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Ask The Director.

The Director

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What is your secret?

I'm a cybernetic organism.



I have a question that I don't know the answer to: How many Forerunners survived the initial Installation blast, 100,000 years ago?

There is no answer to that yet. That may be revealed with the third book in the forerunner series, which is set to be released sometime around the time Halo 4 will be. When that book comes out, we will probably find out. :D
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I'm a cybernetic organism.



There is no answer to that yet. That may be revealed with the third book in the forerunner series, which is set to be released sometime around the time Halo 4 will be. When that book comes out, we will probably find out. :D


Thank you, I was thinking along similar lines. Basically, this "Elite" asked me this question and I could only think of one person to ask. Thanks.

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Is Schrodinger's Cat Dead or Alive?!?!?

Schrodinger actually made this experiment to prove how preposterous certain interpretations of the Uncertainty Principle are. He got a completely sound proof and opaque box. In this box he put a cat and a quite devilish little device. This device has an unstable atom and a can detect when it decays. When it does so it unleashes a poison gas easily able to kill a small mammal such as a cat, especially when there is no circulation. When the cat and this device is placed in the box and sealed off there is no way to detect what is going on in the box. The decay of atoms and subatomic particles is governed by the Uncertainty Principle and is completely random when it does decay. However the rate at which this type of theoretical atom decays is known and after an hour there is a fifty/fifty chance that the atom decayed and didn't decay.


So according to the current idea of quantum physics the atom decayed and is still intact simultaneously. This means that this device activated and did not activate and that the defenseless cat is still alive AND dead at the same time.


However once someone opens the box than one of the two states is chosen and we would either see a non-conflicting alive OR dead cat. No one knows why Schrodinger picked a sort of morbid thought experiment (because no physicists wants to needlessly kill cats, maybe the device can feed the cat so the cat would be a bit peckish or well fed simultaneously instead of dead or alive), but I guess he just wanted to show how weird this new theory could be.

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What is hamburgling?

The word designated to the the theft or larceny of a hamburger, cheeseburger, or burger derivative. In this case, it would mean someone is doing it at the current moment (-ing) rather than having done it previously (-ed).
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I shipped my broken Xbox 360 adapter to a Microsoft place in Texas. When they receive the broken one they will send me a new one. How long until I get the new one?

It depends on the type of shipping they use. I'd expect at least a week, at most a month. Although, on most items it says to expect delivery to be between 4-6 weeks.


Unless you requested and paid for express or overnight delivery, it could take between 2-6 weeks.

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Can you teach me how to dougie?

Why yes, yes I can. With the help of my friend Steve.




Why do some companies say "Ltd.", and others say "Unltd."?

Well, Ltd. means that it's a company that is set up so that it's owners only have a limited amount of liability. Unltd means that the owners have full liability. There are different pros and cons to each. A pro of Ltd is that if you invest heavily in it, you will not lose all your money. A pro of Unltd means that you qualify for more benefits from governments.



But more important of the previous two questions ( ;) ): isn't there any topic about Magic: The Gathering? If not, i'm going to create one

There may be topics in the annuls of the forum related to Magic: The Gathering, however there isn't one specifically dedicated to the card game/video game/show/movie. :D Have fun with your new thread! :D (I suggest limiting all of Magic: The Gathering related discussions to one thread to increase the traffic of the thread and to avoid flooding).
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