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Ask The Director.

The Director

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  On 10/27/2012 at 11:38 AM, Cry0G3n1c said:

Im sure your use to it, but do you ever get annoyed by all these random questions? lol

Occasionally lol But I get over it. xD



  On 10/27/2012 at 12:08 PM, KING_ARACHNIDIA said:

What type of species in the Halo universe would you be apart from human/spartan?


And why does The arbiter sound like an old man yelling, after he kills Truth, but in halo reach, once you've finished firefight/matchmaking/custom game, the elite sounds like a real monster roaring?

I would be a forerunner. Or a precursor. More than likely a precursor. And he sounds like that because all it is is the actor yelling and them playing with it digitally. :)



  On 10/27/2012 at 3:05 PM, Kayla said:

What did u have for breakfast this morning?

I don't commonly eat breakfast, but you lucked out! I made a sausage and egg sandwich on a sesame seed bun. :) With cheddar cheese.



  On 10/27/2012 at 10:40 PM, Zuko said:

What is the scariest book ever written and/or illustrated?

What is the scariest video game ever made?

What is the scariest movie ever made?

Well this is strictly a matter of opinion, so I'll give my own opinion. :)

1. The Stephen King novel about the evil car. The name escapes me, but I think it's Christine.

2. I would have to go with Doom 3. I am not a big "afraid" kind of guy, but Doom 3 did startle me quite a bit. Which I suppose can be the same as scaring.

3. I'm really not scared by movies that often. I usually see things coming. But when I was a kid, it was the Nightmare on Elm Street ones that kept me up at night (pun xD).



  On 10/27/2012 at 10:48 PM, Kayla said:

Why do people think post count is all that matters on here?

Because people think that they become more respected when they are dedicated than they are when they are normal or trusted members. It's complete bs, but it's part of the mentality of spammers.



  On 10/28/2012 at 12:19 AM, Vitamin PWN said:

who would win in a fight between Ivan Drago from Rocky 4 or Clubber Lang from Rocky 3?

I'd have to go with Ivan. The reason being simply because they made him tougher than Clubber Lang because it was a sequel, and they needed to make it more interesting.



  On 10/28/2012 at 2:30 AM, Lil Dog said:

If Atoms are the tiniest particle in this universe how many atoms are on one hand on a child. Also the head of a adult

Atoms are elements, not particles. Particles are electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. Also, this is an impossible to answer question because they are so small and moving so often that they are impossible to count with current technology. However, for an estimate, a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion in the hand of a child, and 13x that for the head of an adult. Also, I'm sure you meant "in", right? lol



  On 10/28/2012 at 5:22 AM, EGYPTIANGHETTO said:

What is good cheap game that has good visuals, interesting story and a large enough player base currently to find a multiplayer match relatively quickly(optional)? If you can please list a few, I want to buy a new game.

Honestly, I'm more of a single player gamer myself. For that reason, I recommend Nier and Resonance of Fate. :D They both have great visuals and Nier has an AMAZING story. Nier is slow to warm up though, but massively replayable. I recommend a google search for both games for reviews. :) Also, if Nier doesn't work, try Neir. lol
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Why has MLG gone to shiz? It started out with players from the underground who knew what they were doing an talking about to players now that say things like. "I go for the rockets becuase they are good at controlling the map." -No kidding, the rockets kill all lol

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  On 10/28/2012 at 6:42 AM, Ryu Hayabusa said:

What is the smallest particle known to Humans right now?

Photon, because it has no mass. But would it really be a particle then? ;) Or a neutrino, if you'd rather. There is no true definition for size when it comes to particles. There's the SMPP, but even it disagrees with itself on occasion.



  On 10/28/2012 at 1:02 PM, Cry0G3n1c said:

What is your personal opinion in the activist/hackavist group Anonymous?

Honestly, they need some structure. Just a little bit. Because people do bad things while under the guise of Anon, and it's giving the whole idea a bad rep. Also, it's not a group, it's the entirety of people on the internet. I am anon, you are anon. Everyone is anon.



  On 10/28/2012 at 1:56 PM, General Grievous said:

When choosing the name "The Director", was RvB an influence when choosing your name?

Yes, and I would think this would be blatantly obvious by my choice of profile picture and signature. lol



  On 10/28/2012 at 5:58 PM, Simmons said:

Have you played dishonored?

No I haven't.



  On 10/28/2012 at 6:08 PM, Tallgeese said:

Why has MLG gone to shiz? It started out with players from the underground who knew what they were doing an talking about to players now that say things like. "I go for the rockets becuase they are good at controlling the map." -No kidding, the rockets kill all lol

It started going to crap when it became a corporation. Now, instead of thinking about competitive play, they have to think about entertaining competitive play. So they occasionally let people in who are below the bar so that the "old sharks" can eat them on camera, as it were.
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  On 10/29/2012 at 12:29 AM, Tallgeese said:

Gotta love how MLG has become such a joke now...and people who try and find "mlg" groups are such posers lol time to go back to the underground

MLG is now what clans have turned into.


You arrive in a bar with 5 current customers. The bartender is seemingly normal until you draw near. You notice she sits in a wheel-chair. You look to the wall behind her and you see she is a war vet from the recent war. Well, that explains why her legs are missing. You order a drink and look around at the 5 customers. One is on a prosthetic leg while another is missing his ring finger. Yet another is missing an arm. The other two are completely normal. No injuries. You decide to calculate how many human phalanges are present within the room when someone with no injuries walks in. What did you find?


Now assume you can relate to the bartender because you, too, are missing your legs. You do not have a wheelchair/crutches, etc, nor did anyone carry you. You didn't crawl either. How did you get into the bar?

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  On 10/29/2012 at 12:52 AM, Ryu Hayabusa said:

MLG is now what clans have turned into.


You arrive in a bar with 5 current customers. The bartender is seemingly normal until you draw near. You notice she sits in a wheel-chair. You look to the wall behind her and you see she is a war vet from the recent war. Well, that explains why her legs are missing. You order a drink and look around at the 5 customers. One is on a prosthetic leg while another is missing his ring finger. Yet another is missing an arm. The other two are completely normal. No injuries. You decide to calculate how many human phalanges are present within the room when someone with no injuries walks in. What did you find?


Now assume you can relate to the bartender because you, too, are missing your legs. You do not have a wheelchair/crutches, etc, nor did anyone carry you. You didn't crawl either. How did you get into the bar?

Five customers (seven including myself and the guy who walked in), each normal hand and foot having 14 phalanges. So the three uninjured people would have a total of 168 phalanges. There are four other people in the bar, so let's count the phalanges per person.

1. Bartender: Legs missing, 28 phalanges.

2. Prosthetic leg (assuming no other injuries): 42 phalanges.

3. Missing ring finger: 53 phalanges.

4. Missing arm: 42 phalanges.

5. Me: Missing legs 28 phalanges.


So that would be a total of 361 phalanges. 375 if the guy who is "on a prosthetic leg" is simply sitting on it. 319 excluding the guy who walked in, assuming the guy on a prosthetic leg is sitting on it. 305 excluding the guy who walked in assuming the guy on a prosthetic leg is missing a leg.


As to the second part of the question, wheelchairs/crutches/etc. implies walking assistant devices. However, a prosthetic limb does not count as one of these. So I would have to go with "I have prosthetic legs". Or, I'm on a horse.



  On 10/29/2012 at 2:28 AM, SykoWolf said:

What is the impossible question?

There are several. I think you are asking about, "What do women want?" though, because that would be funny.



  On 10/29/2012 at 2:44 AM, Cry0G3n1c said:

What has roots that nobody ever sees, and is taller than trees. Up, up it goes, and yet it never grows?

A mountain. Also, technically this riddle is now false since it's been discovered that mountains do, in fact, grow (e.g. Mt. Everest).
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Due to my units deployment schedule I will be leaving just before Halo 4's release for the rugged tourist hotspot of beauitiful Afghanistan and will miss the first NINE months of the games existance! My question is will I be able to catch up on the Spartan Ops story line upon my return, or will that be a total loss for me. As a true fan of Halo I refuse to even sneak a peak at the story line on Wikipedia until I get home to the solice of my man cave. Thank you for your time, you guys are the best.

SFC OB (11B4P)

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  On 10/29/2012 at 5:12 PM, Cry0G3n1c said:

Ive noticed how knowledgeable your answers are. Do you know all these questions already, or do you use Google?

The only time I look up an answer is if it's a question that someone actually NEEDS answered. And the only reason I look it up is to verify my current knowledge on the subject. You see, I have a lot of time on my hands, and internet access. So I spend my days trying to learn as much as I possibly can. I love quiz shows like Jeopardy and QI (and some of the answers you've seen in this thread came from things I've learned from QI, in fact) and love browsing random pages on wikipedia in my off-time, and verifying their contents. Knowledge is something that I absolutely adore, and I'm as addicted to it as some people are addicted to coffee.



  On 10/30/2012 at 7:58 AM, KING_ARACHNIDIA said:

It is greater than God, it is more evil than satan, poor people have it and rich people need it, and if you eat it you die.

What is it?


What type of food/meal do you hate the most??? (You must have already tried it.)

1. Been asked three times already xD The answer is: "Nothing".

2. I DESPISE brussel sprouts. I don't care how they are cooked, or what seasoning/salad dressing/etc. is on them, I loathe their very existence They are like evil little cabbages, which taste ten times as bad!



  On 10/31/2012 at 1:26 AM, 11B4P said:


Due to my units deployment schedule I will be leaving just before Halo 4's release for the rugged tourist hotspot of beauitiful Afghanistan and will miss the first NINE months of the games existance! My question is will I be able to catch up on the Spartan Ops story line upon my return, or will that be a total loss for me. As a true fan of Halo I refuse to even sneak a peak at the story line on Wikipedia until I get home to the solice of my man cave. Thank you for your time, you guys are the best.

SFC OB (11B4P)

Ah Afghanistan. Beautiful this time of year. Well, sort of. At least it's warm though. Well, during the day...


Anyways, Spartan Ops will be released as DLC, so you will be able to download it upon your return stateside. Just like the Halo 3 and Halo Reach map packs. As far as we know, it's not a "limited time" offer or anything, they will simply be released one by one as DLC. So, as long as you have a gold account, you'll be golden. :D


Remember to zip your bag up all the way while you are over there. Camel spiders and whatnot.



  On 10/31/2012 at 1:30 AM, Kayla said:

@11B4P this aint the place to ask that


@ The Director Whats your favorite drink?

I love the hell out of tea. My tea. As in the kind I make. Screw Lipton, their tea doesn't have crap on mine! :D lol



  On 10/31/2012 at 1:37 AM, Lil Dog said:

What's absolute dogs first name?

I do not give out personal information on other people. Ever, no exceptions.



  On 10/31/2012 at 3:06 AM, BLM Skyrider DX said:

Are u a 343 member that helps with halo 4 if so I don't know this site well but if you are a 343 member I have 178 members in my clan an we all vote for 5 letter or number survice tags if you can help us plz do msg me back by my gamer tag or here on this site ok

I do not work for 343i, and cannot help you here. Although, I'd like to see a five letter/number clantag as well. lol
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