an irrational and infinite number. However, that's not the case. 1.77245385 is an accurate answer to the question "What's the square root of pi?" because it will not change no matter how long you list pi, because the last number (5) will not change. Ever. The reason for this is because the number after the 5 is a 0. :D



How many shows are there on the TLC, HBO, Showtime, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, ABC, and History Channel combined?


This includes special shows that might only be in an East/West, etc. version channel.

This does NOT include one episode events OR movies.

This does NOT include shows that aren't currently on air.

A show on more than one channel only counts as 1.

Roughly 497, including miniseries, 2- part documentaries, and sports shows. However, if by This does NOT include shows that aren't currently on air. You mean not currently playing, then 7.

Optional: Name all of the shows.

While I would love to list all 497 shows for you (/sarcasm) it would take me all day. And if you wanted me to list what shows are CURRENTLY playing, that information would be inaccurate shortly after I finished this post. So, think I'll pass on that.
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Can you slam a revolving door?

You can slam it INTO someone, but as far as slamming it behind you for dramatic effect, no. As a matter of fact, if you try there is always the possibility of the "door hitting your butt on the way out." xD
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Was there ever a Heroic Edition of a game?

There have been quite a few "Heroic Editions" of various video game series on the market. If you asking about Halo specifically, officially no. There have been "Limited Editions" and "Collectors Editions" but never a company named Heroic Edition. However, the general public (including IGN and other video game news sites) refer to these editions as Heroic Editions. :D
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Somewhere warm. With air conditioning. Where there is never horrible weather (cold weather). Also has to have a great internet connection. :D


Actually, you can. As long as it's an actual number (irrational or no), you can square root it. The answer I gave is a rounded number. Which means that no matter how long you string pi out, that is still an accurate number for the square root of pi. If the question had been "What is the exact square root of pi" I would have replied that it is impossible to write it out, because it is an irrational and infinite number. However, that's not the case. 1.77245385 is an accurate answer to the question "What's the square root of pi?" because it will not change no matter how long you list pi, because the last number (5) will not change. Ever. The reason for this is because the number after the 5 is a 0. :D




Roughly 497, including miniseries, 2- part documentaries, and sports shows. However, if by This does NOT include shows that aren't currently on air. You mean not currently playing, then 7.

While I would love to list all 497 shows for you (/sarcasm) it would take me all day. And if you wanted me to list what shows are CURRENTLY playing, that information would be inaccurate shortly after I finished this post. So, think I'll pass on that.


Dammit, oh well you proved me wrong, worth a try though ;)

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What shape is the sky?

If by sky you mean atmosphere, then it has a semi-spherical shape. I say semi-spherical because high atmosphere tends to be a little iffy, what with clouds, precipitation, and the gravity of our moon. But for the most part it's a sphere.
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Why do you and Dragon betray German :(


(And no I will never let this go)

Couple reasons. 1. It was accidental. 2. It was fun! :D



Is there going to be a Classic Halo gametype in Halo 4?

Not that has been announced, no. There may be in custom games, but if you'll recall "Classic" Halo didn't come out until about a month after Halo Reach itself did. Halo 4 will have more of a Classic Halo feel as you play the normal slayer variants though, not to worry. Jump height, speed, and a lot of things are back to the way we all know and love :D plus sprint. Sprint is going to be default on all players, so I don't know if you will actually be able to remove it or not.
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