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Ask The Director.

The Director

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HOW THE HELL DID YOU....well, no matter.


Should i stay or should i go?

You should stay :D And I like that song.



If you were an Elite for one day what would you do?



Try to glass as many planets as possible. Just for fun. They don't necessarily have to be inhabited either. :D



​How did you get so cool xD

Well, first I worked out so that I would have a "Hot" body. Then, I got ice inserted into my veins so I was "Cold-Blooded". This made me slightly warm, so I refrigerated myself for 16 hours until I was "cool". :D
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You should stay :D And I like that song.



Try to glass as many planets as possible. Just for fun. They don't necessarily have to be inhabited either. :D



Well, first I worked out so that I would have a "Hot" body. Then, I got ice inserted into my veins so I was "Cold-Blooded". This made me slightly warm, so I refrigerated myself for 16 hours until I was "cool". :D


Oh wow xD

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What were the most famous warships of World War II

The U.S.S. Missouri aka "Old 'Mo" was where the WWII surrender documents (the ones that ended the war) where signed, The German Dreadnought Bismarck which was a source of sheer terror for the British for quite a while in WWII and became the subject of the largest Royal Navy ship hunt in history, The U.S.S. Arizona which was sank at Pearl Harbor and to this day elicits quite a bit of emotion from WWII veterans and is now a war memorial, and the largest battleships ever built the Yamato and Musashi were significant simply because they were the biggest battleships in the water at the time and because of how difficult they were to take down. That's a top five for you, and based heavily on my own opinion.



Why do i think you're getting all off of these answers off Wiki?

Because you don't know how crappy Wikipedia is at giving information. And because you don't believe that I am as smart as I am. Also, you underestimate how much time I've had on my hands in my lifetime.
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The U.S.S. Missouri aka "Old 'Mo" was where the WWII surrender documents (the ones that ended the war) where signed, The German Dreadnought Bismarck which was a source of sheer terror for the British for quite a while in WWII and became the subject of the largest Royal Navy ship hunt in history, The U.S.S. Arizona which was sank at Pearl Harbor and to this day elicits quite a bit of emotion from WWII veterans and is now a war memorial, and the largest battleships ever built the Yamato and Musashi were significant simply because they were the biggest battleships in the water at the time and because of how difficult they were to take down. That's a top five for you, and based heavily on my own opinion.



Because you don't know how crappy Wikipedia is at giving information. And because you don't believe that I am as smart as I am. Also, you underestimate how much time I've had on my hands in my lifetime.

You missed the HMS Hood, and U.S.S. Enterprise. and maybe a few others but you got most of them :good:
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You missed the HMS Hood, and U.S.S. Enterprise. and maybe a few others but you got most of them :good:

I didn't miss either of them lol They are famous, but the other ones were either considered scourges or became War Monuments. I figured that the ship that sank the Hood should be more famous than the Hood itself, and I was also trying to diversify. xD
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Here's one for you....

Three wise men are told to stand in a straight line, one in front of the other. A hat is put on each of their heads. They are told that each of these hats was selected from a group of five hats: two black hats and three white hats. The first man, standing at the front of the line, can’t see either of the men behind him or their hats. The second man, in the middle, can see only the first man and his hat. The last man, at the rear, can see both other men and their hats.


None of the men can see the hat on his own head. They are asked to deduce its color. Some time goes by as the wise men ponder the puzzle in silence. Finally the first one, at the front of the line, makes an announcement: “My hat is white.”


He is correct. How did he come to this conclusion?

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Best Game Youve Ever Played?

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Hours and hours spent into playing that game through multiple times.



Here's one for you....

Three wise men are told to stand in a straight line, one in front of the other. A hat is put on each of their heads. They are told that each of these hats was selected from a group of five hats: two black hats and three white hats. The first man, standing at the front of the line, can’t see either of the men behind him or their hats. The second man, in the middle, can see only the first man and his hat. The last man, at the rear, can see both other men and their hats.


None of the men can see the hat on his own head. They are asked to deduce its color. Some time goes by as the wise men ponder the puzzle in silence. Finally the first one, at the front of the line, makes an announcement: “My hat is white.”


He is correct. How did he come to this conclusion?

If the last man in the line sees two black hats in front of him, he would know his hat is white, and say as much. His silence tells the other two men that at least one of them has a white hat.

With that information, if the middle man sees a black hat in front of him he would know for sure that his hat is white, but if he sees a white hat he can’t say anything. His silence thus tells the first man that his hat is white.




Two men walk into a bar. The first says to the bartender "I'd like some H20." The second man says to the bartender, "I'd like some H20 too." What happens to the second man?

He dies. Very old chemistry joke lol
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By amount of contact i mean both, minimum amounts of times it touched both the other balls and by use of force..

Assuming the balls are the regulation weight of snooker balls, and assuming the force used to strike the balls remains constant, then using N=kgx(m/c2), then they would touch each other at least once (with one ball not touching others excluding the white ball and one ball touching three others excluding the white ball) with appx .06 Newtons.



What is the most advanced technology on a Aircraft Carrier

Well, the most technologically advanced Aircraft Carrier is still under development by the Chinese. They are restoring an old Soviet AC (the Varyag), and are adding new advanced technologies to it. One of these technologies which they have hinted at is a shipwide computer system that will assist with targeting, launching and landing aircraft, and avoiding being targeted (ECM jammer and other countermeasures). This system has also been hinted as to being an Artificial Intelligence as well, making it one of the most advanced AI's in the world at the current moment, and the most advanced technology in place on an aircraft carrier thus far. :D
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Is it possible to live after a nuclear blast hits your town near where you work during your work hours?

It depends on conditions, but yes it is possible.



If you had to eat 1 food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ramen Noodles. lmao
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whats my favorite color?

Red, but you are also partial to black. :D



How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck.


What is the largest Non-Nuclear explosion recorded on Earth?

The Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event was the largest non-nuclear explosion to every happen on Earth (it created the Gulf of Mexico) however the largest explosion on the earth created by a single weapon that was NOT nuclear would be the FOAB, a bomb designed to have the power of a small nuclear device without the radiation fallout. The bomb yields the equivalent of 44 tons of TNT.


The answer you are probably looking for would be the Heglioland explosion, which was when the Royal Navy detonated 6,700 tons of leftover WWII ordinance. However, this would be incorrect, as the actual largest man-made conventional explosion is a test known as "Minor Scale". Minor Scale was when the United States detonated 5,000 tons of ammonium nitrate to test what a small nuclear device could do to military equipment at certain ranges. The explosion itself was non-nuclear however, and greater than Heglioland by the equivalent of half a kiloton of dynamite. :D

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