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Ask The Director.

The Director

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WWII Question: What are the classes of WWII warships on the American, Japanese, and British sides(if you can't answer them other 2 then just gimme names of the ship)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_War_II_ship_classes There's nearly 100 so I grabbed you a link :) It also has German! :D
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Who was the most infamous hockey player who has worn the number 66?

Easy lol Lemieux.



In the Halo Universe. What is so important about the planetary system Epsilon Eridani?

You mean other than it's the system that contains Reach? :P Humanities strongest military presence outside of Earth? :P
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How do i make the oil in my deepfryer of higher quality without buying new oil?


Money is tight.

Run it through a coffee filter to remove contaminants, clean the fryer, then put the oil back into the fryer and heat it up to remove any germs. There are other ways, but this is the easiest that I know of.
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Run it through a coffee filter to remove contaminants, clean the fryer, then put the oil back into the fryer and heat it up to remove any germs. There are other ways, but this is the easiest that I know of.

Sweet, i will definately get on this tomorrow!

Thank you.

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Before the First Punic War, what is one of the most famous defeat of the Roman army?

Why did they lose?

How is the victory called?

Either Allia or Caudine Forks. In Allia the Celts pretty much just pummeled them and sacked the city. It was called the pillage of Allia or somesuch. In the Caudine Forks, the Romans marched into a trap and were forced to surrender (humiliatingly, may I add) and agree to a peace treaty. The Roman Senate disregarded this though, however the victory was in favor of the Samnites, and was called The Caudine Peace.


Jim Craig. The goalie in the movie Miracle. (Olympic Team of 1980)


Woohoo! Stumped the Director.

Ohhh, I thought you meant in REAL life. Which yeah, you didn't say :3 And Roloson did wear a clover on his helmet >.> In real life >.>
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Who are the most famous famous Generals and Admirals throughout American history

General George Washington (most famous American general EVER), General Wilfred Scott, General Robert Lee, General Ulysses Grant, General Dwight Eisenhower, General Douglas MacArthur, and General George Patton. As far as Admirals goes, Admiral Chester Nimitz, Admiral Grace Hopper, Admiral Hyman Rickover, Admiral David Farraqut, and Admiral Arleigh Burke. :D
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Either Allia or Caudine Forks. In Allia the Celts pretty much just pummeled them and sacked the city. It was called the pillage of Allia or somesuch. In the Caudine Forks, the Romans marched into a trap and were forced to surrender (humiliatingly, may I add) and agree to a peace treaty. The Roman Senate disregarded this though, however the victory was in favor of the Samnites, and was called The Caudine Peace.

Also these battles, but there is one particular defeat, wich cost a lot also for the enemy, a certain king of Epirus and Macedon...

-Same questions-

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Also these battles, but there is one particular defeat, wich cost a lot also for the enemy, a certain king of Epirus and Macedon...

-Same questions-

Oh, when Pyrrhus of Epirus invaded Apulia or when he defended Tarentum? The Romans lost because Pyrrhus had superior cavalry (and elephants! :o) The battle in Apulia was called the battle of Asculum and the battle for Tarentum was called the battle of Heraclea.
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Why does your Display image remind me of a bearded and mustache'd Christian Bale. This has been bothering me for days. Whenever i see your name i think oh there goes Christian Bale. Just back up far away from your computer screen and glance at it quickly. It's him. I am going crazy?


Pic For RefChristian-Bales-beard.jpg

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Why does your Display image remind me of a bearded and mustache'd Christian Bale. This has been bothering me for days. Whenever i see your name i think oh there goes Christian Bale. Just back up far away from your computer screen and glance at it quickly. It's him. I am going crazy?


Pic For RefChristian-Bales-beard.jpg

lmaoooo My display picture is actually The Director from Red vs Blue. Any similarities to Christian Bale are purely coincidental, I'm sure. xD
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