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Ask The Director.

The Director

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Did you answer all of these questions by using knowledge you already had stored within your head? Or did you use some kind of material such as dictionaries, internet, or people?

If you are asking if I look things up as I'm asked a question, then the answer is no. Unless it's a question that actually needs answered and I need to answer it 100% accurately or someone could end up worse for wear. You'll notice that fzdw stumped me, but only once because after I figured out that I didn't know that I researched everything I possibly could about that topic (pipes, welding, and chemicals relating to such) in case someone asked me a similar question at a later date.


I DO however fact check when someone says that I answered incorrectly, because I don't like answering a question wrong. If I really did answer the question wrong, which has only happened twice, then I say as much. If not, and the person making the claim is mistaken, then I will find a source to prove me right.



Luna approves of the above question! ^_^

Don't be jealous. Not my fault you can't do math. :P lol
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What kind of things Rutger Hauer saw that people could not believe?



And I believe you are asking for his semi-ad libbed dialogue.


Something like:

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to die.


I JUST got done watching this movie too xD I finished it, got on this site, and boom! Blade Runner question! Roflmao

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lol, it's one of the greatest movies of all time.

Another one:

This thing all things devours:

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays king, ruins town,

And beats high mountain down.

......................................................well, ok, it should be really easy, but i really like it.

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lol, it's one of the greatest movies of all time.

Another one:

This thing all things devours:

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays king, ruins town,

And beats high mountain down.

......................................................well, ok, it should be really easy, but i really like it.

Time. lol



What was the most embarrassing and craziest thing that ever happened to Johnny Cash?


I saw this on TV when the interviewed him.

Well, I don't think I've seen that particular interview (considering that his last interview before his death was in 2003), however he's had quite a few embarrassing things happen to him. Let me know if I list the one you are looking for.

1. The Air Force would accept his real name (J.R. Cash, because his parents couldn't agree on a name, only the initials that the name should be) so he had to enlist as John R. Cash

2. His truck overheated and ended up burning down about half of a national forest. The government sued him for the damages, making him the first (and thus far only) person to ever be sued for starting a forest fire.

3. He was attacked by an ostrich while on his farm after he had threatened it.

4. He proposed to June Carter over 30 times before he finally got her to say yes (by doing it on stage).

5. Most people think that Nine Inch Nails covered Hurt, when it was in fact Nine Inch Nails that originally did the song. Johnny Cash covered it after he was asked to, and almost immediately people were talking about how NIN had covered Hurt so soon after Johnny had released it. Johnny tried to curtail these rumors, but NIN (as sort of a practical joke) did their utmost to keep them spreading.


That's pretty much all of the embarrassing things I can think of that don't involve him losing control of his bowels on stage due to excessive amphetamine usage, which I'm fairly certain happened at least once lol If I didn't nail it, go ahead and let me know. Also, could you link the video? :D I am a bit of a Johnny Cash fan, and would like to see it :)

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It was the Ostrich thing, good job.


Did you know that he survived only because the ostrich toe didn't cut through his belt buckle and that his pants kept his guts from spilling out?

Indeed. He was immediately hospitalized and that hospital visit got him addicted to painkillers, which is why he went to the Betty Ford Clinic.
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Is there a way to fix the "Your CD key is invalid." problem in Halo Custom Edition when I try to join a game on Windows 7?


Something besides re-installing, since i have done it twice. It was working fine before...


(My cousin, friend, and I all use my key, so yes, it is a shared key.)


And please, don't hesitate to use any resources available to help a poor soul out. I'm sad that my alternate Halo fun time is butchered.

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1985, but he had a "vision" of it in 1955. And it's Emmett Brown lol AKA "Doc" Brown.


Actually, he invented it in the Far West, if i remember well. You know, the end of the third part, when he reappears with the train modified...

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Actually, he invented it in the Far West, if i remember well. You know, the end of the third part, when he reappears with the train modified...

I do believe you'll find that he traveled back in time and reinvented it in the old west. However, he wouldn't have been able to do that if he hadn't invented it in 1985 first.
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I do believe you'll find that he traveled back in time and reinvented it in the old west. However, he wouldn't have been able to do that if he hadn't invented it in 1985 first.


And this is why i love Back to the Future: paradox. :D


What is a bell that never rings, yet its knell makes the angels sing?

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Who wrote the following poem (One of My favourites):


Away in the west,

The wild birds are flying

In silence to rest;

In leaf and frondage

Where shadows are deep,

They pass to it's bondage

The kingdom of sleep

And watched in their sleeping

By stars in the height,

They rest in your keeping,

Oh, wonderful night

-----------------------------------------Not the full poem of course, waaay to long, but beautiful still-------------------

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